The Alchemists

Spa Treament

Spa Treament

0Rose looked at Rune for a good one minute, trying to understand what he was trying to say. Why was he so certain that time would not be an issue? Did he know how long would it take for one person to get over a heartbreak?     

Rose wished she had the man's confidence. However, she didn't want to keep him on a string, just like what Pierre said about a relationship earlier.     

That's why she preferred to be honest. If Rune had made his intentions clear.. then so should she.     

"Thank you for your kind words," she whispered. "I hope it won't take too long though."     

She touched his cheek and then tilted her face and kiss Rune on the lips.     

The man was in a daze because of the unexpected kiss. Before he could get a hold of himself and returned the kiss, Rose had let go of her lips and walked away.     

"See you later," she said, waving her right hand, without looking back.     

Rune could only stand rooted in his spot, watching the girl leaving until she was out of sight. After Rose was gone from his vision, the man touched his lips. He could still feel her sweet lips there.     

And her scent around him.     

Dammit. He should have been able to control his feelings and return that sweet kiss.     

It was too late now.     

Rune could only scold himself and finally decided to go to his room and calm himself down.     


As planned, JM came down from her room at 11 am to meet Rose and her mother who was getting ready to be pampered by the spa team.     

They had a special lounge dedicated to doing private treatments like this one. The spa center sent five therapists who came to pamper the three ladies.     

When they arrived, the staff was pleasantly surprised to know they would treat not only the crown prince's sister but also the most famous supermodel in the world today, JM.     

The session started with some photo sessions and the excited therapists all ask JM for an autograph. For people who work in the beauty and wellness industry like them, meeting someone like JM was the highlight of their careers.     

Actually, meeting Rose was amazing too, but they had met her several times already since her mother often booked the spa sessions from their company in the past. So, seeing Rose again was not as exciting as the first time.     

However, it's different with JM. She didn't live in Bacilia and there was no way to tell if she would ever visit again. So, the chance to meet her this time felt like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.     

After the incidental fans' meet-and-greet ended, finally, Rose, Duchess Fournier, and JM could enjoy the wonderful spa session that lasted for almost four hours. They got a massage, scrub, flower bath, and several other treatments.     

By the time the ladies were done, the men could see how glowing and happy all their faces were.     

"Thank you so much for the spa session," said JM with a big smile to Rose. "It's been a while since I experience such a wholesome pampering. It was marvelous!"     

"Well.. I am glad you like it," said Rose. "They also seemed to have a great time."     

"Ah, yeah.. they are nice people."     

From the way the girls talked about their spa session, and how happy they both looked, Rune and Terry suddenly regret they were not women. They could have enjoyed some spa sessions themselves.     

It's true that it was now modern times and men and women could do whatever they wanted without being prejudiced or being labeled. The spa was not only for women, but men could also enjoy it.     

However, with today's arrangement, it would be awkward if the women did the spa together with the men since they were not couples, and there was no option for Rune to do it together with Terry.     

So, they could only keep their envy to themselves.     

"Are you ready to go?" Rose asked everyone with a sweet smile. "The reception will start in an hour. As part of the royal family, we have to be there early."     

"Yes, we are ready," Rune replied on behalf of the others.     

"Okay, let's go."     

Just like this morning. They went in two cars. The duke and duchess took one car, and the young people took the second car.     

JM brought another dress to attend the reception, so she didn't have to wear the Ballerini dress from this morning for the second time.     

This time, she was wearing another legendary dress from Ballerini, that was even more beautiful than the previous one.     

Duchess Fournier was so impressed when she found out that this second dress was also gifted to JM by her wealthy boyfriend.     

Now, she was convinced that the man must be a billionaire, in fact, he might be even a multi-billionaire. That fact could narrow down the names of her possible boyfriends, something that made the duchess feel really curious.     

It was not really Altair that made Duchess Fournier's interest piqued, but actually who Rune really was. Since Rose revealed that JM's boyfriend was Rune's nephew, the duchess had been wondering who Rune actually was.     

He never showed off about himself or his family. In fact, he was so humble and down to earth and it looked like he was letting people believe that he was poor. Come to think of it, this didn't make sense.     

He didn't like money and didn't seem to need it. It could be two reasons. It was either he was a very simple man who was not interested in money, or he was actually a wealthy man who had a lot of it and didn't like discussing wealth at all and lived modestly.     

Initially, Duchess Fournier thought it was the first. Rune was simply not interested in material things. But now, she slowly thought that the man might not be that simple after all.     

If his nephew was a multibillionaire, then, there was a chance that Rune was not as poor as he wanted people to think he was.     

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