The Alchemists

I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry

0Rune couldn't say anything for a few moments. He still couldn't believe that the beautiful woman before him was Rose.      

"Hello?" When Rose spoke again, finally the man was moved from his reverie. He batted his eyes and looked at Rose carefully.     

"I came with my niece and nephews to see the exhibition," he said. "What are you doing here?"     

Rose smiled and tilted her head toward the painting on the wall. "That's my painting."     

"Oh.. no wonder it feels familiar," Rune gushed. "So, it's yours."     

"Yeah. I was offered to do this exhibition on short notice. Peter gave my name to the curator," Rose explained. "I am grateful. The crowd's enthusiasm is exciting."     

"You deserve it," said Rune sincerely. He cast his glance around the room, trying to see if he could recognize other paintings by Rose. "Do you have any more artworks on display?"     

"Yeah. I've got five more," Rose replied. "Do you want to see them?"     

Rune nodded. "Sure."     

With the corner of his eyes, he could see Ireland and Scotland, together with Summer were busy taking notes about the artworks in the exhibition. So, he decided to follow Rose walked around the gallery. She showed him five more paintings close by.     

The first one was Medion royal palace as seen from the top of a hill. The second one was an alley which Rune recognized from the Old Town in Bacilia, not far from the restaurant owned by Rose's family.      

He was happy that he had visited Rose's hometown so he could recognize the places or the elements from her paintings.      

The third one was the majestic Bacilia cathedral. The fourth painting showed one night on a beautiful beach that was filled with gleaming bioluminescent, which reminded Rune of the beach in Maldives that looked like it was glowing at night.     

"Where is this?" He asked Rose with interest.     

"Oh.. this is a beach in Bacilia," Rose explained. "Actually, we went there..."     

"Really? I didn't know the beach is a bioluminescent one," Rune furrowed his brows, trying to remember the beaches that he went to with Rose.      

"It's because we went there in the daytime. One beach is a bioluminescent one and you could have seen the glow if we came at night," Rose said again. "I forgot to tell you about it."     

"Whoaaa... it's so pretty," Rune gushed. "I wish I could see it."     

"Well, you can," Rose said with a smile. "It's not like you cannot go there."     

"Well..." Rune went silent when he heard Rose's words. It's true. He could just go to Bacilia again and visit the beach at night.     

However, why would he go there? If he couldn't go there with Rose, what's the point.     


Rose seemed to guess what the man was thinking and she changed the subject. "How are your parents? Are they okay?"     

She remembered Rune said his middle-aged mother was pregnant. So, she wanted to know if Rune's mother was okay. Being pregnant at an older age had many health risks, so she wanted to show that she cared.     

"They are okay. I just met them for the year-end holiday. Everyone is fine," Rune explained. He looked at Rose deeply and asked her about her family too, just to be polite, since she already asked about his parents. "How is your family?"     

"Well, both my parents are healthy. I couldn't ask for more, really," said Rose.     

"Ah, good to know." Rune nodded. Suddenly, he remembered the news that broke the internet several weeks ago.     

Leon made a shocking public statement and now he had stepped down from all his royal duties and his marriage to Anne was in the process of being annulled.     

That means, after everything was over, Rose could have Leon again completely. Their love would finally have its happy ending.     

Well.. now the man felt conflicted.      

Should he congratulated Rose for this? Or...     

He wanted to show her that he was a gentleman and that he was happy for her. Since it was her choice to go back to Leon, then it means between her and Rune there was nothing else to discuss.     

"How long will you be in New York?" Finally, he decided to go roundabout on the matter. Since Rose was here for the exhibition only, she must be going home to Medion after the exhibition ended, back to Leon's arms.     

This thought made him feel bitter, but Rune could keep the smile on his face.     

Rose batted her eyes when she heard the question. Then, she laughed nervously. "I live here. So..."     


Rune tilted his head and looked at Rose deeply. Did she say she lived here? Did this mean Rose and Leon decided to move to New York City after Leon stepped down from his royal duties?     

Gosh... Rune felt his heart ached. He wouldn't want to bump into them when he was in New York. So, if Rose and Leon really moved here, New York would become a no-go place for him.     


"Why the face?" Rose asked Rune haltingly. She had seen the man looking uncomfortable and assumed he didn't like to see her again and especially the fact that Rose would live in New York permanently. So, did this mean he didn't want to see Rose in this city?     

"Nothing," Rune lied. "What's wrong with my face?"     

"You don't seem happy to know that I am now living in New York," said Rose bluntly. "Is that why? Do you hate seeing me if we bump into each other in this city?"     

"..." Rune couldn't lie anymore. So, he chose to say nothing.     

"Well, don't worry. New York is such a big city. I don't think we'll bump into each other often," Rose blit her lip. Her expression looked hurt and this made Rune feel so bad. She added, "And if we do see each other by chance, I will get out of your way. You wouldn't even know I'm here."     

Rose smiled bitterly and then turned around to leave the man. Before she could walk away, Rune suddenly spoke up.     

"Rose, I am not so heartless that I can just act as if nothing happened between us when I bump into you and Leon in New York.."     

Rose's steps halted when she heard him speak. Her brows furrowed and then the beautiful woman turned around. She walked closer to Rune and looked at him deeply.     

"Why would you bump into me and Leon in New York?" she asked him. "Do you think he lives here?"     

"Doesn't he?"     

Rose shook her head. "I have no idea where he is."     

"What?" Rune became so confused. He muttered, "I don't understand."     

Rose looked at the man for a good while, to read his expression and then realization dawned on her. She touched his shoulder gently. "Did you think I got back with Leon and now he moved in with me, here in New York?"     

Rune felt his throat parched and his voice sounded so hoarse when he replied to Rose's question. "I read the news..."     

Rose sighed and lowered her head. She now understood why Rune acted this way. It was all her fault.     

"I'm sorry," she whispered and slowly two drops of tears fell down to her cheeks.     

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