The Alchemists

How Nicolae Spent His Weekend

How Nicolae Spent His Weekend

0Nicolae spent most of his weekends with Terry. They would watch concerts, theater performances, or did horse riding activities in the countryside. When both appeared in public, they would always attract the attention of many women.     

Terry often graced the gossip sites headlines for being into men after he was often seen in public with his best friend, Nicolae. Even though he was actually dating the supermodel, Shekina, and spent a lot of time with her whenever she was in New York.     

As a top supermodel, Shekina traveled a lot around the world and occasionally stopped by in New York. If they happened to be in the same city, she with her modeling work and Terry on his business trips, they would spend time together. But, still, she the rumors about his closeness to Shekina resurfaced, people would say that Terry only made Shekinahis bead, to cover up the fact that he was actually gay and in relationship with Nicolae.     

Fortunately, men like Terry had very high confidence and were not affected by what people say. He was not at all concerned with gossip about his personal life. He only thought of himself and couldn't care less about the assumption of others.     

After he left his brother's family mansion, Nicolae met Terry at his penthouse. When he arrived, Terry was waiting for him with two glasses on his balcony and a bottle of limoncello.     

"Summer is coming soon. This is perfect weather for drinking limoncello," Terry said as he handed a glass of limoncello to Nicolae. His friend nodded and accepted the glass.     

They clinked their glasses then sipped their drinks.     

"Thank you for sending Dean to help us," Nicolae said. "I was worried. You know what Alaric is like."     

Terry nodded with a big smile. "Of course. I can imagine."     

"The kids were very impressed by Dean. Altair instead said, after he graduates from high school, he will go to law school."     

Terry nodded in satisfaction. "That's a good major to take. If he wants to lead a company, he needs to understand the law. I'm too lazy, so I leave it all to Dean."     

"Until when do you want to use this identity?" Nicolae asked. "How old are you now? Almost 40 years old, right? Many people think you're young because you're dating lots of young girls ... hahaha. You're consuming their youths. But, you can only use that excuse for the next few years."     

Terry nodded. "I don't know ... I really like my work and my life now. I might ask for a potion from Uncle Aldebar to make me look a little older if needed. To avoid people's suspicious. Do you remember the party refreshment he made at Aleksis' wedding? A sip can make you look older ten years, but the potion doesn't last long. If he could make a potion that could make us look three or five years older and the effect can last for several months ... of course we don't need to change our identities every twenty years, "     

Nicolae frowned at Terry's words. "You're weird. Don't all people want to stay young forever? Why do you want to look older?"     

"No ... you're wrong," Terry said, raising his glass. "Everyone wants to live forever. What is the point of living forever and staying young if we have to hide and cannot live the life we want? This will be a kind of prison for us. I think the best life is to live forever and be free. So if we can look a little old ... enough to get rid of people's suspicions ... it would be better."     

"Hmm ... you have a point too." Only then did Nicolae understand Terry's point of view.     

Perhaps, most Alchemists did like to hide and start a new life every twenty years. But what if they really liked their lives and wanted to experience them longer? Wouldn't having a choice be more fun?     

"You can discuss it with Aldebar or Rune," Nicolae agreed. "If he could make such a potion, I would drink it too. I still want to be Altair and Vega's guardian until they go to college. You know, their mother and father would look like they are the same age as the twins, a few years from now. They wouldn't be able to come forward as Altair's and Vega's parents if those kids still want to go to public school."     

Terry only raised an eyebrow at Nicolae's words. He knew Nicolae loved his niece and nephew, and whatever he did in life, it was only for them. He wouldn't even mind altering his appearance to look older, just so that he could be seen as their father.     

"You will be an amazing father," Terry commented. "Maybe it's time for you to look for a wife, get married, and have kids of your own?"     

Nicolae pretended not to hear Terry's words. He continued to talk about Altair and Vega. "In two weeks they will go on a study trip to Paris. Incidentally, my students will also finish their exams and starts the summer holiday. I will return to Grosetto and stop by Paris to watch over the twins."     

"Do you want to go to Grosetto? Has your father returned from China?" Terry asked in puzzlement. As far as Lauriel was concerned, he had resume his adventurous lifestyle and spent much of his time in China, because the girl he was allegedly dating lived there.     

"Father said he would return to Grosetto in the summer. That's why I want to go there," Nicolae answered. "Besides, this summer, Alaric and Aleksis will take the children to Glasgow. Uncle Ned and Aunt Portia will celebrate their birthdays there. I think I also need to find a change of scenery."     

Terry seemed to be thinking of something.     

"I haven't taken a vacation this year. Don't you want to travel with me? Remember, years ago, we traveled together every year. We would meet in Japan, or in Mongolia, or somewhere else. Since you have children, you have become boring," he chided. "Are there no interesting places you want to visit?"     

Nicolae seemed to think for a moment. "You're right. We haven't traveled together for a long time. I don't mind going somewhere with you. What do you have in mind? I can go after I check the kids in Paris."     

"We've never been to Macchu Picchu," Terry said enthusiastically. "How about Macchu Picchu?"     

"That sounds good." Nicolae nodded. "I like that."     

"I'll arrange our flights. I'll ask Lee to contact you for your schedule and other stuff." Terry was very happy. He had not been traveling for a long time with his best friend, and he had missed that.     

They talked late into the night, and then Nicolae excused himself to go home. He usually spent his Saturdays and Sundays doing sports, writing, and reading. He liked to keep himself busy and active. As a result, his body always looked athletic and strong.     

When he was jogging in the park near his apartment building, he stopped by the edge of a small lake and sat resting there. There were usually a lot of geese and ducks that swim leisurely and enjoy life in the pond. It was Nicolae's habit to bring bread when he was jogging through the park and lake.     

He would sit on the edge of the pond and feed the animals. The grass grew thick in summer. It was very nice to sit on it while enjoying the sun. He loved spending a long time there. He would take out a book, read, or just sit around enjoying the sunshine and his beautiful surroundings.     

When he first came to this park and found a pond filled with geese and ducks, he accidentally remembered the pleasant moment he had with Marie and Mrs. Lu many years ago in the hospital garden.     

Marie and her mother always loved sitting under the sun like what he was doing now. They also enjoyed the feeling of fresh grass around them and the sunlight on their skin. Nicolae remembered they brought some bread and fed the ducks in the pond. This was what he was now often doing whenever he came to this park.     

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