The Alchemists

Auntie Rose

Auntie Rose

0All the adults at the dining table looked at each other.     

"Who do you mean by Aunt Rose?" Asked Aleksis to Summer. In a low voice, the teenage girl finally spoke up.     

"Auntie Rose is one of the candidates we chose for Uncle Rune to meet on a blind date," she said. "Auntie Rose sounds like a really cool woman. We really like her."     

"Can we cancel it?" asked Aleksis while glancing at Rune with an apologetic face. She really didn't think that her two sons and niece would go that far.     

Rune now massaged his forehead and sighed. He really couldn't get mad at the three teenagers because he knew they did it because they loved him. He also felt sorry if Ireland, Scotland, and Summer being punished by their parents while their goals were not achieved.     

Finally, he raised his hand and gestured to Aleksis and Marie not to scold their children anymore.     

"It's okay. Well, I understand that you did it because you love me and you have also been punished by your parents for accessing a site that you shouldn't visit. Later after dinner, we will talk about what we should do to your Auntie Rose."     

Ireland, Scotland, and Summer nodded weakly. They really hoped that Uncle Rune will meet Auntie Rose so that the punishment they receive would not be in vain.     

Dinner continued. They stopped talking about marriages and love because they didn't want things to get awkward.     

After dinner was over, as he had promised, Rune invited his three niece and nephews to talk on the terrace and they then discussed what the three teenagers had done. Rune was actually confused. He didn't know what to do with their Auntie Rose, but he decided to listen to the opinions of the three children first before he made a decision.     

"What have you done exactly? I want to know how far you have talked with Auntie Rose," said Rune, crossing his arms over his chest and staring at his three nephews attentively.     

Ireland, Scotland, and Summer exchanged glances. They were about to appoint each other to be the spokesman, but all of them shrugged their shoulders. Finally, Rune must appoint Summer to tell him the details.     

"Uhm ... Yesterday, we made a profile on the dating website '' for you. We wrote that you are a teacher." Summer started her story.     

"Hmm .. I'm not a teacher," said Rune.     

"Yes, you are not a professional teacher, but we can not say that you are an unemployed guy who has a fascination for researching weird stuff..." said Ireland. "No woman will want to be with you."     

Rune hiccuped when he heard his nephew called him an unemployed guy with a fascination for researching weird stuff. Uhm... hmkay.     

"We also cannot tell them that you are the youngest son of the Schneider family who owns the Schneider Group ... All money-hungry women will flock to your profile and we will find it difficult to sort out the tens of thousands of candidates," Scotland added.     

Rune chuckled at the words of the two teenage boys. "Okay, I understand."     

"Besides, we're not lying .. If you come to New York, you become our teacher here ... hehehe ..." Ireland said again.     

Rune nodded. "All right. You have a point too. Then what about Auntie Rose herself? What does she do?"     

"Auntie Rose is a painter, so she is an artist. Apart from her profession as a painter, she did not mention anything else. So you can find out everything about Auntie Rose when you meet her," Summer said with a big smile.     

Rune took a deep breath before then nodded. "Very well then. I am willing to meet her. Since you promise her a blind date. I don't want to turn you into liars."     

Hearing Rune's words, his three nephews immediately jumped in joy and then took turns hugging him.     

"Ahh .. You are the most understanding, coolest uncle anyone could ever want, and you deserve to meet Auntie Rose," said Summer happily.     

"Thank you, Uncle," Ireland said excitedly. "We're glad you are open-minded and willing to try new things. Who knows you might fall in love with Auntie Rose."     

Rune wasn't so sure about it, but he didn't want to disappoint the kids. Therefore, he only nodded. "We'll see. Don't raise your hopes up."     

He ruffled their respective hairs then stretched out his hand. "Now, give me the tablet where you created the account on that dating website."     

"Wait, I'll take it from my room," said Ireland. He left for a moment and came back five minutes later with a tablet in hand. He then handed it over to Rune. "Everything is in there."     

"When did you guys create this account?" Rune asked in amazement, as he opened the tablet screen and looked at the conversation history that looked quite long.     

"Uhm ... two weeks ago," said Scotland on behalf of his siblings.     

"Two weeks ago? But I wasn't even here yet ..." said Rune in amazement.     

"That's right. But we've heard from Mother that you are coming here with Grandpa. We also heard their talk about Grandpa getting married to Rosalien. That's when we realized that you will be the only adult male in our family who doesn't have a wife."     

"Uhm ... you're wrong, Uncle Aldebar ... Uncle Terry ..." Rune tried to dodge.     

"Uncle Aldebar is married to science. There is no hope for him. Uncle Terry hasn't formalized his relationship yet, but he's been dating Auntie Shekina for years already... I don't think he is worth counting," said Summer.     

Rune shook his head at the answers of his nephews. "You guys...!"     

"Well ... we thought, why don't we give this as a surprise when you come to New York? When we heard from Summer that her parents actually met because of the help of a dating website, we got the idea to help you with the same method." Now it's Ireland who spoke with passion.     

Rune wanted to laugh at their enthusiasm. Finally, he could only nod.     

"We created an account for you and looked for the right candidate for you. Of the several dozen interesting ones, there were three that we thought are the best. Well, Auntie Rose is the most enthusiastic about meeting you. That's why we immediately made an appointment for you guys to go on a blind date."     

Summer continued Ireland's words. "Do you know the East Village area?"     

Rune nodded. The East Village was an area in New York with many cafes and bars. The nightlife there was very lively. Lots of people came there for fun on the weekends.     

"You have arranged the blind date in the East Village?" Rune asked in confirmation.     

Summer nodded. "That's right, Uncle."     

"Hmm .. when?" Rune asked again.     

"Tomorrow night .... hehehehe." Summer had a cute expression on her face again with her puppy-like eyes sparkling. "Uncle, you will go, won't you?"     

Ahhh ... How could Rune say no to this cute face with her puppy eyes and fluttered long lashes? Finally, he nodded. "All right. Just this once."     

"Thank you, Uncle! Good luck!!!" said the three kids excitedly.      

Their uncle could only sigh and massage his chest.      

After he finished speaking with Ireland, Scotland, and Summer, Rune let them go. He then went to see the other adults who were still waiting in the dining room with wine in their hands.     

"So, how?" asked Aleksis attentively. She actually hoped that Rune would meet this Auntie Rose her kids had been so excited about. She was curious to know about the woman her children chose to meet Rune. In addition to that, she also wanted to see her brother go on a date and maybe... just maybe, he would fall in love.     

Sometimes she felt what her children felt when she saw Rune coming to family events, being the only one without a date. When there was a family event where everyone got together and brought a partner, Rune would come alone.     

In the first ten years, it was fine, but lately, she started to feel sorry to see her brother alone while the others were all lovey-dovey with their respective partners.     

Even Terry, who was narcissistic and never wanted to be in a relationship, actually had spent enough time with Shekina to say that they were actually dating, even though they both didn't want to admit that their relationship was actually like lovers.     




from the author:     

Wanna guess what will happen? Do you think Rune will meet Rose and:     

1. Fall in love with her     

2. Finds her weird     

3. Rune is catfished by 'Rose'     

4. Rose doesn't show up     

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