The Alchemists

L Was Really Serious

L Was Really Serious

0As soon as he arrived in front of his family mansion gates, London changed his mind. He immediately drove his car to the office. Marc, who followed behind, became confused because suddenly his boss changed direction. Shaking his head, he turned and drove the vehicle to Schneider Tower.     

When London arrived in his office, he immediately called Jan to come to his room through his secretary, Kim.     

"What's the matter, Sir?" Jan asked, entering his boss' room while carrying some folder stacks and placing them on the desk. One of the folders opened, and London could see some photographs of a gorgeous girl and several documents containing information about her.     

"I need a new cellphone," London said in a grumble.     

"Where is the old one?" Jan asked in surprise.     

"You don't have to ask a lot of questions, Jan. Anyway, I need a new cellphone. The old one is broken, and it's all your fault."     

"Huh? Why is it my fault?" Jan frowned. His boss often did strange things, but London never carelessly accused people. So, his accusing Jan to be at fault for breaking his cellphone was surprising.     

"L and I made up last night and ..." Before London explained at length, Jan could already guess what had happened.     

No wonder he couldn't contact his boss all morning. It must mean he stayed up late doing something and fell asleep all morning.     

Did he stay up late because he was making love with Miss L?     

Does this mean ...     

"Oh ... So you and Miss L have made up?" Jan really didn't understand whether he should be happy or upset to hear that information. The past few months, this couple fought and made up so often, that he lost track of whether they were still fighting or not.     

"That is right, but you ruined everything," said London in annoyance. "When you called me at 11 am this morning ..."     

Wait a minute ...     

Jan remembered he had sent many emails and texts all morning. London had not replied to any of his texts, so Jan finally called his boss. Jan remembered he did call London at 11 am. What was it that he was saying on the phone, huh?     

Was it...?     

Jan subconsciously pressed his lips.     

"Uhmm ... I called you to tell you about the blind date with Miss Sarah at ..." Jan paused.     

He finally remembered...     

Did L hear his voice over the phone earlier? Gosh...     

"Did Miss L get angry?" Jan asked carefully.     

"She did not get angry. She went ballistic and beat me up..." blurted London. Earlier, when L hit his chest with her small hands, London did not feel pain. At that time, he was more worried about L's health. He did not want L to fall ill again because of their fight. But now, he suddenly felt the pain on his chest, and subconsciously pressed it with his hand to ease the pain.     

"Hmm ... okay, then, I will immediately cancel the date and contact Miss Sarah." Jan winced as if he could feel the pain endured by his boss. He knew that even though L had a small built, but a punch from a girl like L could be painful if the blow was driven by great anger.     

"No, no no... you can't cancel the date. L said she wouldn't want to see me again if I didn't meet those women ..." London whined.     

"Huh? What...?" Jan thought there must be something wrong with his ears. He must have misheard his boss, right? "What did you say, Boss?"     

"L said you are right. She agreed with your plan to set me up with other women. She said I would never know what I really want if I never compare her to other women. She was furious because I canceled our wedding plans and instead planned to go on a date with another woman two weeks after we were separated... " London explained. He couldn't help roll his eyes when he remembered what happened earlier.     

He was eager to put all the blame on Jan, but he knew deep in his heart that Jan only wanted to help him, and he, himself, had made the decision to accept Jan's advice.     

Jan was stunned by London's words. He did not expect that L would agree with him. Slowly, he grew fond of the singer who had been giving him a lot of headaches in the past year.     

He believed L and London's relationship, which reminded him of cat and mouse, was responsible for some of his prematurely grey hair. But now, he started to grow some respect toward the girl.     

"Miss L sounds very mature," Jan finally commented. "I don't know what to say."     

"She said, for the next month, I have to meet and date other women who are better than her, and find out whether I really want only her.. or not. After one month, we will meet and discuss our relationship as adults." London added.     

The man agreed with Jan. It seems L's attitude today was quite mature. She was far more mature than people her age. She didn't drive London out, she didn't lock the door to her room, and instead, she took Lily with her to work... This was completely unexpected!     

"I know that I only love her, and she is the only woman I want to marry. I was convinced about it last night when we made up. Today, I am becoming more convinced because she has become more mature, compared to before ..." London took a deep breath. "But she doesn't want to accept me anymore ... She made a condition that I have to go meet other women first... before I can come back to her."     

Jan understood London's difficult position, but in this case, he agreed with L.     

"Sir ... I understand why Miss L insisted that you date other women first. She has realized what I have suspected so far about you two. You have never been in a relationship with other people, so you don't know how to behave as a lover. At the same time, you also cannot fully appreciate the person you are with now.     

She must be tired of being in a relationship that was constantly filled with conflicts. I think she is afraid to accept your proposal because two weeks ago you just canceled it one-sidedly. "Jan picked up a photograph of Sarah from the table and showed it to London." Miss Sarah will be waiting for you at the Moon Restaurant at 6 pm. If you don't want to meet her, I will cancel this date right now."     

Sarah was a very beautiful girl. She had platinum-colored hair and a pair of brilliant green eyes that looked like diamonds. Her body was tall and sexy, and her smile showed off her pearly white teeth.     

At first glance, she looked like a supermodel. Physically, Sarah was the opposite of L, who was petite. Sarah looked mature and sexy, while L looked innocent like a child.     

London was about to say no, but he remembered that L insisted that he met another woman. If not, L would never want to marry him.     

Finally, he could only nod. "Don't cancel the date. I'll come."     

"Very well, Sir. I will get you a new cellphone. In the meantime, I also have prepared a change of clothes for you and flowers in the next room," Jan said in a relieved tone. "You can get ready."     

He was glad London didn't cancel the date. He would feel very sorry for Sarah. That girl seemed very nice.     

"Hmm ..." London just grunted while plopping his butt into the chair. "Call Dave. I want to know where L is going today."     

"Right away, Sir."     

Jan immediately withdrew from his boss's room. Ten minutes later, Dave came in and gave his report.     

"Miss L brought the Little Miss to the Brilliant Mind Media office to meet Pammy, her manager. There was a big uproar there because of Little Miss Lily's presence ..." Dave said as he closed the door behind him. He already knew what London wanted to ask.     

"Really? She took Lily to the BMM office?" London can hardly believe his own hearing.     

He now believed that L was really serious about all her words ...     

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