The Alchemists

Rose Of Medion (4)

Rose Of Medion (4)

0"You are so amazing… I think Peter is the best equestrian athlete in school. He has won many awards…" Helene was amazed to hear that Rose managed to beat Peter in a race. "When did you start learning how to ride a horse?"     

"I don't know exactly. I think since I was very young, I have already been familiar with horses. Usually, on a sunny day like this, Leon and I will ride across the Medion hill. We'll race down, and…" Rose paused, and her spoon accidentally slipped from her hand. She badly missed Leon. Finally, she could only sigh. "I hate this school…"     

"Don't say that… You've only stayed here for a day. Try to like it." Helene patted Rose gently on the shoulder. "We also have a very beautiful hill in the back of our school. If you want, after lunch, we can ride horses there."     

"Rose looked away," I'm sorry ..."     

"It's okay ..."     

Helene kept her words. After lunch, she and Rose rode to the hill behind the school.     

Rose remembered this was the hill she raced to with Peter this morning, but earlier she did not have the chance to see how beautiful the hill was.      

This place looked wonderful and shady because it was full of big lush trees. They also saw many colorful flowers around them. Standing there, admiring the view, felt so peaceful.     

"This .." Rose was so moved that she was at a loss for words. "This is so beautiful."     

"I'd love to come here often, but it's too much trouble to always go out on a horse, "said Helene.     

"I don't mind, "said Rose quietly.     

She cast her glance at her surroundings and admire the hills, the flowers, and even the school buildings down there that look so beautiful and peaceful.     

Actually, this place was not bad, she thought. Unfortunately, she wouldn't be here for too long.     

They went back to school for manners and etiquette lessons. The boys were separated from girls, and Peter complained loudly about this.     

Rose got the impression Peter was a true trouble maker. When she expresses her opinion to Hellen, Rose was shocked to find out that she was wrong.     

"Peter is just joking with all his words. He is actually a good student. He's very smart, and he is also a prefect in this school. "     

Rose hated to admit she was wrong, but she had seen the P badge pinned to Peter's chest.     

So, this annoying guy is a school prefect? Wasn't he supposed to keep the order? Why did he look like one of those rascals?      


Rose decided she wanted to make a little mess that night. It was almost midnight, and the night was so quiet. Everyone must be sleeping in the respective bedrooms now.     

The mischievous girl climbed down from her room, past a large tree from her window. When she got to the ground, the girl crept toward the stable. Her plan to get expelled was to release all the horses in the stable.      

She believed it would be enough for her to get a severe punishment like expulsion.     

Inside the stable, everything was very quiet. Rose felt calm because she could do her job easily. Before opening all the stable doors she went to visit Zii and gave sugar to her.     

"Hello, Zii. Were you being a good horse today? Good… I have some sugar for you."     

She stroked Zii fondly.     

Suddenly there was a sound of feet approaching. From the sound of it, she could tell there was more than one person.     

Ugh.. this is bad!     

Rose couldn't get caught silly before doing anything… What accusations would they throw at her?     

Sneaking up at night and feed the horses with sugar?     

Huh! That would be so insulting… And what more, it was not enough to get her kicked out of the school.     

"Come on in quickly ... I hid the paint here this morning. I know Mr. Steward will search the rooms in the afternoon ..." said a voice that was familiar to Rose. She felt like she had heard this voice before.     

Was it a classmate? What is he doing here at midnight?     

"Haha .. feel my revenge, Madame Ferguson .." said another voice excitedly.     

 Rose peeked from her hiding place and saw three teenage boys were surrounded by some paint cans. They looked really excited about doing something terrible.     

Aha! Rose recognized one of them as a classmate. The curly-haired boy with glasses, as far as she knew, was called Jack.     

"Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Rose suddenly came out from her hiding place and startled them. The three boys jumped in shock. "You are troublemakers, aren't you? What mischief are you planning to do?"     

"Huh .. the new student ..?! What are you doing here?" Jack snapped at Rose.     

"That's none of your business. First, answer my question. Are you guys going to create trouble? "     

"Of course not," replied the one with messy black hair. "We don't want to create any troubles. We just want to give our principal's statue a new hairdo— quietly without a sound—"     

Rose smiled happily when she heard them. "I am coming along. If you kick me out, I'll scream, so everyone will know it's you…"     

"What do you mean? "Jack asked anxiously.     

"I don't need to repeat what I said. You must understand it the first time. You do have brains, right ..?!"     

"I don't know if we can trust you or not..."     

"You have no choice," Rose gestured for them to follow her. "Come on ... I really want to do it now..."     

She walked out sneakily, followed by the three teenage boys with forced steps. They walked carefully, crossing the field to the courtyard where the headmaster statue was located. The moon hid behind the clouds and the atmosphere around them turned completely dark and creepy.     

When she got there, Rose was shocked to see Peter standing in front of the statue, with a faint smile on his lips.     

"Shit.. we are caught by a Prefect," she whispered in panic.     

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