The Alchemists

Rose Of Medion (3)

Rose Of Medion (3)

0On the way, she met a beautiful girl with long black hair who was also heading for the school building. Ahh... she quickly approached that girl to ask for direction.     

"Excuse me, where's the classroom for History 10?" she asked kindly. "Eh, I'm a new student here, so I don't know anything… My name is Rose Fournier."     

"Oh, I'm Helene Cartier.." The girl looked so feminine and meek. Helene showed a beautiful smile when she stretched out her hand to Rose. "So, you're new here? Where are you from?"     

They shook hands warmly.     

"I am from Medion. I just arrived last night," replied Rose.     

"Oh.. I know that place. Such a beautiful country," Helene said. "I went to the capital last year for holiday. You have great hills and countryside."     

"Thank you." Rose was happy to know her new friend had been to her country. "Can you please show me my class? History 10."     

"Sure, sure. I am sorry. I almost forgot." Helene smiled sheepishly, then pointed to the building to their left. "There it is. We happen to be in the same class. You can come with me .."     

They walked together through the long hallways and into a large classroom of 30 boys and girls wearing the same blue uniform and suit with the emblem of St. John Academy on their left chests.     

The girls wear blue plaid skirts below the knees, while the boys wear blue     


As soon as Rose and Helene arrived, a teacher entered the classroom and started to call their names to fill the attendance list. Rose, who sat next to Helene, was forced to report to the front when her name was not called out from the list.      

"Good morning, Sir .. I am a new student ..." she said when she arrived at the front. "You have to enter my name in the absent list ..."      

"Alright .." The teacher nodded and reopened the list. "Your name is…?"     

"Fournier. Rose Fournier .."     

".... !!!"     

For a moment, Rose thought she heard someone gasping in surprise. She looked back and found Peter Wellington sitting in the middle of the class, gasping, looking at her in disbelief.     

Of course, Peter didn't recognize Rose earlier because she had changed completely, from a strange teenage boy to an extraordinarily beautiful lady. Rose always looked very beautiful when she wore her hair down.     

"Very well .. Please sit down at your seat. Lessons will begin shortly."     

"Thank you, Sir .." Rose replied respectfully.     

During her first day at school, Rose didn't encounter any problems. Throughout the class, she was busy thinking about what kind of mess she would make at this school to get her expelled.     

"Hello, Rose ..." said several girls when class was over. They looked like the high-class girls she often saw at palace parties.     


"Hey, my name is Joan Salisbury ..." said the blonde hair beauty in a sweet voice. She pointed at her buddies to her left and right. "This is Diana Grant, and Lucia Johansson."     

"Hi, I'm Rose Fournier .." Rose replied casually.     

"If I'm not mistaken, Duke Fournier is the cousin of the king of Medion, King Henry Camille. Are you his daughter?"     

"Yes," answered Rose lightly. "What about it?"     

The three of them looked at each other, then smiled at her very sweetly.     

"We're all nobles here. We can be good friends, right?" asked Joan. She looked so pretentious. Rose hated seeing pretentious people the most. She immediately despised Joan and her cronies.     

"Sorry, I'm not interested," she said coldly as she walked past them. Rose then called Helene, who went out the class first and walked away with her.     

"Huh, so cocky.." grumbled the girls behind Rose's back.     

"She seems to only want to hang out with ordinary people ..."     

"She will regret it..."     

Rose and Helene walked towards the dormitory building for lunch. At the big door, she saw Peter Wellington was standing waiting with some of his friends.     

"You didn't say you were a girl ..." scolded Peter.     

Rose smiled slightly. "Who said I was a girl? I just took your advice this morning. You said I would be beautiful if I disguised myself as a girl .."     

Peter was impressed to hear that.     

"Wow ... your disguise is so good ... You can really fool me." The boy mischievously raised his fingers, trying to poke on Rose's chest. "Your breasts look so real!"     

Rose quickly caught his fingers and bent them until Peter squeaked in pain.     

"I'm just kidding, you idiot!" Rose laughed, patting Peter's shoulder after she let go of his hand. "I'm a real girl."     

"I know," Peter replied with a laugh. He was joking too. His mother raised him better than that. He didn't really mean to touch Rose's chest.     

He followed Rose and sat beside her at the nearest dining table.     

"Peter, the boys dining table is over there…" Helene said softly. "If Mr. Steward saw you sit here, he would give you a good scolding…"     

Peter laughed indifferently.     

"At most, I will be punished," he replied.      

However, he still headed back to his table to be with the boys.     

Finally, Rose and Helene could eat in peace. However, when Rose turned her head to the left, she could see at the end of the table, Joan and her friends had sour faces. Especially when Peter sat next to Rose earlier.     

"They are nobles. I think Joan is from an aristocratic family in England. The other two girls are from Sweden and Scotland," said Helene as she poured water into her glass. "I've only been to school here a year, and so far, their attitude towards me is not friendly. You know, they've been friends from the first year, it must be hard to accept new people ..."     

"That's just stupid," commented Rose, "If they don't open up to new people, they would never survive in the outside world. Besides, I personally have no interest in hanging out with them. "     

Helene smiled. "Peter seems to like you. Where did you know each other?"     

"This morning, we met at the stable. He thought I was a boy because I could beat him on a race with our horses."     

Rose didn't mention that this morning she also dressed up as a man.     

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