The Alchemists

Rune Schneider Of The Schneider Group

Rune Schneider Of The Schneider Group

0The event went well and festive. The Medion's creme de la creme were present in the ballroom.     

They all made use of the time to catch up and discuss the topics that only the people of the high society would discuss: the country's economy, politics, security, and the potentials in the future.     

Rose did her best to look interested so the guests wouldn't think she was forced to come. Rune commended her acting skills.     

She met all the ladies who came to their table and she asked about their children or their charity foundations, etc.     

Most of the older generation seemed to adore her. They watched her grow up and knew how sweet she was.     

Rune was happy to know that only a few bad apples who treated Rose badly, like Lisa and Sarah, and it was because they were just jealous bitches. It was totally not Rose's fault.     

"When will you hold your exhibition?" Lady Lauder asked Rose while they were talking over at the Fournier's table. "Your mother told me you are a very talented painter."     

"Oh.. I don't know yet," Rose smiled sweetly. "I need to have at least 20 paintings ready before I can have an exhibition. It's still a long way to go for me."     

"Well.. you know who owns the biggest art galleries in Medion and throughout Europe, if you ever decided on showing us your beautiful artworks," Lady Lauder said with a wink.     

"Ahahaha.. definitely, Your Grace," Rose's eyes twinkled when she heard the lady's sweet words. "I really appreciate it."     

"Don't mention it. Just work well, and create your best art," said Lady Lauder again.     

"I will. Thank you so much!"     

They talked a little bit more about arts and Rune could see Rose's expression turned brighter and happy.     

She finally felt better and it even looked like she was slowing down on her cocktail, much to Rune's relief.     


The journey home was quiet. Rose closed her eyes in her seat and tried to get rid of the headache from drinking too much.     

She was grateful to have Rune by her side, to stop her from doing embarrassing things while she was tipsy.     

She couldn't remember exactly what happened throughout the event. She only had flashes of memory in her brain from the royal gala.     

She met and talked with several nice ladies, got into argument with her old schoolmates, and finally was formally introduced to Princess Anne and her parents.     

The king and queen of Moravia had just become the monarchs for three years after the old king, Gustave Hanenberg, passed away due to a heart condition.     

They were never prepared to rule because in the past the king had appointed his son, and later grandsons to be the heir to the throne.     

The king's only son died in an accident and Prince Heinrich, the only grandson born to the male descendant was appointed to be the crown prince.     

Unfortunately, the young prince died of a heart attack a few years later. So, the court finally appointed the only male descendant left to replace him as the crown prince, even though the man was not born from the male lineage.     

His mother was the old king's youngest daughter and he was said to be born out of wedlock, something that the royal family was reluctant to accept.     

However, they were desperate for a male heir, since the kingdom insisted on using the centuries-old principles, that only male descendants and his male heirs could inherit the throne.     

When Moravia accepted heirs from the female lineage, the way was finally opened for the female descendants to be considered for the throne too.     

When Prince Renald Hanenberg, the last crown prince suddenly made an announcement that he was no longer interested in power and wanted to step down, at the same time breaking all ties with the dynasty, the royal family was truly in shambles.     

They finally realized that the time had truly changed and they had to accept females to inherit the throne.     

That's why Anne's mother, who was the old king's daughter, was offered the position as the queen and her husband would serve as the king.     

This effectively turned their lives around. Now, Anne was no longer just a mere aristocrat but she was the next in line to the Moravian throne.     

However, after she was betrothed to Leon and would soon get married to him, the two families had been considering uniting their families into one, and their kingdoms too.     

They would share the power together and their kingdoms would be more influential in Europe. This arranged marriage would bring a lot of benefits for many people.     

From Anne's expression earlier today, when she was introduced to Duke and Duchess Fournier, Rose could tell that the princess was head over heels for Leon.     

Couldn't blame her, of course, since she was a normal woman. Leon had his charms. He was devilishly good-looking with a high IQ and a calm demeanor.     

Many women around Rose liked Leon too since they were younger, and so they vented their hatred to Rose for getting the man that they fancied.     

Now, they took it as an opportunity to mock Rose and threw shades on her after she failed to keep the man. They laughed over her suffering.     

Fortunately, Rose was a strong woman. She could take any accusations and insults like a lady that she was. She always held her head high and showed them that she was unaffected.     

She smiled sweetly and treated Anne well when their two families came together and talked. She introduced Rune as her boyfriend and did it so naturally.     

Rune also did his part well. He already promised Rose that he would make people believe that they were a couple who were in love with each other, without needing to show public display of affection and he kept his word.     

The night finally ended well, and now here they were, on the way home, in the backseat of her family's luxury car.     

"We're here. Wake up, Rose." Rune tapped Rose's shoulder gently and woke her up.     

He thought the girl fell asleep because she closed her eyes and her breathing looked very soft.     

Rose opened her eyes and smiled wearily. She looked so tired. Rune understood that she must be feeling fatigued. Pretending was tiring.     

"I wasn't asleep," she said with a soft voice. "I am just tired."     

"Hmm.. I can see that," Rune responded. He got out of the car and waited for Rose by the door. He reached out his hand to help her get up. "Do you want me to carry you upstairs?"     

"Would you do that?" Rose asked him with a faint smile. The man nodded. Rose shrugged. "Sure, why not?"     

She got out of the car and held Rune's hand. The man swiftly scooped her up and carried her in his arms.     

"Thank you, Mr. Roland. I will take Rose from here," said Rune politely to their driver.     

The middle-aged man nodded with a smile.     

"Good night, Sir." He touched the tip of his hat. "Good night, Your Grace."     

"Good night, Mr. Roland. Thank you for tonight," said Rose. She wrapped her arms around Rune's neck and closed her eyes.     

Rune walked with Rose in his arms. Nobody said a word. He opened Rose's door with one hand and walked inside her beautiful bedroom.     

"Sleep well, Rose," he said after he carefully placed her in bed.     

"Thank you, Rune," Rose nodded with a smile.     

"You're welcome."     

"You should get some rest too," said Rose and she waved at him.     

"Thanks." Rune smiled and turned around. He walked out of her chamber and closed the door behind him.     

The night went by peacefully.     


Rose woke up late the next day. She was having a hard time sleeping with everything that happened and she finally could close her eyes and slept at 4 am.     

She got up and freshen up to go downstairs for breakfast. Both her eyes had dark circles around them that made her look like a panda. Rune thought she looked cute.     

"Good morning," Rune opened a chair for her. "I have been talking with your parents about things to do in Bacilia today."     

"Oh, you have?" Rose sat on her chair and got her napkin ready. "Thanks."     

Rune went back to his chair and offered to pour tea for Rose. The girl nodded and gave him her cup.     

"You seem like you didn't sleep well last night," Duchess Fournier commented.     

"I am fine, Mother." Rose shook her head. "Don't worry about me."     

Duke Fournier who was reading the news on his tablet suddenly furrowed his brows and turned to Rune with a questioning look.      

"Your name is Rune Schneider, right?" He asked him.     

Rune nodded. "Yes, Sir."     

"Are you related to the Schneider of the Schneider Group?" The duke asked again.     

Rune had explained to them yesterday that he only shared the same last name with that family and was not part of them, so he was surprised to receive the same question this morning.     

"No... why did you ask?" he asked the man, feeling confused. "Is there something wrong?"     

Duke Fournier sighed and showed his tablet. "Some reporters wrote an article about Rose and they said she is dating Rune Schneider of the Schneider Group."     

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