The Alchemists

I'm Rose's Older Brother

I'm Rose's Older Brother

0Rose smiled when she heard him. "Thank you. You always know how to make me feel better."     

"Thank you! I'm happy you think that way," Rune was all smiles when he heard her compliment. "Let's go back."     

He took Rose's hand and lifted her from her swing. The girl shrieked because she didn't expect him to lift and carry her all of a sudden.     

"Hey.. what are you doing?" She laughed while wrapping her arms around his neck. "You startled me."     

"I just feel like doing it," Rune replied with a grin.     

That's right. He didn't need to kiss Rose in public to show people how he felt about her. People would be able to see it from the little things he did for her.     

"Thank you," Rose whispered and buried her face on his chest. She felt comforted and consoled. Somehow, the burden that she faced today didn't feel so bad anymore.     

Rune easily carried Rose's body in his arms, walking through the meadow and toward their parked car. He only put her down to open the car door for her.     

Rose smiled sheepishly as she got inside the car and buckled up. She felt happy that Rune was there with her, during her dark times.     

Inwardly, she promised to herself that if the man was still willing to accept her, she would learn to return his love.     


"Gosh... so many journalists!" Rose complained as their car reached the Fournier's mansion gate. There were a dozen or so reporters waiting around the gate and they quickly swarmed the car when they realized Rose was in it.     

"Lady Rose, we need a statement from you regarding Lady Sarah's allegation earlier today," a middle-aged female reporter quickly asked as the car stopped in front of the gate, waiting for it to open automatically.     

Rose smiled sweetly and shook her head. She tapped on Rune's shoulder and motioned him to drive through, as the gate opened in front of them.     

"Lady Rose! We need to know the truth!"     

"The people deserve to know...!"     

The commotion behind them soon became a distant sound, as they drove away from the gate. Behind them, the electronic gate closed in front of the grumpy reporters.     

"We used to be friendly with the reporters. They love Leon after the shocking announcement," said Rose with a sigh. "Now, it looks like they would still love Leon but hate me. I am, after all, the legitimate daughter who has it all and he was the abandoned son."     

Rune turned to Rose and listened to her venting, not saying anything. He knew most reporters loved sensational news. It gave them something to bait people to read their sites.     

Soon, they arrived in front of the mansion. Rune parked the car nicely and opened the door for Rose.     

The girl was impressed by his gentlemanlike attitude. Even though Rune was not from the upper class, he seemed to have a perfect manner. She liked that about him.     

"Rose, honey... you're back early?" Duchess Fournier came down the stairs and met Rose in the hallway. "I've heard of what happened in the Old Town."     

She looked tired and stressed. Seeing her mother in that situation made Rose's heart ache. She came to her mother and hugged her.      

"It's nothing, Mom. I'm okay. I just think I need to come to the gala and set things straight," she said with a soft voice.     

Rune stood next to Rose and watched the scene from the side. He really wanted to take Rose out of Medion once this ordeal was over, and maybe brought her to find peace and quiet in Stuttgart where his family castle was located.     

He remembered Rose said she wanted to find a new hill to love, once she left Bacilia for good. Well.. there was a beautiful hill behind his castle. He was sure that Rose would love it.     

"Uhm... actually, we have a guest," Duchess Fournier stepped back and moved away from Rose. She then turned to the right as if waiting for someone to show up.      

Rose and Rune immediately turned toward that direction to see who was the guest that Duchess Fournier meant.     

From the big library close to the terrace where Rune, Rose, and Duchess Fournier had tea this morning, came out two men.     

One was a middle-aged man, with grey hair. He was handsome and dignified. One could easily guess that he was a wealthy and powerful man from the way he carried himself.     

Ahh... Rune instantly guessed that the man was Rose's father. His eyes and nose looked a lot like Rose Fournier's.     

So.. this was Duke Fournier?     

Next to him was a young man, maybe around 25 years old. He was quite young, but his aura was imposing and full of confidence that people might think he was older.      

Rune immediately recognized the man as the crown prince of Medion who was known by the public as Rose Fournier's half-brother, Duke Fournier's used-to-be-illegitimate son. Leonard Fournier.     

Leon wore an elegant outfit, a perfect three-piece suit with very expensive leather shoes, a watch that could buy an island, and a very neat haircut. His expression looked calm and collected.     

"Rose, you're back," Duke Fournier stared at his daughter with a flat expression. "Leon came here as soon as he heard about what happened in the Old Town."     

"I had to disguise myself as one of your father's bodyguards to enter this place so the reporters wouldn't find out," Leon added. His tired face showed a faint smile. "I am sorry for what happened."     

Right at that moment, Rune felt annoyed. He thought Leon came to the Fournier's home to prep Rose on what to say regarding the allegations about their past relationship.     

"It's fine," Rose replied, forcing a smile.     

"I am worried about you," Leon walked near Rose and looked at her lovingly. "I have set things straight with Anne. She is cool with it."     

Oh.. Rune suddenly felt a pang of jealousy when he watched the scene. Apparently, Leon came because he was worried about Rose?      

What was he doing? Why was he acting like a caring boyfriend?     

Hey, stop it! You are about to marry another woman, dude! That was what Rune wanted to say to Leon's face.     

However, he had to hold back. Rose hadn't introduced him, so he must know his place.     

He was worried that Rose would sway and fell for Leon again, even though the man had ditched her for wealth and power.     

Subconsciously, Rune moved closer to Rose and touched her hand. The girl immediately remembered that Rune was standing next to her. She smiled broadly and clasped his hand with hers.     

Her voice sounded cheerful when she introduced the man to Leon and her father.     

"Oh, I'm sorry, I almost forgot to introduce my boyfriend. Father, Leon.. this Rune Schneider, my boyfriend. He came here with me because I wanted to introduce him to our country and the whole family." Rose turned to Rune and mouthed her apology for not introducing him sooner.     

Rune smiled broadly and winked at her. He quickly reached out his hand to shake the Duke's and the prince's hands.     

"Hello, my name is Rune Schneider. I am very excited to be here. We had a lovely chat earlier today with Her Grace, Duchess Fournier. I am looking forward to knowing Rose's family members."     

Duke Fournier looked conflicted, but he reached out his hand and shook Rune's hand. He could immediately assess the man in front of him.     

Rune looked like a simple man from the middle, or maybe even lower class. However, he also appeared confident and intelligent.     

Duke Fournier knew his daughter was an easygoing woman who could make friends with people from all walks of life.     

However, he actually wished she would find a man from the same level as hers to be her boyfriend.     

"Schneider?" Leon furrowed his brows. "Are you by any chance, a member of the Schneider family from the Schneider Group?"     

Rose quickly waved her hand and chuckled. "No... hahaha.. I asked him the same question too when we first met. No, Rune here is a regular man. He is a fixer. He works with a lot of journalists and scientists in their work around the world."     

"A fixer?" Leon looked at Rune intently, as if trying to understand the reason why Rose decided to date the man.     

Other than his good looks and seemingly intelligent brain, there was nothing interesting about his appearance, Leon thought.     

A fixer was just another name for a freelancer that didn't really have a proper job. They do whatever work to help other people on their projects.     

"Rune didn't know that I am wealthy and come from a noble family," Rose added. "Please don't make him feel uncomfortable. He came here for my sake..."     

"Oh..." Leon smiled and finally reached out his hand to shake Rune's hand. "I'm sorry for being rude. Rose's boyfriend is welcomed in Medion anytime. My name is Leonard.. Fournier, I'm Rose's older brother."     

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