The Alchemists

Let's Continue Our Agreement

Let's Continue Our Agreement

0"Did you use this pickup line on any other girls?" Rose finally found her voice.     

"What pickup line?" Rune shook his head in confusion.     

"The thing about never feel attracted to other girls but fall in love at first sight with me... It's a good pickup line, you know," Rose explained.     

Rune laughed when he heard her words. "No.. no... I don't have pickup lines. I was never interested in any women to learn how to pick up girls. I only said those words to you."     

Rose batted her eyes as she stared at the man. It was hard to believe that a man like Rune never had a girlfriend before.     

And he even said that he was never interested in a woman before he met Rose?     

Wouldn't this make him too good to be true?     

After her past experience with Leon, she didn't really believe in true love or even love at first sight.     

However, this man before her said those things like it was real.     

Was there really love at first sight?     

Rose had never known anyone who experienced such a thing. So, hearing from Rune about him falling  in love with her at first sight, Rose felt flattered but also confused.      

What if it was not really love? How did he know? He said with his own words that he was never in love. So, how did he know that this one is love?     

'Gosh, why am I even thinking about it?' Rose thought to herself.     

She was not in love with Rune. At least not yet. So, whether he was in love with her or not, it shouldn't really matter, should it?     

"Rose, what I feel for you is my own business. You don't have to feel pressured to return my feelings," Rune said, as if reading Rose's mind. "I am happy being around you and I enjoy everything that we do together. You don't owe me to love me back."     

Rose swallowed.     

"Can you read minds??" She blurted.     

How did this guy know what she was thinking? Rose was very impressed.     

"Noo.. hahahaha.. I wish I can read minds," Rune laughed out loud when he heard her. "I would have made a lot of money if I could do that."     

"But you are not interested in money," Rose smiled.     

"Hm... that's true," Rune nodded. "So, did I just read your mind?"     

Rose nodded sheepishly. "You did."     

"So, what do you think?" Rune asked her again. "Now that you know who I am, what should we do about our agreement? I have told you how I feel from the beginning. Who I am now and before is not relevant."     

Rose took a deep breath. She looked straight at Rune when she finally replied. "I want to thank you for staying by my side throughout this shitty situation. I have no words to describe how I am grateful for your presence and your patience..."     

Rune was surprised to hear Rose's words. He didn't expect her to be so grateful.      

Rose was really a good lady who was raised in perfect manners. She knew how to appreciate other people.     

Now, whatever feeling that Rune had for her, had multiplied because of how Rose responded to everything today.     

She was not angry because Rune hid his identity and 'schemed' her to stay by her side. She wasn't feeling entitled and wasn't acting like a wronged person.     

She also knew how to be grateful and was not ashamed of showing it.      

Somehow, slowly Rune realized why he could fall in love with this girl. It was her personality and her attitude.     

The physical attraction that he called 'love at first sight' wouldn't last if Rose wasn't an interesting person and she didn't have a great personality.     

The more they spent time together, the more Rune could see all sides of Rose that made her who she was, and he loved her for her.     

"Thank you for saying that, Rose," Rune smiled broadly. "I really appreciate it. It makes everything that I do for you worth it."     

"So... with that said... I hope we can continue our agreement," Rose added. "There is no one in the world that I trust more than you to carry out this role, as my fake boyfriend. You are doing it so, so well."     

"Thank you for confirming that, Rose sweetheart," Rune replied with a laugh. "I'll do my best."     

Both looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Rune was really happy that on the day he decided to tell Rose his identity, things went out well. There was no drama like what happened to London and L.     

Gosh.. maybe that's where Rose and L were different. L was too childish and selfish, while Rose was mature and elegant.     

He felt really lucky.     

"So, now that I get to keep my role as your fake boyfriend. Who do you want me to be? Do you want me to the young master from a wealthy family, or do you want me to be the poor scientist again? The choice is yours. I will do as you say," Rune added.     

Rose remembered the article written by the journalist. Sarah Miller wanted to embarrass Rose and Rune in public, but Rose would have the last laugh.     

"Let's just keep your current persona. We don't have to say anything and refute the article," Rose finally decided. "We'll see if they try to instigate me further."      

"Sounds good," said Rune.     

Rose wiped her wet eyes. She didn't realize that her eyes were already gleaming with tears as she realized that she would have so much easier time in Medion with Rune beside her.     

Suddenly, she hugged the man. "Oh,thank you so much!"      

Rune was pleasantly surprised by her action. He patted her back and returned her embrace.     

This was truly a good day.     


Rose decided to keep her promise to Rune by taking the man to sightsee the other parts of Old Town that they didn't get to see because of the incident two days ago.     

After Rose found out who Rune really was, she encouraged the man to wear better and more comfortable outfits and just be himself.     

She loved that he accepted her for who she was, and so she wanted to do the same to him.      

They had a great time exploring Old Town and saw many historical places. Rose acted as a good tour guide and explained the stories behind so many beautiful old buildings scattered around the area.     

"Let's get you a new phone," Rune said when they were done with the sightseeing. He remembered that she broke her phone in the morning and now she hadn't had a new one.     

"Hmm... do I really need it though?" Rose shrugged. "I don't feel like talking to anyone."     

"But your parents will need to know where you are and how they could get in touch with you," Rune said. He smirked when he added his next words. "If you want to avoid some people. you can just block them."     

He meant Leon.     

Rune would prefer that Rose cut ties with Leon after the royal wedding and she would get her life back. However, he knew his place and didn't say it blatantly.     

"Hmm.. okay. I'll get a new phone," Rose finally relented.     

"What do you think about Pierre's dinner invitation? Do you want to go straight to dinner or do you want to go home first?" Rune looked at his watch. "Dinner is only two hours away."     

"Can't we come to meet them early?" Rose asked him. "I mean, we can go and meet them for a chat, and then have dinner together. What do you think?"     

"I'd love that. But I need to check with Pierre if they are available or not. Remember, they are here for work, not vacation," Rune responded.     

"Ahh, you are right," Rose chuckled. "Sorry, I forgot. Go ahead and ask them."     

Rune immediately took out his phone and talked to Terry to ask where they were and what they were doing.     

"JM and I are in Old Town. We are still mapping the area for filming. I have my camera persons here," Terry replied. "What's up?"     

"Oh, Rose asked if it's possible for us to meet earlier. We are in Old Town after sightseeing and don't have anywhere else to go. After walking for hours, I think we both want to sit somewhere and relax," Rune explained.     

"Oh, of course! Just come to my suite. I will be there shortly. I would LOVE to meet Rose and chat with her. I'll send you my suite detail. You can talk to the hotel staff. They will let you in."     

"Great. See you later!"     

Rune hung up and kept his phone in his pocket. "He would love to see you and chat with you. We better go to their hotel and wait in his suite."     

On the other side of Old Town, Terry punched the air excitedly. He had been wanting to talk to Rose and now the girl came to him on her own.      

He hoped she could give him access to the royal wedding. It would be amazing if he could attend.     

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