The Alchemists

It's A Really Pleasant Day

It's A Really Pleasant Day

0After Nicolae left, Alaric called out to Vega, who was in tears and Altair, who looked sad.     

"Your mother and I have talked about this," he said with a smiley face. Lately, Alaric was smiling more and made his handsome face look even more charming. "We decided to move to New York."     

"Eh? What did Father say?" Altair and Vega looked at each other in surprise. They did not expect to hear this from their father.     

Moving to New York?     

That means, they will stay close to Nicolae, right?     

Were their parents really serious?     

"We want you to meet Daddy Nic often," Aleksis added. "If we live nearby, you can be with Nic every weekend, and throughout the week, you can stay with us. What do you think?"     

Aleksis did not need to wait for verbal answers from the lips of his two children, because they had attacked her and Alaric with joy. Both Altair and Vega looked very happy.     

"Thank you, Mom!! I am so happy ..." Vega said happily. She hugged her mother's neck tightly. A moment later, she moved and hugged her father's neck. "I'll tell Daddy right away ..."     

"Sshh .. don't. We should make this a surprise. We will let Nic know when we have arrived in New York. He will definitely be very surprised," Alaric said. "For the time being, please keep all of this a secret from Nic."     

"And ... from Uncle Terry. If Uncle Terry finds out, he might spoil the news it to Nic. You all know that uncle of yours cannot be trusted ..." Aleksis added.     

Both children nodded happily. Of course, they would be happy to keep it a secret. They also wanted to surprise Nic and see his surprised and happy expression when he saw them suddenly appear in front of him.     

Caspar and Finland, who saw the small family looked delighted, could only exchange glances and smile. They were very happy to see Aleksis and her family were truly blessed. Even after ten years of separation, the relationship between Alaric and Aleksis was still very intimate. It was as if they had never been separated, even for a moment.     


Beginning in June in New York, the weather was very sunny because spring was almost over, and summer was coming soon. Today, Nicolae only had one class in the morning, and then he would have free time all day. After ending his lessons and sending his students out, he decided to go to the library to relax.     

There were still many female students who did not leave the auditorium even though the lecture was over because Nicolae was still there. They would not miss the opportunity to ogle on their handsome professor while they had the chance. Because of that, they took their sweet time to pack up their books and waited until Nicolae left the hall, then they would also come out.     

Nicolae knew what they were thinking, but he was powerless to drive them away. He already knew that this was one of the risks he had to face by taking on a new identity as a professor, which naturally attracted many female students.     

In the past, he would take the time to track and delete his photos on the internet every day. Students would secretly photograph and upload his photos to Splitz to show off their handsome professor to students from the other faculties or schools.     

After Alaric heard of this problem, he asked Pavel to include an algorithm in Splitz to automatically delete photos of Nicolae posted on their platform to save Nicolae's time.     

Nicolae's students already knew that their professor didn't like being photographed. They could guess that he always tracked and deleted their photos from the internet because he was an IT expert. Now, slowly, there were less and less students secretly taking his photographs and uploading them, because they knew that their actions are in vain.     



Before Nicolae had cleared his bag of books and left the hall, his cellphone rang. He frowned when he saw the caller ID was Alaric.     

"Hey ... what's up?" asked, packing his books into his bag and then carrying his backpack on his back. Before he left the door, Nicolae paused and signaled his students who were still in the hall to get out, because the next professor would use the hall for class.     

"We happened to be heading to the St. Laurent Hotel for lunch with Terry. Do you want to join?" Alaric asked.     

"Oh ... really? What are you doing in New York? Eh ... did you come alone or do you bring Aleksis with you?" Nicolae asked as he walked through the campus corridor. At first glance, he looked like one of the students wandering on the campus, but because Nicolae was wearing a tie, people could see that he was a professor.     

"We have some business to attend in New York. The children come too. Do you want to meet them or not?" Alaric asked again. "If you're busy, that's fine."     

"Uh ... I'm not busy," Nicolae said hurriedly. "I'll be there soon."     

His face smiled broadly when he hung up the phone and kept his cellphone in his pocket. Ahh .. it's a really pleasant day. He could not wait to meet the twins whom he considered his own children.     

His handsome face was decorated with a smile, making more and more girls fascinated as the young man walked past them. During the past semester, Nicolae rarely smiled. So, seeing his face look so bright and adorned with a sweet smile, everyone at the Information Management Department he worked at was baffled.     

One could only guess why Nicolae looked so happy today.     


When Alaric said that he had a lunch appointment with Terry, it turned out that his intention was not to have lunch in one of the hotel restaurants, but in the penthouse where Terry had lived all this time. He asked the chef to come in to cook for him and his guests.     

Nicolae, who arrived exactly at noon, immediately hugged Altair and Vega, who were already waiting for him behind the door, when he knocked on the penthouse door.     

"Ahhh .... I am so glad you came ... I really miss you," he blurted out. He then embraced Alaric and Aleksis and asked the reason for their visit to New York this time. He learned that Alaric did not like New York City very much because of the level of pollution.     

"Hmm .. Aleksis and I have talked about this," Alaric said. "We need a change of scenery, and we think New York is the right place."     

"Eh ... what do you mean? New York? Are you joking?" Nicolae asked in amazement. "Do you intend to move here?"     

Alaric nodded. "That's right. We now live in the Schneider family mansion in Manhattan, not far from here."     

"Jeez ..." Nicolae looked at Alaric and Aleksis alternately with a look of disbelief. "I do not know what to say..."     

"Just say you don't mind taking care of Altair and Vega over the weekend," Alaric said with a smile. Altair and Vega formed their big smiles when they heard their father's words.     

"Gosh ... you will allow the twins to stay with me every weekend?" Nicolae was beaming in happiness. "Of course, I will take care of them well!"     

He kissed Altair and Vega's cheeks alternately with joy.     

"Today is a really pleasant day," he muttered.     

Alaric, Aleksis, and Terry were very pleased to see the change in Nicolae's face that had previously been gloomy. They felt that the decision taken by the couple was the right decision.     

"Thank you ..." whispered Nicolae. Alaric and Aleksis only smiled and nodded. After the novelty died down, Nicolae then sat with them at the dining table and joined in for a delightful lunch.     

He understood that his brother and Aleksis were very concerned about him and wanted to console him. He had no idea that they would be willing to move to New York to be close to him and provide an opportunity for him to spend a lot of time with his beloved children.     

At the very least, he would not always be haunted by the past when he lost Marie and their unborn child. From now on, Nicolae set his heart to move on and let them go.     


**** VOLUME 3 - ENDS HERE *****     

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