The Alchemists

The Warm Family

The Warm Family

0After lunch, they decided to have a conference call with the children to share the good news. The first ones to come on the line in Virconnect were Alexis and Alaric.     

Then, he also contacted London and L. However, after so many tries, he couldn't reach his youngest son, Rune.     

"This is weird," Caspar said. "I cannot reach Rune. Do you know where he is?"     

When they heard his questions, Alex's and Alaric exchanged glances. Ahh.. Aleksis' father didn't know yet about what Rune had been up to in New York.     

Aleksis cleared her throat and finally told her father that Rune was no longer in New York. The man just left for Medion with Rose the night before.     

"Medion? What is he doing there?" Caspar asked. "Is he there for another adventure or research?"     

Aleksis smiled broadly. "It's neither one of them, father."     

Caspar now noticed there was something different in his daughter's expression. The man could kind of guess that there was something unusual happened related to Rune's visit to Medion.     

"I cannot imagine he would visit a new country for another reason," Caspar furrowed his brows. He turned to his wife. "Do you know anything about this?"     

Finland shrugged. "I have no idea."     

"Are you not going to tell me what he's been up to?" Caspar asked Aleksis. "I know he is already an adult and such, but he is still our son and he should have kept us updated on things."     

"I agree, father," said Aleksis with a smile. "However, I think when the time comes, he will come to you and share everything."     

"Hmm.. okay." Caspar trusted his children and didn't press on the matter.     

"Okay then, I understand," he said understandingly. "I will send him a message so he will call me once he is not too busy."     

"Yes, I am sure he will get back to you as soon as he can," said Aleksis. She narrowed her eyes and looked at her father with curiosity. "You haven't had a conference call with us in a long time. Today must be a special day."     

"It is," Caspar nodded with a smile. "You are right."     

"So, is anything the matter? You told me that you have really big news," said Alexis. "Did something happen back home?"     

  Caspar and Finland looked at each other, and both had that mysterious smile on their faces. Caspar looked especially excited, while Finland looked sheepish.     

She tugged on his shirt and motioned him to share their big news with their children. Caspar nodded. He let out a long sigh and then smiled so wide, that his jaw hurt.     

"Okay, so today, your mother and I invited you to talk to share this really wonderful news. We just found out this morning that your mother is expecting." Finally, he dropped the bomb.     

"What? Father are you serious?" London was the first to realize that he would have a baby sibling soon. His eyes went so round as he stared at his mother.     

"I am serious," said Caspar proudly.     

"Congratulations, mother." Aleksis finally found her voice and she smiled happily toward her mother. Even the cold and reclusive Alaric looked happy too.     

This was such wonderful news.     

"Our family is blessed," Aleksis said. "You will have a new baby, and London too. Plus, my father-in-law will finally get married.     

"Yes, we are truly blessed," Caspar agreed. "We will have a spring baby, while London will have a winter baby. Lauriel will get married in between."     

Things were really looking good for his family.     

Finland was relieved to know that none of her children seemed to think that her being pregnant at the age of 70 was weird. Even L congratulated her and talked about the great time they would be having together as new mothers again.     

"I actually felt so happy that you are going through the same thing I am going through now," L admitted. "The last time I was pregnant and took care of a baby was 15 years ago. I don't know if I'll be ready to raise another... but sharing this journey with you, I feel relieved."     

"Oh... L. Thank you so much for saying that," Finland pressed her lips, feeling moved. "Now, I feel so much better. I have been thinking that you will find it weird to be having a baby while your mother-in-law is the same. Hahaha... You have no idea, how much your words mean to me."     

Aleksis and L chuckled when they saw her relieved expression. Aleksis quickly calm her mother down. "Mom, nobody is judging you. I am sure everyone is very happy for you. I understand that being with Dad for decades after the kids have left the house can feel empty and lonely. I hope this new baby will give you something to keep your hands full and fulfilled."     

"Are you not embarrassed to have a much much younger sibling?" Finland asked with hesitation. "I don't know how you all can be so relaxed about it, but I'm very happy that you are."     

"Of course, not," Aleksis laughed. "Age is just a number and it's true for our people. My husband and I are almost a century apart and it's okay. I think, my youngest sibling will only be a kid for a short time. In a blink of an eye, they would grow into adults. Twenty years will pass without you realizing it. And when that time comes, we will all be adults."      

Finland sighed. Aleksis was right. She always thought her children grew up too fast. She hoped she could cherish her time with this little one and enjoy their presence more before they too leave the nest like the children before them.     

Caspar glanced at Finland and smiled as if saying 'I told you'.     

His wife only pinched him. She looked relieved and happier. She finally could enjoy her pregnancy completely.     

"I think, soon Rune will also have good news for us," Aleksis cleared her throat before they ended the conversation. "I will not violate his trust by spilling the beans now. However, I can give a hint that we all can expect him to come home with good news."     

"What good news do you mean?" Finland was curious. Rune was her youngest baby, before this little one popped out. So, she was very interested to know whatever was going on with him.     

"I'll let him tell you about it personally. I will not spoil his surprise," Aleksis shook her head. "I know Mom and Dad can trust him. He is doing something for his happiness. Just support him and wait for him to share it when the time comes."     

"Gosh.. you're driving me crazy! If you don't want to let me know what's going on, why did you even open the conversation?" Finland pursed her lips. "You shouldn't have done it, Aleksis."     

"Oh my God.. hahahahaa.. I'm so, sorry, Mom. I guess, I was just too excited. Please, don't force me to open his secret.. ahahahaha," Aleksis covered her face with two hands and laughed sheepishly. "Gosh, I feel so bad for being a gossipy older sister. Well.. just try to call him and ask where he is, what he is doing, who he is with.. and et cetera. I am sure he wouldn't lie to you."     

Finland narrowed her eyes and her forehead creased. She turned to her husband. "We should do that."     

Caspar shook his head. "Hmm.. I think we should let him be. I think he is in love and is going to Medion to be with the girl."     

"What? How did you know?" Aleksis lowered her hands and stared at her father with great interest. "I never mentioned any potential romantic interest."     

"You just did," Caspar smiled broadly. He ruffled his wife's hair and whispered dotingly, "Let's not worry about that boy. He can take care of himself well. Let's just think about our little bun."     

"Oh...." Now that her husband mentioned it, Finland realized that it was about time for Rune to finally open his heart to love.      

She slowly felt warmth creeping in her heart. Ahh.. even her youngest son was now going to find a woman to anchor his heart.      

She really hoped Rune would find a good woman to share his life with.     




From the author:     

Gosh, February almost ends. I am working hard to update the remaining chapters and hopefully, by March 1, I can publish daily again for this book.     

I really want to see Rune's story to the end as he finds love with Rose. I will throw in some sweet chapters between Lauriel and Rosalien after they got married.     

Do you want to see Lauriel have children with her? I mean, he never experienced raising his sons. He only met them 100 years too late.     

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