The Alchemists

Can I Sleep Here?

Can I Sleep Here?

0As it turned out, Rune did not need to think long about the answer. He already knew that he really liked Rose. In fact, he suspected that what he had for Rose was love at first sight. It was very rare and special.     

In his 40-year life, he had never been attracted to any woman before. Only to Rose did he feel so strongly attracted, and in a very short time, his feelings for the girl had become very deep.     

If what he was feeling for her was really love, then Rune wouldn't keep score with Rose or think about the pros and cons for him. He loved the girl unconditionally, and he would make her happy.     

And he had a lifetime to wait for her.     

Leon had thrown away such a precious gem like Rose for mere status and power ... that would be his loss.     

If Leon later realized that they were all meaningless compared to Rose, a woman who sincerely loved him when he was a nobody and had nothing ... it would be too late for him, because Rune would take Rose away from him.     

Leon did not deserve Rose.     

"All right .. I understand now," Rune said. He crouched down and hugged Rose's knees. "Rose, honey, I will go with you to Medion and be there with you on Leon's wedding day. You can count on me."     

Rose raised her face and stared at Rune with tears streaming down her cheeks. She could not believe her own hearing. After knowing the truth ... Rune still wanted to accompany her as her fake boyfriend?     

"You ... don't you feel used by me?" the girl asked in a hoarse voice.     

Rune shook his head. "You can use me as much as you like. I don't mind."     

For a moment, Rose did not know what to say. She just silently stared at the handsome man in front of her with a moved expression. Finally, the girl nodded and then lowered her face.     

"Thank you," Rose said softly.      

Rune smiled. He then stood up and ruffled Rose's hair.      

"Come on, now sleep. Tomorrow we will talk again ..." said the young man.     

Rose only watched as Rune began to pull out the sofa next to her and turned it into a bed. Rune then took the pillows and blankets from the compartment under the table, which was used to store them.     

The man carefully tidied his sofa and arranged it into a comfortable bed, ready to sleep on. When he was done, Rune turned to Rose who was still motionless in place.     

"Are you sick?" the man asked attentively.     

Rose shook her head.     

"Then? Why are you so quiet?" Rune asked again. Rose looked down. Her face looked very sad.     

"Can I sleep here?" The girl's question suddenly startled Rune. Rose looked sad as she raised her face and stared at Rune with a pleading look.     

Oof... Rune would gladly accept Rose sleeping with him but he knew himself. As a man, his defense would be weak if he shared a bed with the girl he liked.     

It would be very difficult for him to restrain himself.     

However, of course, Rune could not refuse Rose's request. Ah, the dilemma.      

Was this really how it felt to fall in love? He realized that he would never say no to Rose.     

Whatever Rose wanted from him, Rune would fulfill it without a second thought, including sleeping with her.     

Oh wait, maybe what Rose meant was she wanted to sleep on the sofa, and Rune was told to sleep in her room upstairs?      

Ah, that's right. Rune shouldn't just assume Rose wanted to sleep with him.     

"Do you want to switch rooms?" Rune asked to make sure. He raised his face and stared at the loft. "Your room is so much better."     

Rose shook her head. "No, I want to sleep here with you."     

"Wha .. what did you say?" Rune could barely breathe when he heard Rose's words. Gosh .. did it mean Rose really wanted to sleep with him?     

"I'm very sad today," Rose said again. Tears dripped slowly on her cheeks. "I need a hug."     


Rune swallowed. Hugging Rose while sleeping? Of course, he wanted to. However, he was a normal man and had his sexual needs. Could he handle such temptation all night???     

"Are you sure?" asked the man in a cautious tone. "I don't want you to blame me tomorrow morning when your clear mind returns.. hehehe. I don't want to mess with a girl who has guns and knows how to use them."     

Rose finally chuckled at Rune's joke. She nodded. "I will not blame you. In fact, I will thank you."     

"Hmm .. all right then," Rune said. "All right. I'll take an extra pillow for you."     

With a beaming face, Rune took another pillow from the compartment under the living room table and arranged it on his bed. He then sat on the bed and patted the side next to him. "Come here."     

Rose got up and walked towards Rune. She then sat down next to the man and closed her eyes.      

"Your anti-hangover medicine is very effective, by the way. If you have a medicine that can erase the memory, I want to forget Leon and my past and all that sadness ..." Rose said without opening her eyes. Her voice sounded hoarse and sad.     

Seeing Rose look so miserable, Rune let out a long sigh. In fact, Rune had the medicine she mentioned just now. Rune had learned to make a memory potion from Aldebar and he could make it on his own too. However, he knew Rose didn't mean what she said.     

Falling in love, feeling heartbroken, and dealing with sadness were all part of life. When people were at such a low point, many people would hope they could forget all their sorrows. But, they were not serious about it.     

Because, when people experienced feeling low, then they could appreciate the moments when they felt high. When people experience sadness, then they could appreciate happiness.     

A broken heart would make people appreciate the love and attention of people who loved them sincerely.     

So, when their hearts were healed and a new love came, they would appreciate the past and even the sadness...     

It was a different case if what happened was really very painful and traumatic, just like what was experienced by Vega, Rune's niece. Vega was kidnapped and made to suffer horrible things by the villains who took her away to hurt Alaric.     

Forgetting all the events that happened became the only thing that could ease her suffering. Lauriel gave her the potion to erase her memory for the six years she disappeared from her family.     

Vega case was extreme. Rune felt that what Rose was going through was not that bad at all. Falling in love and feeling heartbroken was part of life. He wanted Rose to be strong by facing her grief bravely, instead of burying it inside her mind.     

"I can't give you the memory potion," Rune said in a low voice. "I hope you don't hate me."     

Rose stared at Rune in astonishment.     

"Eh .. does such a medicine really exist?" the girl asked. "I was just talking nonsense. I thought there was no such thing."     

Rune scratched his head when he heard her. Ahh ... he did not know Rose was not serious.     

"Uhmm .. actually there is, but I think you do not really need it," the man finally said.     

"Really? Are you serious that such medicine does exist and you can make it?  Gosh ... Rune, you can get rich with the things you make. Why don't you patent it and ..."     

"And sell it to the pharmaceutical company to make a lot of money? " Rune asked with a laugh. He shook his head. "I'm not good at managing money. You saw for yourself how I was scammed that I lost all my savings."     

Rose shook her head at the man's words. However, for some reason, in her heart, he felt happy because Rune was not greedy with money. This man seemed so relaxed with money matters and not ambitious.     

He was very different from Leon.     

Ah ... when she remembered that name, Rose became sad again. She tried to forget what had happened and focused her thoughts on the present. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes.     

Rune assumed that Rose was about to end their conversation and rest. Therefore, he let the girl sleep.     

Rose opened one eye and turned to Rune, who was still sitting upright in his place.     

"Don't you need to sleep?" the girl asked. "You said you would hug me."     

"Ehh .. that's right. I'm sorry.  I was thinking of something," said Rune.      

He hurriedly took off his shirt, folded it neatly, and laid it on the table. Then, he laid down and hugged Rose to sleep.     

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