The Alchemists

Aleksis And Alaric's Decision

Aleksis And Alaric's Decision

0That was a question no one can answer, except by time. At this moment, Nicolae could only surrender to fate and live his life as best he could. Maybe, years from now, he would be able to look back and accept what has happened with an open heart.     

"Hmm ... then I'll also go home with Terry tomorrow to New York," Nicolae said. He finished his wine then excused himself to sleep. He couldn't be social with many people in his current state of mind.     

Terry and Alaric just exchanged glances. Alaric sighed, but he could not do anything. No matter how great his wealth and power, he could not raise the dead. He had bought Marie's apartment building on Robertson Road and left her unit as it was.     

Whenever Nicolae wanted to go back there, he would be able to come anytime. At least, that's all Alaric could do for his only brother. He hoped that someday Nicolae would be able to move on and find happiness, just like their father, Lauriel.     


That night before they went to sleep, Alaric invited Aleksis to talk. It had been almost six months since the year-end holiday when Nicolae realized his feelings for Marie and later found out that the girl had died. Until now, Alaric noticed that his brother's sadness still had not diminished.     

He felt that there was only one way to slowly console Nicolae, and he wanted to ask Aleksis what she thought about it.     

"Aleksis ..." Alaric sat on the edge of their bed and patted the side next to him, giving a signal for Aleksis to sit beside him. Ireland and Scotland had just slept in the next room, and their older siblings slept with their grandmother, so the couple was alone in their room. "Please sit next to me ... I have something to talk to you about."     

Aleksis, who had just changed into her nightgown, let her hair down to her shoulder and sat next to her husband.     

"What is wrong?" she asked softly. Alaric didn't usually invite her to talk with a serious expression before they sleep like this. She became curious to know what he was thinking. She could suspect that it had something to do with Nicolae.     

"Nic will go home early tomorrow morning with Terry," Alaric said. "I can feel that he is still sad. Usually, he would love to spend more time to be with our family, especially the kids. I am really concerned about him. Especially in New York, he only has your narcissistic brother ..."     

Aleksis laughed to hear Terry was called narcissistic by Alaric. She did not disagree, indeed Terry had his quirks, and at first glance, people would think he was narcissistic or selfish. Well, that's who he is. What can I do? She thought in amusement.     

"It's just how Terry is, but he will never let bad things happen to Nico," Aleksis said. "What are you thinking?"     

Alaric took a deep breath. This was not something he liked, but now he was more concerned with Nicolae's happiness than his own.     

"I want to send Altair and Vega to stay with Nic for as long as he needs them," Alaric said. "I've been thinking about this for a long time, and today I finally decided to discuss it with you."     

"You don't mind if Altair and Vega live with Nico? Are you really sure?" Aleksis asked in amazement. She knew how much Alaric loved their firstborns and always regretted the fact that he had lost the first ten years of their lives.     

"I don't mind. We can still visit them at any time," Alaric said. "I am more concerned about Nicolae in difficult times like this."     

Aleksis fell silent. She loved her children, and she did not like it if she had to part with them.     

"Why don't we live there too?" Aleksis asked her husband. "My father has a mansion in Manhattan. We can move there, and the children can live with us. They could go and spend time with Nic on weekends. We can live anywhere in the world, right?"     

"Hmmm. Actually, I don't like New York. Pollution there is one of the worsts in the world," Alaric said. "But this time, I agree with you."     

"That way, the children can share their time with Nic and us," Aleksis said patiently. "I think it would be good for them to see Nicolae often. I know Vega is distraught."     

"Ahh .. you're right. I'm grateful to have an understanding and intelligent wife like you. Then I'll talk to Nicolae before he leaves tomorrow morning," Alaric said with a smile. He felt calm because Aleksis agreed with his thoughts.     

"Uhm ... let's not tell Nic ..." Aleksis said with a smile. "We can surprise him. He will be very happy."     

Alaric's purple eyes went round at his wife's words. He felt excited.     

Ah, that's right. If they didn't tell Nicolae about their plans and next week just suddenly appeared in front of his house, surely his brother would be pleasantly surprised.     

"Good idea! I'll keep this a secret and discuss it with the children tomorrow after Nic leaves." Alaric kissed Aleksis's lips tenderly and patted her shoulder. "Come on, let's sleep."     

Aleksis nodded as she lay down on the bed, followed by Alaric, who slept next to her. After Alaric clapped his hand once to turn off the light, Aleksis immediately embraced the man's body and slid her head into Alaric's chest.     

"Good night," she whispered while closing her eyes.     

Alaric kissed her forehead once and then closed his eyes following Aleksis and slept. "Sweet dream."     


The next day, Altair and Vega sobbed as Nicolae told them at breakfast that he would soon be leaving for New York with Terry.     

"Daddy Nic, why do you have to go so soon? Usually, when there is a family event, you will stay long enough," complained Vega with tears in her eyes.     

"I am still teaching on campus, so I can't leave for long," Nicolae said. "I have my responsibilities at work."     

"But a week should be fine. You just need to take two days leave ..." Vega whined.     

"Uhm .. I'm sorry, I can't do that now. In the summer holiday, I will take a month off and take you to Africa or the Caribbean. How about that?" Nicolae tried to persuade the twins. After he promised to take them on a trip, finally, Vega's tears subsided.     

"Can we go with Daddy Nic?" Vega immediately turned and asked her parents for approval. "Father, is that possible? We haven't traveled with Daddy Nic for a long time ..."     

Aleksis and Alaric exchanged glances and then nodded in unison. "Of course."     

They even spoke at the same time.     

"Ahh .. thank you," Nicolae said, nodding towards them. He decided that he needed to go back on adventures to calm his heart down. But this time he wanted to bring his two children so that he wouldn't feel so alone.     

After promising to get Altair and Vega to travel during the next summer's holiday, finally, Nicolae could leave in peace. He did not know Aleksis and Alaric had planned to move to New York so that their children could become closer to Nicolae.     

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