The Alchemists

Rune's Nephews and Niece

Rune's Nephews and Niece

0Rune was about to ask her again, but he immediately changed his mind when he saw his nephews and niece walking cheerfully from the direction of the park entrance.      

Summer, Ireland, and Scotland were all smiles when they saw Rune sitting on a park bench with a gorgeous girl.     

"Uncle Runnneeeee!!!" exclaimed Summer, who immediately ran toward her uncle in a cheerful voice. She hugged Rune and ruffled his long hair as soon as she reached him.     

Ahh .. she was very happy to see how most men in her family have long hair, except Uncle Alaric, Uncle London, and Grandpa Caspar.     

According to Summer personally, men with long hair were more attractive than those with short hair. Men with short hair were so common. Her grandfather and biological father both had long, luscious hair, and Summer loved playing with their hair.     

"Hey .. you've arrived," said Rune, kissing Summer's cheek and ruffled Ireland's and Scotland's hair. Rose immediately stood up when she saw the presence of the three teenagers. For a moment, her face looked astonished.     

The three teenagers in front of her were really very stunning. Their faces were unique because they were of mixed Asian blood. Summer had light brown hair that curls beautifully down to her waist. She had a small face with peach-shaped eyes and full-sized red lips. The freckles on her cheeks only made her look more adorable.     

Ireland and Scotland had brown hair, a pair of beautiful slanted purple eyes. Even though their eyes and hair were different, but the three kids looked like triplets. Ah, Rune remembered that Lily, his other niece, also looked half Asian because her mother, L, is of Japanese descent.     

Ahh .. that means that among his extended family, Rune would be the only one to have children who were entirely European. He already saw that Rose had absolutely no Asian descent.     

Gosh ... why do I keep thinking about our children??? Rose does not even love me, yet... Rune was exasperated. He didn't understand why his mind was filled with thoughts of his future children with Rose all day???     

"What happened to you?" asked Rose, surprised to see Rune tapping his own forehead. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your nephews and niece? Aahh.. they all look adorable."     

The three teenagers exchanged glances when Rose called them adorable. They smiled and elbowed each other.     

"Auntie Rose said we were adorable," Ireland whispered.     

"She has a good taste ..." Scotland replied.     

"She's prettier than her picture," Summer added. "I really like her."     

Rune scratched his head that wasn't itchy and immediately pushed the kids one by before Rose.     

"Hehehe ... Please meet my niece, her name is Summer Medici."     

"Hello, Auntie Rose .. I'm happy to meet you," said Summer with a sweet smile. She stretched out her hand to shake Rose's hand. The woman took the girl's hand and shook it with an amazed smile on her face. Summer is so beautiful, like a doll, she thought.     

"I'm happy to meet you too," said Rose with a pleasant voice.     

"Next are these ones. They are identical twins. My sister's sons," said Rune, pulling Ireland and Scotland to get close to Rose. They stretched out their hands and took turns greeting Rose.     

"Hello, Auntie Rose .. my name is Ireland," said the handsome teenager with a sweet smile that showed dimples, like his grandfather, Caspar.     

"Ahh .. you have such a unique name! I've been to Ireland. They have so many beautiful places there," said Rose enthusiastically. "My name is Rose."     

"I know ... hehehe," Ireland replied. Of course, he knew who this woman was. It was he, who first found Rose's profile on the online dating app and chose her to be matched with their uncle, Rune Schneider.     

"What about you, what is your name?" asked Rose to Scotland. Even though Scotland and Ireland had very similar-looking faces, they had different personalities. Scotland was quiet and reserved.     

He took after his father, Alaric's personality. The man was cold and talk a few words. While Ireland was cheerful and liked to socialize like his mother, Aleksis.     

"My name is Scotland," said the teenager. He studied Rose and silently gave his approval. This woman really suited Uncle Rune, he thought.     

Meanwhile, Rose immediately made a mental note to distinguish Scotland from Ireland by their distinct personalities. Ah, Ireland also had cute dimples on his face.     

"I'm glad to see all three of you," said Rose. "Are you all siblings? Or are you cousins?"     

Summer laughed at that. "We are cousins. Our fathers are brothers. Uhm .. actually our fathers are fraternal twins."     

"Oh .. it's no wonder you all look very similar," said Rose. She could imagine that the parents of these three children must be so beautiful that they could produce such good looking children. She then turned to Rune. "Then your brother-in-law is Asian, right?"     

Rose immediately assumed that the husband of Rune's older sister was an Asian man because their children looked half Asian. She already saw that Rune looked very European, so there was no way his sister was half Asian or Asian.     

Rose looked very surprised when she saw Rune shake his head.     

"How come? If your brother-in-law is not Asian... how can these kids look half Asian?" the girl became confused. She then nudged Rune and whispered. "Shhh ... are they adopted?"     

Rune wanted to laugh out loud and pinched Rose's cheek. The girl's imagination was so adorable. However, he had to hold back himself.     

"No. You're wrong .. hahaha .." Rune cleared his throat and pointed at Summer. "This is my niece. Her mother is Singaporean, so she looks half Asian. Her father is half Italian and half English."     

"Oh ..." Rose nodded. "I see..."     

"As for my two nephews, their father half Italian and half English, just like Summer, but their mother is a quarter Asian. Our mother is Asian, and among all her children and grandchildren, only these two kids inherited her appearance. Our mother's name is Finland .. so these two boys are given the names Scotland and Ireland to follow their grandmother."     

Rose looked very impressed at Rune's explanation. "Ahhh.. your family is very unique, so many nationalities ..."     

"Well, we are indeed unique. That's why the government thought we would make good spies. We have international looks and can enter any country," said Rune jokingly.     

Rose hurriedly covered the man's mouth and her eyes went round. "Don't talk anymore. I don't want to hear your secrets. I don't want to get involved!"     

Her actions and Rune's behavior just now made the three kids puzzled. What really happened? they were all confused.     

But it was clear, they were glad to see Rune and Rose looking so close.     

Ahh.. especially now that Uncle Rune had moved in and now lived with Auntie Rose.      

Surely, this was a sign that they were very compatible and could immediately make big decisions like that. Ahh .. the kids couldn't wait to attend Uncle Rune and Aunt Rose's wedding.     

"All right ... alright. I won't talk anymore about my double life as a secret agent or a spy," said Rune with a wink.     

The three kids frowned. They didn't understand what was happening.     

"Uncle, are you a spy?" asked Summer bluntly.     

"Sssh ... you heard nothing and didn't know anything," said Rune. He then turned to Rose and winked at the girl.      

Rose found Rune's behavior very funny and finally burst out laughing. It seemed that she would never know whether Rune was really a spy or not.     

Ah ... she won't want to find out anyway. Let Rune keep the secret. They would 'break up' one year from now, after which they would return to their respective lives.     

"Do you want ice cream?" Rune asked to break the ice. "Outside the gate, I know a very delicious ice cream shop. I want to have coffee with Auntie Rose. I will treat you to ice cream there."     

"We waaaant ice cream....!!!" exclaimed Summer with joy. She then grabbed Rune's hand and pulled him out of the park. Rose, who saw the closeness between the man and his niece, seemed very impressed.     

Ahh ... she was an only child. So, she didn't know what it was like to have siblings. If she had older siblings who would give her nieces and nephews as cute as these kids... ahhh .. that would be really nice.     

She followed the young man and Summer walked out of the park. Meanwhile, Ireland, who saw Rose carrying her large bag, immediately volunteered to carry it for her.     

"Father always said we have to help women," Ireland said politely.     

"Oh ... you were raised really well by your parents," said Rose, who was very impressed. He handed the bag to Ireland. "Thank you."     

"You're welcome, Aunt Rose," Ireland replied again, smiling broadly, showing his dimples.     

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