The Alchemists

The Moment He Had Been Waiting For

The Moment He Had Been Waiting For

0L sing beautifully. As usual, her voice was able to amaze everyone present at the ballroom. Only John Wendell, Caroline Wendell, and Danny Swann did not seem to enjoy the brilliant performance. All three of their faces were filled with horror.     

"I don't understand. Isn't ... isn't she supposed to be dead?" said Danny Swann many times. John Wendell glared at him with a face filled with anger.     

"How stupid of you! You only have to do ONE THING. She is just a little girl without anyone to protect her. Why can't you just kill her??" Although his face was covered in blood after being been beaten by Danny Swann, John Wendell suddenly found the strength to stand up because of his anger.     

He rose from his chair and yanked Danny Swann's collar, trying to hit him back. London only watched them with a cold glance. This was the moment that he had been waiting for.     

"What do you mean by that? What have you done? Didn't you say you would get rid of Danny Swann?" Caroline asked in an urgent voice. She did not understand why the situation suddenly changed for the worse. Only last night she thought that her life would be better. She had succeeded in seducing a man from a wealthy and influential family.     

Her father had also gotten rid of Danny Swann and Marianne from her life. But why now was the situation reversed? Marianne turned out to be still alive and healthy, while her father and Danny Swann now looked cornered.     

He saw the tall, burly men guarding her father and Danny Swann looking very intimidating. Caroline was still trying to talk to London to let her and her father go.     

"London, for the sake of our good relationship, please let my father go. Look, his condition is very bad. I have to take care of him. I have to take him away. Please let us go." The girl's voice sounded pitiful.     

London turned to Caroline and smiled faintly. However, his smile looked completely unfriendly. His voice also sounded icy when he spoke.     

"Miss Wendell, we have no relationship whatsoever. Please don't misunderstand me."     

Caroline gasped.     

"Didn't you treat me so nicely yesterday? Didn't you say that as long as I made it clear to Danny Swann that our relationship was over, you want to be with me?" Caroline asked. However, this time there was doubt in her voice.     

She felt something really was wrong happening here. London merely shrugged his shoulders at the girl's words.     

"Did I really say that? I don't remember," he said. "I'm a married man, Miss Wendell. I can't betray my wife."     

"Wh ... what did you say?" At that moment, Caroline felt as if the sky was falling on her right then and there.     

It took a few seconds for the girl to realize that she had actually been tricked. Her eyes went round, and her lips were open to say something but she did not know what to say.     

John Wendell, who heard London's words, was very surprised.     

"You ...? You're deliberately deceiving us ...! Why did you do that?" the old man asked hoarsely.     

London did not care about the three people. His gaze refocused on the beautiful woman on the stage. All his attention was on L, who was singing beautifully.     

When the girl cast her eyes on him, their two pairs of eyes met each other. A beautiful smile instantly curved upon the handsome man's face as he saw the woman he loved so much. While L blushed and returned her husband's smile.     

Caroline, John Wendell, and Danny Swann followed London's gaze and looked at the stage. Instantly, their minds were filled with the same thoughts. Is it possible that London Schneider had a relationship with Marianne De Maestri or L?     

It was Danny Swann who later realized who London really was. He had finally remembered where he had seen this man before. His face looked shocked, and his body instantly trembled.     

He had remembered London as the man he saw with Marianne in that simple apartment.     

"What is your relationship ...? Why did you defend her? Who ... who are you, really?" Danny Swann asked repeatedly. London didn't care about the man at the slightest.     

He felt there was no need to give answers to a trash man like Danny Swann. He will let the man guess who he really was.     

"Have you met London Schneider before?" Suddenly John Wendell asked Danny Swann with a frown. Danny nodded with a pale face.     

"I met this man in Marianne's apartment a few months ago. They live together."     

Caroline looked very surprised. She didn't expect London Schneider to know Marianne. Slowly her smart brain began to make guesses. As she looked at London Schneider and L alternately, Caroline began to understand what was happening.     

"London ... are you and Marianne in a relationship ...? Did... did you do all this for her?" the girl asked in a desperate voice.     

London simply answered shortly, "Yes."     

"Ohh ..." Subconsciously Caroline pressed her lips with shock and disappointment.     

London crossed his arms across his chest and faced them with a disgusted expression.     

"Marianne Elle De Maestri is my wife. Twelve years ago, your father sent assassins to slaughter her whole family. Then today, your childhood friends sent assassins to kill L and her baby. You really are vile people. Humans like you do not deserve to roam free in this world, "said London slowly in an icy voice.     

"You have no proof!" said John Wendell quickly. "You don't have any evidence ... I didn't do anything to Marianne. If you want to catch the culprit, just arrest Daniel Swann! He clearly said that he wanted to kill Marianne. I have nothing to do with this case. Let me go..."     

The old man tried to struggle to get away from the London security guards who were holding him, but the men tightened their grips on him even more, making John struggle to breathe.     

Jan Van Der Ven, who had just arrived at their table, had heard John Wendell's words just now. His expression looked fed up, and he was about to hit the old man, but London Schneider held his hand.     

"Jan, this jerk said we don't have proof. Do you want to take care of him?" asked London. Jan nodded. He then took out a tablet from under his jacket. He quickly opened a video and played it in front of Caroline and her father.     

"I'm sure you still remember this person," he said in a cold voice.     

John Wendell was shocked to see the contents of the video. His face immediately turned pale. He had recognized who was in the video. It was one of the assassins whom he hired to kill L's family a dozen years ago.     

This was the recording that Mischa gave to London. There, all the proof they needed, and John could no longer deny his involvement.     

"I ... I ..." His eyes widened, and his face was filled with fear. His chest immediately felt so heavy. Unable to say anything, John held his chest, which was very painful, and suddenly his body collapsed to the floor with a thud.     

At exactly that moment, L finished singing her song and bowed respectfully to the guests who immediately rose to their feet, giving a very standing ovation for her performance.     

"Fatheeerr... !!!" Caroline screamed as she went to her father, who curled up on the floor with a very painful expression.     

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