The Alchemists

The Simple Dinner (1)

The Simple Dinner (1)

0Rune was a very easygoing young man. He could adjust well to a new place, and he was not spoiled either, even though he was raised in wealth. He enjoyed sitting in Rose's living room, working and eating his sandwiches.      

After several hours of work, he then stretched and rose to his feet. As it turned out, sitting in Rose's living room was so comfortable that it didn't feel like hours had passed. Rune looked up and looked towards the attic.      

He couldn't see signs of the girl. Maybe she was still taking a nap.     

Gosh, it's been hours. I hope she is fine, Rune thought to himself.     

He suspected that behind her carefree and bubbly personality, Rose was actually hiding something. Ah ... maybe this had something to do with her family. Rune remembered that Rose had looked a little sad when they talked about Rune's siblings.     

Finally, the young man decided not to bother Rose. He would not force his way in, just out of curiosity. He would let Rose opened her heart to him and shared what was in her mind when she felt ready.     

Rune then took his coat and walked out. Earlier, Rose had given him a set of keys so he could go in and out of the loft apartment as he pleased. After all, this place was now his home.      

Before he left the apartment, Rune decided to text Rose to let her know that he was going out. He didn't want the girl to be worried and looking for him later.     

[I am going to do some grocery shopping at the supermarket. I'll be right back.]     

He closed the door and went down the elevator to the lobby of the apartment. After exiting the apartment building, he walked to the left towards the next block to the organic supermarket, which he found from the internet.     

He had decided to cook something for their dinner. He could ask his father for simple recipes and cook something simple but delicious to impress Rose.     

As he was paying at the checkout, Rune's phone vibrated. Apparently, Aleksis called him. The young man immediately picked up the phone and spoke to his sister.     

"What are you doing? So, how is it?" asked Aleksis excitedly. Since her younger brother left her home earlier, Rune had not told updated her with anything, so Aleksis wanted to know.     

"Everything is fine," said Rune. "I've moved into Rose's apartment. She lives in the East Village."     

"That's a nice area," commented Aleksis.     

"Yeah, she said her friend owns the building, so she doesn't have to pay rent," said Rune. "Ahh .. something I have a suspicion that Rose actually came from among the wealthy. Judging from her attitude and appearance and the way she talked about her friends. Is my guess correct?"     

Rune was waiting for a response from his sister, but Aleksis didn't say anything. The young man became curious.     

"Why are you silent? Am I wrong?" Rune asked in amazement.     

"Hmm ... It's up to you, Rune," said Aleksis. "Do you want me to tell you everything I know about Rose or not? I can do it."     

Rune hurriedly shook his head. "Uh ... no, no need. I promised not to investigate her. I don't want to take the risk if later Rose finds out and then gets mad at me."     

"Fine, if that's what you want."     

"Aleksis..." Rune let out a long sigh. "I really like that girl. I don't know why. Have you ever felt this way?"     

He paid for the groceries and walked out of the supermarket carrying vegetables and other foodstuffs in the paper basket.     

At the other end, Aleksis just smiled. She had never experienced such a thing as love at first sight. Her feelings for her now-husband grew after they had spent so much time together. Besides, she had admired him since she was a child.     

So, when they met again, love in her heart grew very quickly. However, it was not love at first sight. She didn't know what it felt like to fall in love with someone immediately before getting to know their personality further.     

But what was clear was that IF what Rune felt for Rose was love, she could understand why her brother made decisions that looked reckless. For example, he immediately decided to move in with the girl he just met.     

Aleksis also experienced the same thing, making drastic decisions out of love. Because of her great love for Alaric, she did many extreme things in her life.     

She asked the man to marry her after dating for only four days. She was also faithful to Alaric and never stopped loving him, even though she thought her husband was dead, and for ten years, she never opened her heart to other men.     

Aleksis never regretted everything she had done for love.     

"Honestly, Rune, I've never had anything like love at first sight, like what you have described. I don't think London had it either. Our father and mother also didn't feel love, at first sight, the way you do. However, we understand how you feel if you love her. So, we will support you. Alaric and I hope your relationship with Rose will go well," said Aleksis, finally.     

"Hmm ... thank you," said Rune. His voice sounded relieved.     

"I only ask for one thing. Please just let me know how you are there. I know you are an adult, and I don't want to interfere in your life, but I'm still your sister, and I'll be worried if you don't tell me," Aleksis added.     

Rune took a deep breath. That was true. He hadn't given any news to his sister since he left their house this morning.     

"I'm sorry. I didn't have time to give you any news. From tomorrow, I will always keep you updated so that you don't have to worry about me," said Rune finally. He had arrived in front of Rose's apartment building and was getting ready to go inside. "Please, don't tell Dad about Rose. I don't want him to find out from other people. I'll tell him later. I'm waiting for the right moment."     

"All right, I'm glad to hear that," said Aleksis before hanging up the phone. "Take care of yourself."     

"Thank you." Rune hung up the phone, then entered the apartment building. It was already evening, and the sky was getting dark.      

When Rune arrived at Rose's apartment unit, he saw the girl had just come down from the loft. Her beautiful face now looked bright again, unlike before when she complained of a headache.     

"How is your headache? Are you feeling better?" asked Rune.     

Rose smiled and nodded. "I feel good after sleeping. Where are you from?"     

"I bought groceries earlier. I decided to cook something simple for you," said Rune.     

"You can't cook," said Rose with a chuckle.     

"I can make simple stuff. If you don't mind trying," said Rune with a laugh.     

He put his groceries on the kitchen counter and brought out organic meats and potatoes and a few other vegetables. "I'll cook a steak that's easy, and it'll give us lots of protein."     

"Hmmm .. ohkay," said Rose as she walked over to the Rune. "Can I help you with anything?"     

"You can peel the potatoes and steam them," said Rune. "It's not difficult, is it?"     

"No. Here, let me wash them first," said Rose, taking the bag of vegetables off the table. She whistled happily while working. It made Rune stunned to see her that way.     

Gosh .. this pretty and graceful girl can whistle too?     

As he watched Rose's tall and slender body from behind, Rune had to admit that this girl could easily disguise herself as a man. A very handsome man.     

If they walk together, Rose, wouldn't look short. Rune predicted she must be around 175 cm tall. He was 185 himself, so they only had a 10 cm difference.     

He compared his brother London who was 26 cm taller than his wife, L. L was half Asian, and she was quite short for a woman.     

Rune often saw London had trouble kissing his wife because he had to lower his neck. To avoid getting a stiff neck, the man would rather pick L up to kiss her. That way, he didn't need to bend too much.     

Ahh ... Rune wouldn't have that problem with Rose .. hehehe. He could easily kiss her.     


He hit his forehead with a spatula to distract his perverted mind.     

Jeez... He was already thinking of kissing Rose? Rune, you're too much.     

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