The Alchemists

Who Is Leon?

Who Is Leon?

0Rune observed Rose's face, which looked flushed. The girl muttered something, then snuck her head on the Rune's chest. The action she did unconsciously made Rune's chest pound even harder.     

He had to look away to avoid temptation. Rose's beautiful face looked so alluring. Oh my God .. this is so hard, thought Rune as he swallowed hard.     

He nodded at the elevator attendant, who opened the door for him and pressed the button for the elevator to the ground floor.     

"Should I get a car for you, Sir?" asked the elevator attendant, who didn't know who Rune was. The man shook his head.      

"No need. Our car is waiting in front of the lobby," he replied.     

"Eh?" The attendant was stunned to hear that. No cars were allowed to park in front of the lobby because it would interfere with the flow of traffic in and out of vehicles.     

At most, they could only stop there for five minutes to drop off passengers or pick up guests leaving the hotel. The officer repeatedly glanced at them and tried to pay attention to the two of them.      

He wanted to ask another hotel staff, who was the distinguished guest he was assisting. The man must be someone really important that his car was allowed to be parked in front of this lobby. The attendant was really curious.     

"Come in, Sir," said the driver, who immediately opened the car door for Rune.     

His expression did not change at all when he saw Rune arrive carrying his date. Although the driver had never seen Rune in that situation before, he was used to not getting into his master's business.     

Rune carefully placed Rose's body on the back seat. He came in and sat down, then put the girl's head on his lap.     

"Let's go back to the East Village," said Rune to the driver.     

"Yes, Sir."     

The car immediately went out of the St. Laurent's courtyard and move toward Rose's apartment building in the East Village. Along the way, Rune stroked Rose's hair. It felt so soft in his hand.     

Hmm .. what on earth made Rose so sad today?     



The elevator doors opened, and Rune walked up straight with Rose in his arms. He stopped at the door and struggled with one hand to open the door, carrying the girl.     

"Where are we?" Rose opened one eye as they arrived inside Rose's unit.     

"Sssh .. we are home," said Rune. He was really tempted to kiss Rose. The girl's hair smelled so good, and it filled his nostrils as they were in such close proximity.     

"Hmm ..." Rose nodded and closed her eyes again.     

Rune let out a deep breath. After he closed the door again, the man walked up the stairs to the loft where Rose's room was located. With every step he took toward the room, his chest was pounding harder.     

He had never been up to this room after that one time when Rose invited him to tour this apartment and the girl showed the contents. Ahh .. why did he feel so excited, huh?     

After he arrived at the loft, Rune immediately laid Rose on her bed. As soon as her body touched the bed, Rose's beautiful eyes opened again. This time, she stared right at Rune.     



Uff, please don't look at me like this, Rose, thought Rune. His chest puffed up as if it was filled with hot air to the brim.      

Rose's right hand touched Rune's cheek and rubbed it gently.      

Unconsciously, the man closed his eyes, enjoying the touch of Rose's hand on his face. Ahh .. the girl's hand was so soft, and her touch was extremely gentle.     

When Rune was closing his eyes, Rose, who was drunk and unable to control herself, pulled Rune's face closer, and suddenly their lips met.     

Rune immediately opened his eyes, like a deer in the headlights.     

The kiss from Rose felt so soft and sweet on his lips. Ohh ... Rune had never felt this thumping on his chest before.     

Spontaneously he hugged Rose and returned the kiss. They claimed each other lips passionately, and soon it went into a deep french kiss.     

It felt so, so good. Their breath started panting, and desire engulfed the two humans. Rune badly wanted to undress Rose and entered her, but fortunately, his clear mind still took control. The man knew that if he followed his lust, he would regret this action the next morning.     

He didn't want Rose to be angry with him and think he was taking advantage of her when she was drunk. No. He wouldn't want to risk his chance with her.     

Therefore, with great difficulty, Rune finally broke away from Rose.      

"You're not in your clear mind, Rose ..." Rune whispered. He briefly kissed Rose's lips one more time before reluctantly taking his body away from her. "Later, if you want to do it when you are fully sober, I will be happy to pleasure you .. I will make you satisfied and happy ..."     

Rose seemed not to understand what Rune said. The girl pursed her lips and hit the Rune on the shoulder. "You don't want to kiss me?"     

Her voice was hoarse and sounded sad.     

"You're drunk," whispered Rune. He brushed Rose's hair and gently pushed her shoulders so that she lay on the bed. "You better sleep now. Tomorrow I will make hangover soup for you. Now you must rest..."     

When Rune was about to get up and took the duvet to cover Rose's body, suddenly, his hand was gripped firmly by the girl.     

"Leon ..." Rose's eyes were filled with tears again. "I don't know how I'm going to keep on pretending."     

Rune was stunned at Rose's words just now. He seemed struck by lightning in the middle of the day. Who was this Leon that Rose meant?     

Did Rose love him?     

The man's throat suddenly felt dry, and he even had difficulty swallowing. He remembered that Rose had said that she wanted to make Rune her fake boyfriend to protect someone.     

Was the person she wanted to protect this Leon?     

What happened exactly? What was the relationship between Rose and Leon?     

Finally, Rune decided to find out more from Rose, while the girl was drunk and would tell the truth.     

"Rose Honey, why do you feel like you have to keep pretending?" Rune asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Isn't pretending tiring?"     

Rose pursed her lips and nodded sadly. Tears slowly rolled down her eyes.     

"It's tiring ... and I can't take it anymore," whispered Rose very sadly. "I want to stop loving you. I want to go as far away from you and never have to see you again ..."     

She then buried her face in her hands. The girl then sobbed.     

Rune was stunned to see Rose in that condition. The man really did know what to do. He was now convinced that Rose did have a relationship with this man named Leon. Maybe they broke up, and now Rose had to go away? Or maybe Rose's love was one-sided?     

Rune could only look at Rose, who was sobbing. His mind was in a mess. Rune was in conflict within himself. Should he just investigate who Rose really was and get over this? If he knew what really happened, then he would be able to make an informed decision.     

Rose had been an enigma to him for the past week, and her behavior today was especially bothering Rune.      

It was very difficult for the man to decide how he should handle her if he did not know what made Rose like this.     

"Leon ... I-I will forget about you... sobs... I've decided that I will marry a poor and simple man. Because you know what ...? Wealth and status are not important.... sobs.. They are NOTHING..."     

Rose's words between her sobs stunned Rune.     

What did she say just now? Rose will marry a poor and simple man? Who? Was Rose hanging out with other men aside from Rune?     

Jeez ...     


Wasn't she too young to even think about marriage? And.. what about Rune? Didn't Rose give him a year to be her fake boyfriend? Why was she suddenly talking about marrying someone else now?     

Who was that poor and simple man?     

Rune had been living together with Rose for almost one month now, and it was very pleasant. They could get to know each other, and so far, Rune had never seen her talk to other men.     

Wait, did she mean... Rune?     

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