The Alchemists

Vega & Summer

Vega & Summer

0Nicolae still could not understand who exactly Summer and her parents were. Why did anyone they knew want to kidnap her? What was the person's motive? Could it be that the person who ordered the kidnapping hacked all the CCTVs around the location of the boat too?     

Nicolae had thought the perpetrator who hacked those cameras was Summer's mother, but now he began to feel doubtful. What if the culprit was the mastermind behind the kidnapping? And actually, the mastermind sent four of his men to take Summer from the two criminals. However, because Summer was gone, he had them kill the kidnappers ...     

As Marion said earlier, the culprit was not a woman. Summer's mother couldn't possibly be involved. If she was indeed the one who hacked the CCTV camera, Nicolae was planning to look for her in Darknet. However, now he changed his mind.     

He might invite the attention of the bad people who actually planned this abduction if he came to announce to public that he found a child with characteristics like Summer.     

Hmm ... maybe it's better if he searched for clues to Bercy Park as he told Mischa.     

Hopefully, Summer could still remember the way back from the park to her home.     

Nicolae didn't know when he started becoming so worried about Summer. His head and chest were filled with thoughts about Summer and how to get the little girl back to her mother. For some reason, it felt like the child's well-being was his number one priority.     

His feelings had been stirred all day. Once he knew Summer's full name, his chest felt heavy. Why could his name and Summer be so similar? This was a coincidence that made him immediately think of Marie and his unborn child.     

Why was the universe so cruel to him and always reminded him of them? It felt like his wounds were cut open again just when he was about to recover after struggling to let them go for years ...     

He did not want to be too close to Summer because he was afraid his heart be deeply hurt when he had to give the child back to her parents. He remembered years ago when he found out that Altair and Vega still had their biological father, and it was actually his own brother.     

For four years, he had invested his life and all his affection for them and considered them like his own. But then he had to give them up ... because after all, they were not his children.     

Alaric and Aleksis are indeed very understanding in that crazy situation and until now they did not try to separate him from his two children. Now the twins were now in their teens. However, Nicolae was unable to go through such experiences again. In his heart, he tried hard to keep his distance and not too fond of Summer.     

He must try to find Summer's mother as soon as possible, return the cute child to her, and then take his leave. He must do it before his feelings for the little girl became deep.     

However, as always, you don't always get what you want.     

Now Nicolae found himself sitting on the sofa beside Summer's bed and staring at the girl's sleeping face with tightness in his chest. What a lovely and adorable child.     

What was her mother like?     

He saw Summer moving restlessly in her sleep and dropping her blanket to the floor. Nicolae fixed Summer's blanket lovingly and stroked her hair, then stared at the child for a long time.     


The next day Nicolae contacted the police to find out if there was any progress on their side. He had to swallow his disappointment because the five people who contacted the police and claimed to have lost a child, none could mention Summer's full name as he had requested and provide proof that they were indeed her family.     

"I have to be patient. It's only been two days," Nicolae thought. He took Summer to Bercy Park to make her recognize the environment around her home. Unfortunately, the child could not remember anything.     

Bercy Park was indeed huge, and for a five-year-old child, many locations looked similar. After several hours of exploring some of the streets around Bercy Park, Nicolae finally decided to stop. Summer seemed very tired and sleepy.     

He then carried the little girl and returned to the penthouse. Tomorrow they would try again. In the evening, Altair and Vega, who managed to get permission from Mr. Rhieu to leave their group at the hotel, came to visit Nicolae.     

Altair seemed very happy to see Summer. He repeatedly teased the child and played with her, while Vega appeared to be a little jealous. While Summer played with Altair, Vega was latching on Nicolae and didn't want to let go.     

"Why haven't you returned this child to her parents?" Vega asked many times. Nicolae quickly realized Vega was jealous to see another girl looking so close to Nicolae. The man could only shake his head while smiling.     

"Geez ... you're a big kid. There is no need to feel jealous of a younger child. I am still trying to find her family. It's not easy," Nicolae said patiently.     

"Why isn't this easy? Aren't you really good at finding information and things like this?" Vega asked, not understanding.     

"To find information about ordinary people, I am indeed an expert. But it is very difficult to find people who do not want to be found, especially if they also have abilities like me," Nicolae answered.     

"Oh .. you mean, like that Goose guy?..." Vega asked again. "He is a hacker that is being hunted by so many people, but no one has managed to find his tracks."     

Nicolae nodded. "Right, like that Goose guy. Ah ... I don't know whether I could find him or not, because suddenly my attention is diverted by this problem. But yeah... if Summer's mother is like Goose, who is very skilled at removing his tracks, I can't find her easily."     

"But ... after you find her parents, you will send her back, right? She won't stay with Daddy all the time?" Vega asked in an urgent tone. She felt slightly threatened because she had been the only daughter in her family and in Nicolae's life. She was loved by everyone.     

Now, when she saw another child looking so close to her father, she felt upset. Daddy Nic was hers and Altair's only.     

"Yes, of course, I will send her home," Nicolae replied. "If you let go of my hand, I can make tea for us."     

Vega obeyed and released her grip from Nicolae's hand. She followed the man into the kitchen and watched him boil water and make tea for them. Vega suddenly thought of other possibilities.     

"What if you couldn't find her family? Will ... you raise her?" she asked suddenly. Nicolae frowned at Vega's question.     

"Don't say such things," he said. "What if Summer hears you?"     

"I was only thinking of the worst possible scenario," Vega said, shrugging. "What if her parents have died? Normal people would certainly try to find their missing child, right? Why hasn't she reported it to the police? Did something happen to them so they couldn't look for Summer? We have to think about that possibility."     

Nicolae was stunned to hear Vega's words. He did not want to think about that possibility because he could not imagine a child as small as Summer losing her mother. The five-year-old child had already lost her father.     

Finally, he just touched Vega's shoulder and patted it softly. "Vega, dear, could you please do me a favor? Don't talk about such things in front of Summer. Your actions today make me sad."     

He then went into the living room with a tray filled with teapot and a few cups for them, leaving Vega, who stood transfixed in the kitchen. Slowly, Vega was overcome by guilt. She knew she was too jealous, that's why she said such things. She was sorry when she saw Nicolae looking at her with a disappointed look.     

Summer realized that Vega didn't really like her, and didn't want to come any closer to the girl when the four of them gather in the living room to play. Summer only smiled and played with Altair, but she seemed to withdraw when Vega came closer.     


"Summer doesn't like you," Altair commented as he and Vega descended from the penthouse into the lobby. They were going home to their own hotel after meeting Nicolae and Summer and having dinner together.     

Vega only shrugged when she heard her brother's words. She realized that her attitude towards Summer was cold, and it made her feel ashamed of herself. But she could not hold back her own feelings. She loved Nicolae and didn't like it if Daddy Nic shared his love with other girls, especially if it was just a stranger who had nothing to do with them.     

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