The Alchemists

Rose's Feeling Starts To Change

Rose's Feeling Starts To Change

0Rune chuckled when he saw her reaction. Yes, this was a really big secret that would become big headlines on news sites if the media ever found out.     

"Do you know 'L'?" He asked Rose.     

The girl nodded. "Of course, I do. Who doesn't? She is very famous and talented. What about Elle?"     

"Well... she is my sister-in-law, because my brother London is married to her," Rune explained. He waited to see the change of expression on Rose's face after he dropped the shocking news.     

He was satisfied with her reaction. Rose's mouth was agape when she heard the fact.     

"No way!" She pressed her lips. "They are never together...! How could they meet and get into a relationship and get married???? This is so shocking!!"     

"Well, I'm telling the truth. My brother and L got married around 15 years ago," Rune added.     

"Wait, what? FIFTEEN YEARS AGO???? Elle is only 35! Or is it 36? But she is still very young! How could she have been married for that long???" Rose was truly shocked.      

This Schneider family was really, really interesting!     

"Yeah, my brother was crazy about her from the beginning. He still is," Rune laughed heartily. "He knew she was the one and decided to propose immediately. In fact... he actually proposed to her over and over and she finally accepted him after numerous failed proposals."     

"That sounds funny," Rose commented. "So, the beautiful daughter that London Schneider often took to the office or his business meetings is his daughter with Elle?"     

"Yes, that's right. They are expecting a new baby soon. That's why my brother decided to retire and focus on his family."     

"Oh.. is it a surprise baby?" Rose asked. She was curious to know why the seemingly happy couple waited to have another baby after so long.     

From the news, she knew London Schneider's daughter was now a teenager of 15 or 16 years old. Fifteen years was a long time. So, was it possible that this new baby was unexpected?     

Rune shook his head. "No, it's not a surprise baby. They wanted the baby and planned for it. My brother was traumatized by his wife's suffering during the first labor that he didn't want to see her going through the same situation. It was a micro-premature birth and was quite dangerous."     


"Yeah... It took them a long time to get themselves ready for the next one. So, now that Elle was pregnant, London decided to just leave behind everything and spend all his time exclusively with his family."     

"Oh.. that's wonderful," Rose gushed. She could see how the men in that family doted on their wives.     

From what Rune told her, his father pampered his mother to no ends, and now London seemed to love his wife so much that for so many years he didn't want her to suffer from difficult labor. So, he didn't want to have more children.     

Ahhh.. were all the men in this family this loving and doting toward their partners?     

Now that she thought of it, even Elios Linden who looked cold and reclusive was obviously warm toward his wife, Aleksis.     

"I'll take you to see them sometimes," Rune said. "Do you like L's music?"     

"I do!! I love her work. She is very gifted. I was actually sad when I heard that she retired from music," Rose said. "Now, that I know she is London Schneider's wife, everything makes sense. They both retired at around the same time. Gosh.. If I didn't know this info from you, I would never put two and two together."     

"Ahahaha.. don't worry about it. Nobody would. My family is very good at removing our tracks," Rune finally explained to Rose. "You know that my sister is married to Elios Linden, right? So, you know he is very powerful and basically controls the internet with his Splitz and Virconnect? Even if there is any news leaked about my brother and L, he could easily have them removed."     

Rose shook her head. "No, I didn't know. I just know those facts this afternoon. I didn't think that way. Wow.. this is...."     

"This is what?"     

"I don't know what to say..." Rose now remembered how she couldn't get anything when she tried to search for information about Rune online.      

Did he also remove his track? Why did he do that?      

He was not married to a superstar like London and needed to hide his personal life. If his words were true, that he had never had a girlfriend before, then why would Rune remove his digital tracks?     

Did he have something to hide?     

Or.. was he actually lying about never having any girlfriend?     

What if he actually had a wife???     

'No, Rose... don't be prejudiced. Rune showed his sister to you. She wouldn't let her brother woo Rose if he was married to another woman, right?' Rose scolded herself.     

What woman would do that to another woman?     

But.. if he had got nothing to hide, why did he remove his tracks?     

Rose would love to know a thing or two about him.     

"Oh, did you, by any chance, search for me online?" Rune asked her casually. He twirled his wine glass while waiting for Rose to reply to his question.     

Rose shook her head in disbelief.      

Seriously! This man must be able to read minds, she was convinced. Rune kept correctly guessing what was in her mind.     

"How did you knoooww???" she asked him.      

"Oh, so you did?" Rune laughed. "I was just guessing. I think that's the most logical thing someone would do if they are interested in finding out information about other people."     

Rose didn't respond to that. She was embarrassed to be found out. What would he think of her now?     

Would he think she was stalking him?     

"If you are wondering, I did ask my digital tracks to be removed," Rune explained. "But not for the reasons that you might think."     

"Ah, okay..."     

"Someday, I will tell you why. But now, please trust me when I am telling you that I am not hiding secret girlfriends or even a wife," Rune added.     

Rose coughed when she heard his words, uttered in a serious tone. She said, "It's okay. I mean.. even if you have girlfriends or.... a wife, it's none of my business..."     

"Why is it none of your business?" Rune asked her. "Aren't I your boyfriend for the next year?"     

Rose didn't say anything.     

She wanted to say that their relationship was fake and Rune was not her real boyfriend. However, she felt bad saying it.     

Besides, didn't she tell herself that if Rune was still willing to accept her, she would learn to return his feelings?     

After spending so much time together, sometimes even 24 hours a day, Rose had felt so comfortable with Rune's presence.     

Wasn't he a really good man who had done so much for her? And he already explained that the reason he did what he did was that he was in love with Rose?     

So, instead of chasing after another man who was about to get married, wouldn't it be better for Rose to open her heart for this man?     

Rose often heard that it was better to marry a man who loved her than to marry the man she loved. Oftentimes, when a woman married for love, she would sacrifice so much for the other person and the one-sided love could end in suffering.     

However, if the man was the one who loved her, he would be devoted and loyal. The man would treat her like a queen.     

Rose could see it firsthand. With Leon, she was the one who suffered. Now that she had Rune beside her, she had always got protected and cared for.     

Surely love could grow after a while, right?     

With that in mind, Rose finally nodded. "You are right. You are my boyfriend and you shouldn't chase after other women."     

Rune was surprised when he heard her unexpected words. He was actually joking when he mentioned their 'relationship'. But Rose didn't refute it?     

Did this mean...     

Rose had started to give him a chance?     

"Rose..." Rune stared at her in disbelief. Then, he put down his glass on the table and held Rose's hand. His words were serious when he spoke. "I will not even look at another woman."     

Rose touched his cheek and smiled. "I know."     

Right at that moment, Rune's heart was filled with warmth to the brim. Rose's action was gentle and he could feel her warm affection for him.     

When her hand touched his cheek, his heart started palpitating and there was a strong urge to pull her closer and kiss her lips.     

However, he didn't want to be presumptuous. Rune squeezed Rose's hand gently and asked permission. "Can I... kiss you?"     

Rose nodded, then she lowered her face, looking shy.     

Rune didn't waste time. He immediately pulled her head closer and tilted his face to kiss her deeply.     




From the author:     

I hope you liked this chapter. I will take a break tomorrow from publishing and will return to regularly publishing again after one week.     

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