The Alchemists

Attending The Royal Gala

Attending The Royal Gala

0"What? So, they met on an online dating app?" JM couldn't believe her hearing. "How is that possible?"     

Terry shrugged. "It's hard to believe, but do you think he would lie about such a thing? No, right?"     

JM furrowed her brows, looking confused. "Rose is not the type of girl that needs help to get a boyfriend, don't you think?"     

"I agree..." Terry shook his head. All his brothers were confusing him. Why couldn't they just get into an easy relationship? And what's more... they all had to pretend to be someone they were not. Wasn't it tiring?     

"I am curious to know why Rune pretend to be poor," he commented. "If you noticed his outfit earlier today, it looked like he intentionally appeared like someone from the lower class. I am actually surprised and impressed that Rose is willing to accept him, being the wealthy aristocratic girl that she is."     

"I am surprised too," JM agreed. "I think Rose is a really special woman that she doesn't care if she is dating someone wealthy or poor. It's actually very commendable."     

"Hmmm... I still think there is something terribly wrong with it." Terry was not that optimistic about things because he had witnessed many relationships turned sour and how people were not always as nice as they made people think about them.     

"Just hope Uncle Rune will be happy with Rose," JM said. "I actually like seeing them today. They look so good together."     

"Well.. they do look good together." Terry had nothing bad to say about it. He agreed.     

Rune and Rose actually looked quite similar. Both had blond hair, quite long, and they seem to have the same taste in clothing. Rose just wore expensive outfits, while Rune had cheaper ones.     

He wondered if the Schneiders already knew that their youngest son was now in love with someone.     


The car stopped in front of a massive courtyard and Mr. Rolland quickly opened the car door for Rune and Rose. Rune got out first and then helped Rose out with her dress and high heels.     

The royal gala held by the royal family was meant to be private and they only invited very select aristocratic families in the capital and high-level government officials and their families.     

Since Princess Anne would become the queen after she married Leon and he ascended the throne to replace King Henry Camille, those important people need to get to know her personally. It was such an important occasion.     

Leon was introduced in a similar manner to the aristocrat families and the high officials in Moravia several months back before his engagement to Anne was officially announced.     

Both countries seemed to welcome the union with open hearts and the people were excited about the possibilities and opportunities arising from it.     

Probably, the whole world was rejoicing together with the happy couple.     

Only one person was feeling the opposite of joy and she was standing gracefully beside Rune, expertly faking a sweet smile when she saw the royal staff came and welcome them.     

"Good evening, Lady Rose. You look lovely tonight. Please follow me," said an efficient female staff with a respectful smile. She motioned Rose to follow her walk up the marble stairs.      

Rose turned to Rune and gave her hand for him to hold. The man quickly understood and held her hand. He almost felt nervous. He hadn't attended any formal events this caliber in years.     

In fact, if he could remember, the last real formal event he attended that was worthy of wearing a tuxedo was the Virconnect 4th anniversary where he and London were invited by Alaric to attend, together with Aleksis.      

That was the moment where Alaric introduced his wife and children to the whole world. The event was very prestigious and formal.     

All the wealthiest and most elite people were among the attendance. It was almost as exclusive as the annual Ritz Gala.     

Now, this one was a royal event. It couldn't get any more formal than this one. Rune hated formal events and tried to avoid them as much as possible.     

However, since his presence was needed by the woman he loved, he set aside his discomfort and act as naturally as possible.      

Rose noticed his uneasiness and thought Rune was feeling intimidated because they were surrounded by the rich and famous in the Medion's capital.      

"Are you okay?" She asked him gently. "Please hang on.. just half an hour for the pleasantries.. After that, we can just hide or sneak out."     

"I am fine," Rune squeezed her hand softly. "I am just not used to attending such high-class events. I hope I won't make any mistakes."     

"You're doing great. The rest, you can just follow me." Rose smiled and touched his cheek with her other hand.     

Reporters were very interested in the newly arrived couple. Even though they were not allowed to enter the royal palace courtyard, many were equipped with telelens cameras that could take clear pictures from hundreds of meters away.     

When they saw Rose and Rune walked holding hands up the royal palace stairs, they quickly snapped many pictures and live reported from the venue.     

Many people already read the news about the incident in Old Town earlier that day and were wondering if the allegations were true.     

"If Lady Rose Fournier was really in love with her half-brother, as alleged by Lady Sarah, don't you think she wouldn't show her face in her brother's engagement party?" someone asked the question when they saw the couple entering the palace entrance.     

"This is not an engagement party. Prince Leon and Princess Anne are already engaged," replied the other.     

"Ah, you know what I mean. Even though they were already engaged formally in Moravia, this is the first time that Princess Anne came to Medion, and the event tonight is meant to introduce her to the public as his fiancee. So, we can just call it their engagement party in Medion."     

"Ah.. you are right. So, do you think the gossip is accurate, or is it just a lie, spread by some people to drive a wedge between the two families?"     

"Hmm.. I am not sure. But I will side with Lady Rose on this matter. Look, she comes to the engagement party, and most likely she will also come to the wedding. If she did have any inappropriate feelings toward the prince, she wouldn't dare come at all. What do you think?"     

"I don't know what to think. Let's not make any assumptions. We should wait until the press conference. I believe the palace will hold the press conference one day before the wedding. We can ask whatever we want during the conference."     

So many people were discussing the gossips regarding Rose and Leon, and which Duchess wore the best dress or had the most diamonds.     

People enjoyed the entertainment provided by the media from the start of the royal ball, until late at night.     

"Please have a seat, Your Grace. The king and queen will arrive shortly," said the royal staff, after she guided Rose and Rune to their table in one of the most coveted sections. It was right next to the table where the monarchs would sit.     

Rune could see that the Fourniers were really close to the king, not just because they raised the future king, but Duke Fournier was King Henry's dearest cousin.     

"Where are your parents?" Rune asked. He looked around them, trying to locate the Duke and Duchess. He thought they should have been at their tables.     

"They probably went to see the king and talk," Rose shrugged. "Let's sit. I feel like I need a drink. Something strong preferably."     

She waved and smiled sweetly to one of the royal staff and made a motion that she needed a drink.     

A female staff quickly came with a tray filled with several choices of drinks. She took one cocktail and started enjoying it without caring about other people around them.     

Rune took another cocktail and sat to accompany Rose. He thought the palace was really beautiful and every single corner looked like a work of art.     

There were many wealthy-looking people sitting or standing around them, and more came through the door as time went by.     

So, this was how Medion's high society looked like, he thought. There were quite a few young people attending the event too. They all dressed to the nine.     

Rune felt lucky that he made the right choice by wearing his expensive tuxedo.     

Poor people would stand out like a sore thumb among these very wealthy people. He didn't want to embarrass Rose after what happened earlier today.     

She didn't need the extra stress.     

"Rose, welcome! We are so happy to have you tonight," A middle-aged woman with a velvet blue dress called Rose with a smile on her face. She was followed by a girl with an annoying smirk on her face.     

Rune remembered the girl was called Lisa Bisset, one of the girls who were accompanying Princess Anne in Old Town. Why did she approach Rose? Did they have a bad intention?     

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