The Alchemists

Do You Have A Girlfriend???

Do You Have A Girlfriend???

0"You arrived on time," Caspar commented when he saw London and L came to the sitting room of the main villa. He raised Lily, who was pouting and gave the baby to her parents. "Lily seems bored with me."     

When Caspar said it with a disappointed face. L hurriedly took her daughter from Caspar's hands and thanked him. She kissed Lily's cheek, who immediately chuckled because her mother kissed her.     

Fortunately, Caspar's sadness did not last long. From the massive open door, he had seen the arrival of his eldest daughter and Alaric, who each carried their twin babies.     

"Aha ...! You arrived on time," Caspar repeated his words to Aleksis, who was holding Ireland, and immediately his face turned bright again. "I miss these little boys."     

Finland, who saw her husband's behavior, could only contain her own laughter. She also approached Alaric, who was carrying Scotland.     

"Give me your little one, so I can carry him. You both rest first and unpack your stuff in your room," Finland said happily.     

"Ah ... thank you," Alaric said, handing his baby to the hands of his mother-in-law. Aleksis also gave Ireland to Caspar, who had kissed his hair and cheeks until Ireland laughed in amusement.     

"We will unpack our stuff first," Aleksis said. She looked back and waited patiently for Lauriel and her two eldest children who were walking behind them while chatting. Altair and Vega were telling stories to Lauriel, and their grandfather listened attentively. "Father, kids... we will unpack our belongings in the next building and take a bath. Soon we will have dinner together."     

Lauriel and the twins nodded.     

"Mom, you can go ahead with Father," said Altair, waving his hand. "We will follow you later."     

"Don't stay too long," said Aleksis. After seeing her children nod, Aleksis then pulled her husband's hand up to the second floor and headed to the next building that was prepared for them. Some staff helped carry some of their bags.     

After Aleksis and Alaric disappeared to the second floor, Terry and Nicolae, who had just finished taking a shower, were seen descending the stairs from the next building. As soon as Vega saw Nicolae's figure, she immediately stopped her chatter and ran to the man's direction.     

"Daddyyy... !!! When did you arrive? I thought you're not here yet ..." exclaimed the girl happily.     

Nicolae was very excited to see Vega and Altair. Spontaneously, he grabbed Vega's waist and lifted her to the air and spun her around.     

"Wahhh ... you've gotten taller!" he exclaimed. He spun Vega a few times then put down the girl on the floor with enthusiasm. Altair had also approached him and immediately hugged Nicolae as soon as Vega let him go.     

"Daddy... Why didn't you stop by Singapore and visit us?" Altair asked in a disappointed tone. "You also rarely call now."     

Nicolae stroked Altair's hair and said in a serious voice. "I'm rather busy preparing a house for you in New York, so you can visit. I promise to visit you both later."     

"When?" The intelligent Altair immediately asked for a specific time. He did not want to be given an empty promise.     

"Wahahaha .. soon," Nicolae answered. "Soon."     

He raised his face and exchanged glances with his father, who looked at him with a serious expression as if warning him not to lie to the two children. Nicolae could only smile and not say anything.     

"Ahem ... actually, Daddy Nic didn't have the chance to call you often, Kids, because he was busy dating lots of women," Terry said suddenly. "You should be happy. Your wishes come true."     

Nicolae turned and narrowed his eyes at Terry. "Terry ... don't talk so rashly in front of a child."     

But the person he reprimanded did not care and just laughed. Terry carried Vega and kissed her cheek and then took the child to sit on the sofa overlooking the pool. "Come sit here with Uncle. I want to gossip about your Daddy Nic."     

"Terry!" Nicolae became furious, but he knew he could not do anything to Terry. While Altair, who had heard Terry's words, immediately ran toward his uncle excitedly and sat next to him on the sofa.     

The three began chattering together on the couch. They were busy gossiping Nicolae's love life. The last time they met, during Aleksis and Alaric's wedding anniversary in Targu Mures, Alaric and Vega did ask Terry to help them find a girlfriend for Daddy Nic. Both children were eager to know the results.     

Nicolae finally could only shake his head to see their behavior. He just let them be and approached his father to hug him. "Hello, Father."     

"Hmm," Lauriel only muttered briefly. He glanced at Altair, Vega, and Terry then gave Nicolae a little of his opinion. "They do it because they love you."     

Nicolae just rolled his eyes. "Uhm .. Don't join their bandwagon, Father. Stop thinking about finding me a girlfriend. You're no better than I am. When it comes to love and girlfriend, you're just as lame."     

Lauriel seemed to smile faintly when he heard his eldest son's words. There was a tiny glow in his eyes when he said, "Me? I'm not lame."     

Then he walked away from Nicolae, who was suddenly confused. Lauriel then greeted Caspar, who was playing with Ireland, and the two of them stood to chat on the terrace while enjoying the gentle breeze.     

"Father said he wasn't lame?" Nicolae frowned. "Wait a minute ... What did he mean by that?"     

He turned and watched his father's sturdy body stood calmly as usual. Somehow, he could feel there was something different from Lauriel today.     

But what was it?     

Nicolae narrowed his eyes and tried to pay close attention. Lauriel crossed his arms on his chest as he chatted with Caspar. His handsome face still looked as serious as ever, but for some reason, his eyes seemed a little ... hmm... twinkling, like ... a happy person.     

When a servant came to them with a tray of wine, Lauriel took a glass of wine for himself and handed a glass to Caspar. They then clinked their glasses and drank together.     

When Lauriel's right hand raised his glass ... Nicolae noticed there something was different about his wrist.     

There was a red woven wristband on his father's wrist.     

Nicolae had never seen that woven wristband. Why was his father suddenly wearing something like that? Wasn't Lauriel the same as Aleksis, who very rarely wore any jewelry?     

Suddenly, a crazy thought came to Nicolae's head. His eyes went round, and he walked briskly toward his father and asked him enthusiastically.     

"Father! Do you have a girlfriend???"     

Nicolae's words surprised everyone. Subconsciously, all heads immediately turned towards Lauriel, who was sipping his wine, seemed completely unaffected by the commotion that was quickly happening around him.      

"Wait ... what?" Caspar, who was standing closest to his best friend, looked at Lauriel with a pair of big round eyes. Although he was not a nosy person, Lauriel's love life is an exception to him. Caspar could not help but ask, "Lauriel ... is that true?"     

Lauriel did not answer. He was unfazed and did not give any response. Finland, Nicolae, Caspar, Terry, Altair and Vega, all looked at him with questioning faces. They really hoped that Lauriel would answer yes or no.     

If he answered no, then it made no difference then and now. They knew he had always been famous as a loner and could not get over his girlfriend, Princess Luna, who had passed away.     

But if Lauriel answered 'yes' ... then ...     

The next question would be ... who? Where? How? And still followed by a million more questions.     

"Father ..." Nicolae said again ... He tried to read his father's expression, but could not find any answers there. It was really hard to read his father.     

"You are too nosy." Finally, Lauriel answered. But he still did not give any confirmation. He finished the wine in his glass and sat on the sofa beside Vega, who was staring at him with round eyes.     

The man clearly enjoyed playing with those around him, who were curious about his relationship status. However, he wouldn't easily give them what they wanted. He hadn't been teasing people for a long time, he thought. This could be entertaining.     

Seeing his father choose not to answer, Nicolae did not force him anymore. He remembered Aldebar had veritaserum. There was no point in forcing a former pirate to divulge his secrets.      

I will use a subtle method, Nicolae thought.     

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