The Alchemists

Proposal Above New York City

Proposal Above New York City

0The small group hurried up to the roof of the building and found the helicopter Peter booked waiting for them.     

"Come on, get on board..." said Peter as he pulled Helene's hand toward the helicopter.     

The girl looked very excited as she stepped into the helicopter with Peter's help. After Helene got on and sat inside, Peter then got on and sat beside him.     

"Go ahead Rose, now it's your turn to get in," said Peter, holding out his hand. Rose turned to Rune and signaled for the young man to come up too.     

"Come on, Rune. You've never been on a helicopter before, haven't you?" whispered the girl. "Come on up .. It's a free ride for us ... hehehe."     

Rune didn't answer, just smiled. He wouldn't tell Rose that his family owned several helicopters and that his father was very good at flying different planes and helicopters.     

In front of Rose, Rune must always appear as the poorest man in the world.     

He still didn't know the reason why Rose was so adamant about marrying a poor man. However, before Rose changed her mind, Rune must be the man Rose wanted. The poorer, the better.     

After Rose boarded the helicopter, Rune caught up with her, followed by George. The five of them sat across from each other in the back seat of the helicopter.     

Nobody wore a headset to drown out the noise because apparently, this helicopter was the newest type of helicopter without a noise.     

After everyone put on their seatbelt and ready to go, the pilot and copilot immediately took the helicopter into the night sky.     

Soon, the five of them could see the view of New York City at night. The stars in the sky above them and the city lights below them felt as if they were blended together, without any border. It was so beautiful.     

Helene was ecstatic when she saw the city lights below them. She clicked her tongue repeatedly due to her excitement.     

"This is so cool," whispered the girl, squeezing Peter's hand that was holding hers.     

"Do you like it?" asked Peter, smiling.     

"I love it."     

"Ah ... thank God," said Peter with a chuckle. The man then took out a small velvet box from his pocket. "I want to keep doing the things you love and make you happy ... for the rest of my life."     

Helene was astonished to see Peter opening the box and showing a beautiful ring inside. The man raised his head and looked at her with a broad smiling face.      

"Peter .. what is this?" Helene asked in a halting voice. She stared at the ring on Peter's hand and the man's face alternately     

"Helene, Honey ... would you like to spend the rest of your life with me?" asked Peter in a firm voice. "I cannot imagine my life without you in it..."     

"Oh, Peter ...!" Helene pursed her lips, and her beautiful eyes immediately became teary. The girl was deeply moved.      

"Will you marry me?" Peter finally uttered his question.      

Helene nodded vigorously and kissed Peter's lips very affectionately. "I do.... Yes,  I do."     

Rose and Rune, who sat across from Peter and Helene, were forced to look elsewhere so they didn't have to see the couple kissing passionately.     

"Sorry, I couldn't get down on one knee because we are in a helicopter," said Peter in an apologetic tone, after he and Helene let go of their embrace.     

The girl shook her head and kissed him again.     

"It's okay .. this is enough for me," said Helene. She held out her ring finger with a broad smile. Peter immediately then inserted his ring and kissed Helene's hand.      

"Thank you, baby. You have made me the happiest man in the world," said Peter happily. He hugged Helene, kissed her again, and stroked her hair lovingly.     

Rune turned to the couple when he heard Peter's words. Peter said that Helene made him feel like the happiest man in the world. That got Rune thinking.      

Why did all men say the same thing when their women accepted their proposal? How cliche! He thought, why can't those men think of another more original expression?     

Ah .. Rune decided that, someday, when Rose accepted his proposal, Rune will use other expressions. He wanted his proposal to be special!     

"Congratulations, Helene and Peter!! We are so happy too !!!" exclaimed George from beside Peter.     

The man took out a bottle of champagne and a few glasses from the box under his seat. "The champagne has been opened, so we don't need to pop it open here .. hehehe. Let's have a drink to celebrate this special occasion ..."     

George filled one glass after another with champagne and distribute it to his friends.     

"You can't drink," Rune whispered to Rose as he took the glass that George extended to the girl. "No champagne for you, unless you want me to kiss you."     

"Gosh, Rune! It's my best friend's happy day ...! Why can't I celebrate it??" asked Rose in a high voice. She truly regretted giving Rune permission to prevent her from drinking alcohol at all costs.     

She did not expect the man would really take advantage of the situation.     

Helene and Peter laughed at Rose and Rune's interaction. Inwardly, both of them thought that Rune really was a perfect match for Rose, and they hoped that Rose would find a replacement for Leon in him.     

"Come on, Rose .. it's our happy day. Can't you toast for us?" Helene asked teasingly. "Just kiss the man."     

She turned to the Rune and winked. The man blushed when he saw it. Rune was happy because Rose's friends seemed to like him and supported his relationship with the girl.     

"Ugh ... all right," said Rose. Before Rune realized what the girl meant, Rose had kissed his lips quickly, almost like a peck, and grabbed the champagne glass in Rune's hand. "I already kissed you, Sir. Now, let me drink."     

Rose was smart. So, she knew it would be better if she took the initiative to kiss Rune first so that she could control the kiss.     

If she let Rune kiss her ... ha, that man would do it very deeply and passionately, french style. Rose felt embarrassed to be kissed like that in front of her friends.     

Everyone in the helicopter laughed at Rose's antic. Finally, they raised their respective glasses and toasted, congratulating the happy couple.     

"Congratulations, Helene and Peter. May you always be happy, and your marriage will be blessed with lots of cute children," said George, clinking his glass.     

"I'm going to be their godmother," said Rose, smiling broadly.     

They all laughed and congratulated the couple as they flew above New York City. The atmosphere inside the helicopter was very warm and filled with happiness. Rune could see how close Rose was with her friends.     

This made him wonder, I later succeeded in getting Rose to marry him, would he have the heart to make her leave his friends?      

As an Alchemist, Rune and his whole family did not appear too often in public. They also changed their identity in public every 20 years.     

They would always look young, and this would raise a lot of questions from those who met them out there. From what he saw, Rose had a very close relationship with her friends.     

It actually reminded him of his mother's and Uncle Jean's friendship when they were younger. Finland was having a hard time accepting the elixir of immortality to live forever with Caspar because she was asked to leave her friend.     

Fortunately, various events occurred which finally allowed Uncle Jean to stay with Finland as a member of the Alchemist clan. Now, he was already happily married to an Alchemist girl, Marion, and had two children whom they loved to death.     


"Ugh... you took advantage of me!" muttered Rose after they arrived at her apartment again.      

"You told me to use all means to prevent you from drinking and get drunk, and embarrassing yourself. I think I succeeded," said Rune with a smile. "The proof is now you're okay, right?"     

Rose rolled her eyes and hit Rune's chest. "Hmph!"     

They entered the apartment and the door locked from the inside automatically. Rose threw herself on the sofa and closed her eyes. Her head started to feel dizzy.     

She massaged her forehead, trying to get rid of the dizziness, but to no avail.     

"Are you having a headache?" asked Rune suddenly, who was sitting beside her. "Take this."     

He handed her a cup of warm water and a small red pill. Rose didn't immediately take it.     

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