The Alchemists

Tricking The Bad Guys

Tricking The Bad Guys

0John Wendell narrowed his eyes and read Danny Swann's expression carefully. He did not expect this man would act so foolishly to get Caroline, his daughter. Ha. Indeed, people in love tend to be stupid, he thought.     

"Then, just go back to your hotel now. I will have them call you," the old man finally said.     

"Really, Uncle? They will help me?" Danny asked in a half-pleading tone. "I have no choice anymore ..."     

"Right, you can trust me," John said, patting the young man's shoulder. "Caroline will see you once all your business is done."     

Danny Swann could only nod. He slowly turned and walked out of the conference building. John Wendell reentered the hall and met London Schneider, who was having a conversation with Caroline.     

"Forgive me for the intrusion, Sir. My nephew is a little disturbed," commented John Wendell apologetically.     

"It's okay. I have to go anyway. Welcome to Berlin. I hope you will have a good time at the conference. I'll be waiting for you guys to have lunch together." London nodded slightly and excused himself to the doctors around him.     

As soon as London and Jan disappeared from view, John hurriedly pulled out his cellphone and called someone. He spoke in a low voice and short words. Caroline could hear her father mention some familiar words like 'the singer' and 'kill'.     

"Are you going to kill the singer?" Caroline asked in a whisper. "That means you will help Danny get all of his inheritance?"     

John kept his cellphone in his pocket and shook his head. His face was decorated with an evil smile.     

"No. I just used those people to get rid of Danny. As soon as the girl died, all the evidence would point Danny, and he will go to jail. We don't have to worry about him anymore."     

Caroline gasped at her father's words. "But ... father, he is Danny... Why do you want to send him to jail? We grow up together..."     

Suddenly she felt goosebumps when she realized that her father had the heart to destroy Danny, considering the young man was his friend's son and Caroline's childhood friend. Shivers went down her spine when she heard her father's evil plan.     

"You shouldn't interfere," John rebuked his daughter. "Your job is to do what I tell you to do. No need to think about Danny ... He is not a good man for you ..."     

Caroline was stunned and could only stand rooted in her place. She did not dare to talk back to her father.     


"Are you busy?" Mischa asked over the phone when London contacted him on the phone after getting two missed calls from the man. "Sorry, I tried calling you a few times but didn't get any reply."     

"I was busy, but not anymore," answered London. "What important thing do you want to tell me?"     

"I just got information from the assassin group member hired by John Wendell that they had just been hired again for a mission." Mischa's mysterious voice made London feel uneasy. "The one who hired him was Daniel Swann."     

"Do I know who the target is?" the young man asked, clenching his fist. He could guess who the next target was.     

"Your guess is right. Of course, they won't dare to kill your wife, but there is one thing that I found to be quite interesting .." Mischa then cleared his throat before conveying the information he just received from the killer. "John gave their contact to Danny Swann so he could hire them to kill Miss De Maestri. He wants to control all of his grandfather's inheritance. But at the same time, John Wendell paid extra to the assassins to submit all the evidence that Daniel Swann hired them to the police. "     

"What did you say? So, John Wendell himself wants to get rid of Danny Swann?" asked London in surprise. "This makes my job easier."     

He chuckled when he heard the development of this case.     

"So, what do you think?" Mischa asked.     

"Let them take care of Danny Swann, then. I'll take care of John Wendell. I will have to have lunch with them later. Tonight, we will clear everything."     

"All right," Mischa agreed.     

"Thank you for your help, Mischa. I have no connection to the underworld at all ..." London said before hanging up. "You're very helpful."     

Mischa smiled at London's words. "Don't worry about it. We're family."     

Ah, indeed. They really are family now, thought London when he hung up the phone. Ten years ago, his family would never have thought of having close relations with people from the underworld, let alone to make them family.     

"Jan, make sure Marc and Dave keep a close eye on my wife and child, okay. I don't want any unwanted surprises," London said, turning to his assistant. The man nodded and swiftly contacted London Schneider's chief of security and coordinated with Marc.     

Meanwhile, London decided to contact L at home. His wife was practicing her singing, because she would appear as a special guest at the gala dinner this evening to welcome the conference participants.     

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked London in an intimate voice over the phone.     

"I am practicing my singing. What are you doing?" L replied.     

"I'm preparing a lot of things. I can't wait to see you at the gala dinner tonight," London answered. "You must not go anywhere without Marc's permission, okay? I need you to stay at home and only go to the gala dinner tonight with Marc or Dave together with their team."     

"Of course, I'm not stupid," L. said. "I'll take good care of myself."     

"I am glad to hear that." London smiled to herself. "I love you, L."     

"Hmm .. I love you too."     

After hanging up, London took a deep breath. Tonight, everything would end. He would avenge L and make the people responsible for her sufferings got what they deserved.     

He had promised forgiveness to the assassin group through Mischa as long as they are willing to help him to trap John Wendell. And now they would also trap Danny Swann. The man deserved to be punished because he had the heart to kill L and Lily just for money.     

If he couldn't hold back his rage, none of those people would be left alive.     

However, London knew killing bad people would not bring back L's family who had passed away, and instead would make his hands dirty because their blood would be on his hands. Therefore, he was forced to back down and let the police handle their crimes.     

With a flat, emotionless face, London came to a five-star restaurant where he entertained several important doctors from the conference, including John Wendell and his daughter, Caroline. He still had to be nice to them and make them let their guard down.     

The gala dinner tonight was a really important event and everything would be revealed. He must be patient.     

"Ah ... thank you, Sir, for having us. This is a very pleasant lunch. We learned more about the various Schneider Group pharmaceutical divisions," said John Wendell in a friendly manner.     

"We started opening a pharmaceutical division after Schneider Group began collaborating with RMI on various important projects. As you know, RMI has a strong pharmaceutical division because its subsidiary invented cancer drugs," London said with a smile. "The RMI leader is my brother-in-law. Maybe you have heard about him?"     

"Gosh ... I didn't know that the gossip is true ..." Caroline pressed her lips with shock. "I did hear that the Schneider family's eldest daughter is married to Elios Linden of RMI. But I thought it was just gossip ..."     

"My sister Aleksis Schneider is indeed married to Elios Linden," answered London. He was pleased to see Caroline and her father's reaction. They seemed really excited about wanting to be part of the Schneider family, considering this family's impressive connection.     

"Whoaa.. Your family is quite imposing," Caroline said, looking in awe.     

"Ah, Caroline ... how many times have I told you. You don't need to call me 'Sir'. Please just call me by my first name," said London, smiling.     

The girl looked down with rosy cheeks.     

"Ah ... that's right. Alright, Mis... eh, London ..." she said softly.     

John Wendell looked at the interaction between London and his daughter with a satisfied face. He truly believed that the Schneider family heir was really into his daughter.     

Ha. What a perfect husband for my daughter, he thought, smiling faintly.     

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