The Alchemists

Congratulations, Newlyweds!

Congratulations, Newlyweds!

0They stayed for several days in Paris. L really felt happy and touched because she could remember her childhood back in the house. During the first day, the girl was very quiet. London, who understood her feelings, only let L vent all her sadness and slowly let go of her parents and younger brother.     

And just like that.. time goes by. Their plan to stay for several days ended up being extended into one week. Jan understood that he must let his boss enjoy quality time with his family, so he handled all work-related stuff on London's behalf.     

On their second day in Paris, London contacted all his family members and let them know about his marriage to L. He apologized for getting married without his family present.     

He had thought his mother and siblings would feel offended because he did not involve them in his wedding, but instead, they were happy he finally married L before they could jinx it again.     

"I am okay, as long as you are finally married for real. We can hold the reception in Stuttgart whenever you are ready," Finland said, calming her son as they spoke through the Virconnect space. "Do you want to hold the party in the spring or in summer?"     

London and L look at each other.     

"Spring might be the best. Not too long from now. The weather is also good, so we can have a garden party," said London on L's behalf.     

"All right ... I will talk to Kara to help organize a party for you and prepare the invitations."     

Finland still looked struggling to accept the fact that two of her oldest children were now married. It felt like only yesterday she had given birth and raised them at home. Now Aleksis had four children and lived with her husband, while London had married L and had Lily.     

Hopefully, Rune didn't have a girlfriend and wouldn't get married quickly, like his siblings, Finland thought. She would really feel the empty nest syndrome if Rune would also leave their home. Now, he already spent a lot of time at Aldebar's house and left Caspar and Finland alone.     

Caspar massaged his temple. He was an alchemist and accustomed to seeing his people get married after having relationships for decades or even centuries. He married at the age of 438 years, and his younger brother Aldebar was now approaching the age of 250 years and still had never had a girlfriend.     

But his children ... at such a young age, had found their life partners and have children. You could say, Caspar family was very different from the other Alchemist families.     

While Finland and Caspar were overcome with nostalgic feelings when they learned that London and L were married, Aleksis was very happy to hear the news. She understood very well what it was like to get married impulsively, because that was what she had done with Alaric.     

She just prayed that her brother would be happy with L and Lily. Rune was the same. Because he was young, and in his mind, there was only research and technology, he had not thought about finding a partner, but he was happy for his siblings.     

"Your family is really fun," L commented when London disconnected their Virconnect session with Rune.     

"They are now your family too, Honey. You are not alone anymore ... you have us," said London attentively. "Oh, by the way... you haven't met my eldest brother, right? Now I am going to contact him."     

L shook her head. She had met Aleksis in person when her sister-in-law visited Berlin. She had also met Rune, who sometimes lived in the Schneider family mansion in Grunewald. But Terry, L had never seen him.     

London pressed the Virconnect button and, a few seconds later, they could see a luxurious sitting room in a large office with a view showing the iconic New York State Empire Building in the background.     

Terry was sitting in his office chair with a bright face.     

"Hey ... congratulations, newlyweds ..." Terry said to the two.     

"Sorry, we were married so suddenly and didn't have time to invite anyone," said London in a slightly apologetic tone. "But later, we will have the wedding reception in the spring."     

Terry nodded. "Don't cancel it again."     

"Of course not .." said London. "We're already married anyway."     

Terry just laughed, seeing his little brother become angry. He understood that after various failed proposals and canceled wedding plans, his younger brother really did not want to take the risk and immediately married L when he had the chance.     

He personally did not understand why Aleksis and London could be so impulsive in love. He was only 34, but Terry had never had a girlfriend. He was also not interested in having a serious relationship with anyone because he was happy with his life as a bachelor.     

"Who are you talking to?" asked Nicolae, who appeared suddenly behind Terry. The young man immediately saw London and greeted him. "Hey ... hi, how are you? How's Lily?"     

London lifted Lily from her basket and carried his baby to show Nicolae. "Lily is healthy and happy ... As you can see, she is already so big and her body looks like a normal baby."     

Nicolae leaned in and watched Lily then nodded. "That's right. Lily must be happy now because her parents are no longer fighting like a dog and a cat ..."     

Nicolae still remembered a month ago in Targu Mures, London was looking very depressed because of his love for L and his decision to cancel their wedding plans. Now he saw that both London and Lily looked happy and healthy.     

"Oh, by the way... meet my wife, L." London introduced L to Nicolae, who was meeting each other for the first time. He then turned to his wife. "L, this is Nicolae, Alaric's twin brother. You know Alaric is Aleksis's husband."     

"Hello, nice to meet you ..." L nodded politely. She whispered to her husband. "If they are twins, why don't they look the same?"     

"They are fraternal twins," London explained,     


L looked at Terry and Nicolae attentively. Somehow she just realized that all humans from the Alchemist clan that she had met all had charming appearances. They all looked perfect. The women were very beautiful, and the men were very handsome.     

London, who saw L's expression, could immediately read what she was thinking. And he said, "All Alchemists are handsome and beautiful. Nicolae is 105 years old, and Terry is 34, but you don't see the age difference between the two. They both look like they are 25 years old. Later, you and I will also look young forever. We will not age, and we can be forever with our children."     

L smile. She understood that her husband was talking about the immortality potion she took a few days ago. L now will be like them, forever young and beautiful. That made her very grateful.     

The four of them then chatted for half an hour before Terry finally ended the connection because he had to work.     

"Again, congratulations ..." he said before disappearing from the Virconnect space.     

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