The Alchemists

The Mysterious Girl

The Mysterious Girl

0"You don't believe me?" asked Rose. "Someday I will dress up as a guy and go out with you. Then we'll flirt with the girls at the bar. We'll see if the girls think I'm a man or a girl ... HAHAHAHA."     

Rune's eyes widened at Rose's words.     

"Gosh ... apparently you're serious," said Rune. "I can't imagine you dressing up as a man."     

"I'm serious," Rose said casually. "I can disguise myself as a man because my body is tall and slim. I can dress like a man well."     

Rune looked at Rose with a pair of astonished eyes. Jeez. This Rose was really something.     

Somehow, he found himself falling even deeper for her. This is really crazy, right? He just met this girl... and now, all of a sudden he had moved in with her, without even knowing who she was.     

Love indeed could make people do crazy things!     

"So .. you often wear men's clothes and you can shoot? It sounds so scary. Do you often use guns?" he asked Rose.     

Rose nodded. "Not very often. I mean .. I've never killed a person or a thug who was trying to harass me. But sometimes my father would take me out on a hunt."     

"Oh .. hunting animals in the forest you mean?"     

"Yes. There is a forest near our house. Father will take me to a hunting event. We only did it to control the animal population."     

Rose's words made Rune wonder where the girl actually lived. At first, he thought this cool girl must live in the city and get used to metropolitan life.     

However, when he heard that she could shoot well and was often invited by her father to hunt, Rune began to suspect that Rosa lived in a rural area.     

Maybe this girl came from a rich family in the countryside and they lived close to the forest. That was why she could participate in hunting activities.     

Ahh, the more he talked to Rose, the more Rune found this girl really cool. However, she actually made Rune quite scared. He felt like Rose was perfect.     

Too perfect, in fact.     

This made him worry that behind her perfection, Rose had a very big flaw.     

That's right. People said that if something is too good to be true, it usually is.     

Unfortunately, Rune had already fallen in love with this beautiful girl. He had never experienced the feeling that was in his chest right now. He was so crazy about her.     

This warm feeling that filled his chest really made him happy. This was something that used to be foreign to him. Ah, only now did Rune understand why his siblings seemed so happy when they fell in love.     

This was inexplicable. There was no Math nor Physics formula that could explain love.     

Why did someone fall in love with A and not with B?      

Rune tried hard to get rid of the ugly thoughts about Rose's shortcomings. He trusted his sister well. Aleksis had been investigating who Rose really was and gave him a green light.     

If Aleksis said that Rose was a good girl, then Rune didn't have to worry about being scammed or deceived. He believed in Rose. For now, he would continue to be patient and wait until finally, Rose would open up to him.     

Didn't she say that he only needed to wait for a month? Okay. It's not a long time.     

Rune's father waited 400 years before he met the woman who could make him fall in love. Alaric waited for 10 years until he was reunited with Alexis. It's a shame if Rune couldn't wait just for one month.     

"You are the most interesting girl I have ever met," said Rune in praise. "I'm not very good at shooting, but I also often hunt deer with my family. If you like, someday I can take you to Romania. My brother-in-law has a house there and he lives near the forest.     

"There are still many wild animals that live there, protected. But the deer population there is growing very rapidly because their life is too good. So, once a year they also hold a hunting event to control the deer population."     

Rose looked interested to hear that. "You said your brother-in-law has a house in Romania? Is he Romanian?"     

Rune shook his head. "No. He's Italian, but he lived in Romania for so long that he considers it like his hometown."     

"Oh, he married your sister. Right? "     

Rune nodded. "That's right."     

"How many siblings do you have?"Asked Rose with interest. Rune raised two fingers. Rose looked very jealous. "Ah ... of course, it's very nice to have many siblings."     

"Are you an only child?" Asked Rune.     

Rose nodded, but then she shook her head. Her countenance suddenly changed and now it showed a forced smile.     

"Sorry ... I am having a headache. I want to rest now. Are you okay on your own? Think of this place like your own home. You can organize your things in the cupboard over there. If you want to eat or drink, there's stuff in the fridge. You can also cook something for lunch if you want. Please use all ingredients in the refrigerator. I'll come down at dinner and we can have dinner together," said Rose, standing up with her coffee cup.     

Runet was stunned to see the girl's face suddenly turn pale. In his heart, he wondered if the talk about siblings had made Rose become uncomfortable.     

"Thank you... for agreeing to do this thing with me... and for trusting me," Rose said suddenly. She turned around and looked at Rune with a tender gaze "I was just playing with you initially, but you quickly agreed to be my fake boyfriend. So I thought, I might as well continue.."     

"Eh ... what? You were just playing?" Rune was dumbfounded when he heard it.     

"What made you decided to quickly accept my request?" asked Rose with a low voice." Are you really in love with me? We've only met one time."     

Rune blinked his eyes several times. He was confused as to how to answer Rose's question. He didn't expect she would ask him so bluntly. How could he admit that he fell in love with her the first time he saw her?     

Rune took a long deep breath, before finally answering honestly. "I'm willing to accept your offer because you managed to make me curious. All my life, I have never met a woman like you and you managed to catch my interest. Right now, I just want to solve the mystery called Rose. I want to know who you really are and what you want out of a fake relationship for the next year."     

Rose looked at Rune with concern. She then smiled with satisfaction. "All right. You will find the answer slowly. And in the meantime, I promise you, we will have fun for a year."     

The girl then turned around and continued her steps toward her room. She then climbed the stairs to the loft and disappeared from Rune's view.     

Rune Schneider decided to stay on the balcony terrace and enjoy his coffee. After finishing his coffee and washing the cup, Rune decided to take out his laptop and work on doing data input for the plants he had documented on Amazon with Lauriel.     

There were thousands of photos on his camera that he already stored on the laptop. Rune worked diligently to enter the data and write down various additional information for each plant that he managed to document.     

When it was already two pm, His stomach began to feel hungry. Rune decided to make a simple lunch with ingredients from the fridge. He then went back to the living room to continue his work while enjoying a sandwich.     

Rose didn't leave her room until nightfall. Rune could only wonder if she really had a headache. Was it something about her family that bothered her?     

Rune felt that behind her cool and happy attitude, Rose seemed to hide something. It was evident from her change of expression when they talked about her family earlier.      




From the author:     

Thank you so so much for your understanding and patience. I am rearranging the chapters and editing them so you can read them nicely by this Sunday. Yeay!!!     

There will be some details about Rose, since I snatched her from my other (unpublished) book. So, we can know who she is and why she wanted a fake boyfriend.     

Please just leave this book be in the meantime.. hahahahaha.      

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.