The Alchemists

If Only I Could Turn Back Time

If Only I Could Turn Back Time

0As the memories came flooding back, Nicolae suddenly realized that it was there that he actually started falling in love with Marie, not later. It was when he saw her in that hospital garden, under the trees, on a bright sunny day.     

Ahh .. why it took him so long to realize his own feelings? Why was he late? So late...     

His time with Marie was brief, and now he regretted not having many moments to remember with her.     

Oh God ... if I could turn back time ... I want to go back to that time.     

I want to confess my love to her.     

I want to ask her hand in marriage and sincerely marry her ... and will never annul it.     

I want to live together with Marie ... and our child.     

Nicolae closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm sun on his face and body. Unfortunately ... even though they, Alchemists, could live forever, they had no power to turn back time.     


When Altair and Vega returned to school on Monday, many of their female friends asked about the handsome man who had come to school to accompany Altair during his fight with Charles.     

A small number of friends, who had been to their house and knew Nicolae was their father, had told others who he was, but most of the students didn't believe them. They wanted to hear directly from Altair and Vega.     

"It's true. That's our daddy," said Altair with a proud face. He knew Nicolae was very handsome, and he was always happy to brag about his father. "Why?"     

"Oh ... I see. Well, I thought... I thought he's your brother or cousin because he looks so young and cool. I couldn't imagine he is your father."     

"I just realized that you both actually look similar."     

"Wow ... you're so lucky," said another one. "That means when you turn 40 like him, you will also look that young. Gosh! Such good genes."     

Altair only smiled at that. His school friends did not know how old Nicolae really was and that Altair would also look young forever.     

"I am indeed lucky," Altair responded.     

"Oh, by the way... then what happened at the police station? We haven't heard anything about the case with Charles. Was he finally willing to settle?"     

"Oh ... well, he finally realized his mistake. We agreed to settle and promised never to discuss it again," Altair said with a shrug.     

Since his school friends had to ask him what had happened at the police station, Altair suspected that Charles was keeping it a secret. He would be ashamed if people found out he was utterly humiliated at the police station.     

Ah ... it's better this way. Altair would prefer his friends not to ask further questions so they wouldn't suspect his and Vega's identity. Altair also chose not to discuss it again. He told his friends that he was eager to focus his attention on the coming exams and did not want to look for a fuss.     


The test week arrived, and the twins were very busy with various tasks and their studies. They wanted to finish the final semester exams because they couldn't wait to go on the study trip to Paris, which was organized by the French teacher and their language club.     

They were excited about the trip. Not only because they really like the city of Paris, but Altair and Vega also wanted to experience traveling with their peers. Besides, they were also excited to go to the fashion capital of the world because their close friend, Jean-Marie would travel there for her modeling work.     

All the waiting made the test week feel easy, and both of them could get through it happily.     

"Finally, the exam is finished too ...!!!" Vega exclaimed happily as she arrived home after the final day's exam.     

"Ahh .. nice. After this, you can go on vacation in peace," said Nicolae, who welcomed their arrival. "All my classes are also finished. After taking you back to Manhattan later this afternoon, I will go straight to the airport to travel to Grosetto."     

Vega smiled broadly. "You're meeting us in Paris, aren't you?"     

Nicolae nodded. "Of course."     

He hadn't returned to Grosetto in six months. Summer in his parents' castle must be beautiful. It would be good for him to look for a new atmosphere before leaving for Paris and then adventuring with Terry. They planned to travel to Macchu Picchu.     

After Altair and Vega had lunch and a short rest, they left for Manhattan. Nicolae handed them over to their parents, then he left for Italy.     

"Send my regards to Father," Alaric said as he sent his brother off at the airport. "I am thinking of having a family gathering in August, on our wedding anniversary. What do you think?"     

Nicolae nodded. "Great idea."     

"I'll let you know the details later," Alaric said.     

"Of course." Nicolae smiled slightly and waved. He walked towards his boarding gate. He would fly from New York to Milan, and from there, he would drive to Grosetto. The journey was quite long, but he loved it.     


"You haven't forgotten anything?" Alaric repeatedly asked as he sent Altair and Vega off for their trip. A bodyguard would take them to school and joined their peers from the language club. They would all depart together from school to the airport.     

Because his face and appearance were iconic and quite easy to recognize, Alaric was forced not to take his children to school. This is one thing he always regretted, being in his position. But he couldn't do anything about it.     

If he insisted on sending the twins and someone saw him, Altair and Vega's secret identities might be exposed. As a very overprotective father, he did not like it when his children were exposed to the public because their privacy and their lives could be threatened.     

"I have brought everything, Father. I don't miss out anything," said Altair patiently. He knew his father quite well. "Try to ask Vega. Maybe she forgot something."     

Vega stuck out her tongue. "Not me."     

Alaric nodded. "Good, then. When you are on the trip, don't trouble your teachers... And, when Nic comes to Paris, you should always update him on what's going on."     

"Fine, Father ... I understand," said Altair.     

Vega also nodded. "Me too."     

"Good. Your mother and I love you very much." Alaric smiled and kissed his two children's foreheads. Aleksis followed suit by hugging and kissing them. Both of them clearly felt it was really hard to let go of their two teenage children to travel alone, but they had no choice.     

"We will go now..." Altair and Vega said goodbye and went to school. They really can't wait to get to Paris immediately.     

After both of them disappeared from sight, Alaric and Aleksis exchanged glances and took a deep breath.     

"Gosh ... they're so big now," Aleksis murmured. "Time flies."     

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