The Alchemists

Finding A New Apartment

Finding A New Apartment

0After spending one week in Paris, finally, the little family returned to Berlin. L deliberately took a break for 2 weeks after that to calm down. So many things had happened over the past few months, and she was experiencing both physical and mental exhaustion.     

"There are still some gossips circulating out there about me," the girl complained one morning, showing London her phone before he left for office.     

"Do you want to hold a press conference?" asked her husband when he heard L's complaint.     

L's face looked gloomy. "I don't think I have a choice."     

"You know, you shouldn't be sad for a long time, your breastmilk quality will be affected. You don't want Lily to drink low quality milk, do you?" asked London.     

L nodded. "Of course, not. I will hold a press conference, as you suggested. It's time to kill all the false rumors out there."     

"All right. Do you need my help?" asked London attentively.     

L shook her head. "I don't think so. I think I can handle this on my own, together with Pammy. Besides, Brilliant Mind Media will also help me. You better not get involved, so your reputation won't be tarnished as well."     

"All right, then. Good luck," London said, kissing L on the forehead and then leaving for the office.     

The medical conference they prepared would take place in three days, and London couldn't wait to see John Wendell in person and make him pay for his actions.     

London was just about to ask for conference developments to Jan when suddenly a text from Caroline entered his cellphone.     

Ah, he remembered giving his personal contact details to her to make her feel that London Schneider was interested in her.     

[Good morning, Mr. Schneider. It's me, Caroline. A group of doctors from London had arrived last night to attend the conference. I want to take you up on your promise to take me around Berlin. Does the offer still stand?]     

London examined the contents of the text. He smiled faintly as he read it. He casually wrote a reply to Caroline.     

[Of course. I'll be busy all day, though. Do you have time for dinner tomorrow?]     

Five minutes later, there was a reply from Caroline.     

[Of course, with pleasure. Just let me know the time and place, and I will meet you there.]     

[Just a moment, I'll ask my assistant, where is the best place for dinner.] London wrote back to her.     

He then called Jan to come to his office to discuss John Wendell and his daughter.     

"Jan, they eat the bait. I will contact Mischa to help me bring the assassin group here. John Wendell will pay for his sins," London said with a serious expression to Jan after his assistant arrived in his room. "In the meantime, please prepare a dinner date at a nice place for Caroline and me tomorrow night."     

"Yes, Sir. I think we could use the Rockstar restaurant. It's where you had your date with Miss Sarah."     

"That's fine," said London, nodding in agreement. "Oh, by the way, please check with Brilliant Mind Media whether they will hold a press conference for L or not."     

Jan nodded. "I just got important news. Brilliant Mind Media needs to immediately hold a press conference because Danny Swann is spreading a nasty rumor."     

London frowned in surprise. "What did he do now?"     

"Ahem ... he spread the word through his lawyer, that he and Miss L have been engaged since childhood and they have been married secretly. He also claimed Miss L's baby as his own."     

"What did you say??" Jan's words just now immediately angered London. "What did the jerk say?? How dare he claimed my wife and child."     

"It seems like he would do whatever it takes to keep all his inheritance and not share it with Miss L," Jan said. "He preferred to fake his marriage with Miss L."     

London pursed his lips furiously. For some people, wealth was apparently more important than self-respect and honesty. People like Danny Swann were willing to lie to keep some money, which he wasn't even entitled to.     

"He doesn't know Miss L is married. It looks like he thinks the gossip is true ... that Miss L is a cheap artist who would sleep with wealthy men in the entertainment industry," Jan added. He smiled to himself at the thought of Danny's face when he later learned the truth. "Well ... what is clear is that Miss L and the public relations team from Brilliant Mind Media will hold a press conference later this afternoon at the BMM building. They will set the record straight."     

London thought for a moment, then nodded in agreement. "All right. We'll take care of it one by one. L's press conference, then John Wendell and his daughter, then finally I'll take care of Danny Swann myself."     

"All right, Sir." Jan nodded. "Then, I'll take care of the medical conference this weekend. You just let me know if you need anything."     

"Thank you, Jan." Before Jan came out of his room, London suddenly remembered something and he called his assistant. "Oh, by the way, Jan... there is one more thing."     

Jan turned and looked at his boss in surprise. "Is there anything else, Sir?"     

"Uhm .. because of me, your vacation was canceled again." London looked guilty when he said his words. "I promise, as soon as the whole problem with the Swann family is over, you can take a vacation for a month. I will not bother you. You can go to Bali, or wherever, up to you, to spend the rest of winter. Look for girls to date, go on a vacation. I will bear all the costs."     

Jan was amazed to hear his boss' sincerity. The pale man only smiled faintly and nodded. "We'll take care of everything, Sir. Holidays can wait."     

"OK." London then let him leave.     

In his heart, he felt very grateful to have such a capable assistant like Jan. The man was very reliable and already knew him inside and out. Naturally, Terry tried many times to persuade Jan to move to New York and become his assistant.     

"Over my dead body, Terry," London muttered. He would never let Jan go over to his brother.     


In New York, Terry sneezed and blamed the bad weather in winter. Nicolae, who was driving, just smiled at him.     

"Someone must be talking about you," commented the man.     

Terry just shrugged, smiling arrogantly.     

"Of course, I am the upper-class girls' favorite subject. It happens all the time," he replied casually. "Well, how do you feel about starting a new life as an ordinary person? Are you happy or what?"     

Nicolae put the brake on the car because of red light and seemed to ponder for a moment. "Not bad. I think I do need a new atmosphere. Teaching on campus is an interesting choice. I can interact with many people. I feel that I really need it right now."     

"You used to be a teaching assistant back in uni, didn't you? Get ready to have all the students ogle at you again ..." Terry said with a laugh. He then patted Nicolae on the shoulder, giving a signal that he drove his car because the traffic lights already turned to green. "Go."     

Nicolae nodded and pressed gas, resuming their journey.     

Over the past month, Nicolae had changed his identity and decided to work as a lecturer at a university to get a new atmosphere. He still lived in Terry's home until he could find an apartment in New York that suited him.     

This morning, the two of them were going around to see some apartment units on his shortlist. Because Terry had lived in the city long enough, he deliberately took time out of the office and accompanied Nicolae to choose his new place of residence.     

"In the next listing, the neighborhood was quite good. If your children come to visit, I am sure they will like it. You can reach Central Park on foot from that location," Terry commented while observing the details on the apartment listing they would visit next.     

"That's good." Nicolae was glad to hear that. "I don't need a fancy place, but it must be suitable for children to live in."     

Although he had returned Altair and Vega to their parents, Alaric and Aleksis had promised to send the twins to visit Nicolae from time to time. That was why the man was still always considering his two children in finding a new place to live.     

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