The Alchemists

I Really Want To Love You

I Really Want To Love You

0The small group finally arrived in the Fournier's residence. Rune was glad that the conversation had changed from Leon and Anne's wedding into JM and Altair's wedding in the future.     

Even though Terry still preferred to see his sister get married after she turned 40, he still loved discussing how amazing their wedding in the future would be.     

In his opinion, Altair was the culmination of two of the most powerful and wealthiest families in their clan, in fact, maybe even in the world.     

His father was the wealthiest man currently, and his mother or Rune's sister was the only daughter of the Schneider family. That fact alone was enough to demand an amazing wedding of the century for JM.     

She deserved no less than that, he thought.     

JM only chuckled and rolled her eyes from time to time. She knew her boyfriend was very wealthy, but she wouldn't demand such a thing when they did get married. She was not a gold-digger.     

"You can rest for a bit in the guest room," said Rose after they got off the car and walked together to enter her grand residence.     

She added, "We have eight hours before the wedding reception. Unless you prefer to go back to your hotel and come back here in six hours so we can go to the reception together?"     

Terry and JM exchanged glances. The offer to rest in the guest rooms was actually very generous. It saved them time from going back and forth to their hotel.     

"Ahh, that sounds perfect. We can actually chill out here and wait," said Terry, on behalf of his sister.     

"That's good. Actually, I booked a spa session with the best spa in town," said Rose. "They will come here and do the treatment while we wait for the reception. Do you want to join me and my mother?"     

She directed her question to JM. The supermodel's face was beaming with excitement. She quickly nodded and replied, "Absolutely. What a perfect way to spend the day."     

"I know, right?" said Rose with a smile. She turned to Rune. "Then, I will take JM with me for a spa treatment. We will start at 11. Do you mind having lunch with my father? My mother, JM, and I will probably something small for lunch during our treatment."     

"Sure," said Rune. He was glad to see Rose seemed to keep herself busy by doing nice things to herself. "I think Pierre and I can spend time together. We haven't met in a long time before Bacilia and there is so much to catch up on."     

"Sounds perfect. Then, we can all rest. My butler will show Pierre and JM their rooms. You can rest and enjoy yourself. If you need anything, you can come down and find the butler or any maids downstairs."     

"Thank you," said JM with a big smile on her face. She took Terry's hand to follow the butler who was waiting at the foot of the stairs, ready to show them their rooms.     

Rose and Rune stayed behind a little bit and let the two guests leave them. Once Terry and JM disappeared from sight, both exchanged glances.     

"Thank you for having my family here," said Rune apologetically. "And.. I am sorry if Pierre talked too much today."     

"Ah.. that's fine. I like Pierre's honesty. It's better to be surrounded by people who speak their mind than be with people who treat you well in front of you, but once you turned your back at them, they stab you."     

"Ah.. you are right, but still I apologize for Pierre. He didn't know about your problem with Leon. He is actually a nice guy and knows how to read the room and is very considerate of other people's feelings. However, he didn't know... so he kept talking about Leon and..."     

"Sshh.. can we stop talking about Leon?" Rose put her index finger on Rune's lips. She smiled faintly and moved her body closer to the man. "I don't mind Pierre. He didn't know. Plus, it's a given that people will talk about the wedding. It's a royal wedding after all and it attracts a lot of attention."     

Rune suddenly felt his chest pound when he realized now their bodies were so close to each other. Gosh.. did Rose know how much this little gesture affect him?     

"Rose..." he swallowed.     

"Can you stop talking about Leon and Anne?" Ruse looked at him deeply. "I am trying to move on and get over that guy, but here you are... talking about him. What do you want me to do?"     

"Eh...?" Rune was cornered when Rose kept approaching him and now their front bodies touched. "I-I don't mean to make you sad. I was just apologizing for my brother..."     

Rose looked at the man with a glint in her eyes. Her expression was hard to guess.     

"Okay," said Rose finally. She moved back and left Rune whose heart was pounding from his chest. "Enjoy your day. See you later for the reception."     

She turned around and walked toward the garden through the side door. Before she opened the door to go out, Rune found his voice.     

"I will not talk about Leon again. I promise. I just don't want to make you sad," he said with a determined voice.     

Rose's steps halted. She stood where she was for a few seconds, then turned around. Her face was decorated with a sweet smile.     

"Thank you," she said in a low voice.     

Rune couldn't hold back himself after he saw such a sweet smile on Rose's face. He walked to her with long steps and stopped in front of her.     

"And I want to make my intentions clear from the beginning." His voice was filled with determination. "I like you a lot, and I don't wish to toy with your feelings. I hope we can be together when you are ready. I can wait, no matter how long."     

Rose bit her lip when she heard his words.      

"I really.. really want to love you," she whispered. "You are such a good man... but my heart is broken and I need time to pick up all the little pieces..."     

"It's okay," Rune said. "I can wait."     

"It might take a long time..." Rose said again.     

"It's okay.. time is not an issue," said Rune dotingly. "It will never be an issue."     

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