The Alchemists

A Really Bad Feeling

A Really Bad Feeling

0London slowly raised his face and looked at L with his lips half-open. He was about to say something, but for some reason, the girl's furious expression made him unable to say anything he wanted to say. The silence was deafening and, at the same time, managed to turn the temperature down by a few degrees. Somehow, the air sent chill down his spine.      

"Two weeks ..." hissed L in a cold voice. "We've only been separated for two weeks ... and you are already looking for my replacement so easily."     

"Honey ..." London swallowed. "This is a misunderstanding. That's not what happened ..."     

"You're a liar. I should have known, I can't trust someone like you." L looked frustrated and disappointed at the same time. "For you, lying is like breathing. I admit ... you're a good father ... but you're not a good husband. I regret that I believed the word - I believed everything you said, and I gave my heart to you ... You jerk! "     

Before London could react, L had taken the spatula from the pan and hit his shoulder furiously.     

"Hey ... Honey, I can bring Jan here so he can explain to you what really happened. I'm not looking for your replacement ... Well--I ..." London then fell silent. Actually, his words just now were also not true. He was indeed looking for a replacement for L. He thought his love was unrequited, so he decided to follow Jan's advice and date other women to heal his broken heart.     

He should have waited first. Why was he so impatient?     

It took him only two weeks to find another woman to replace L. If she was dating other men after being separated from him in two weeks, London would be furious and disappointed too.     

The man understood why L was so angry now.     

Of course, L now must have felt cheated and lied to. London said he only loved her and wanted to marry her, but within two weeks, he was already looking for another woman to date.     

Finally, the man just kept quiet. This was such a big misunderstanding that even bringing Jan here wouldn't be able to control the damage.     

London pleaded guilty... He was wrong... He should have waited.     

He also could not blame Jan, because Jan only gave him advice as a friend who cared for him. The decision lay in his own hands, whether he would accept that advice or not.     

London remembered yesterday at the office, Jan showed his profile on the online dating website and he gave Jan his approval. He should have listened to Lily and just canceled everything.     

But, instead, he gave his approval ... and now everything was a mess. There is really no use crying over spilled milk.     

"I'm sorry ..." Finally, London could only lower his head sadly and receive the beating from L on his shoulder. He didn't move an inch nor he avoided her spatula.     

London would rather see L to be angry with him and then calm down, before they could talk nicely, rather than L feeling hurt and crying her eyes out. He couldn't stand seeing L's tears flow because of him.     

"You are really too much ... You're so mean to me. You know how difficult it is for me to give you my heart and to trust you. After proposing to me and canceling the wedding plans just like that ... you can easily say that you love me just so you can sleep with me ... while you are already set to date other women ..."     

L threw the spatula on the floor and instead beat London's chest with her tiny hands. The man didn't dodge nor hold her punches. After a few minutes, the girl finally stopped because her hands were in pain, and she became exhausted.     

"Honey ..." London tried to pull L to his chest which was still hurting from being hit by L's small hand, but the girl brushed his hand off angrily.     

"DO NOT TOUCH ME!" L screamed hysterically.     

The man stopped in his tracks. He was really at a loss for words and didn't know how he could coax the girl. His world immediately seemed to turn upside down. He didn't understand why he always had such bad luck with L.     

Their moments of intimacy from last night, where they talked to each other from heart to heart, confirmed their love, and then made love passionately .. now they all felt like a very distant dream.     

He really regretted waking up from the dream.     

"I will wait until you can forgive me ..." London finally said. He sat on a dining chair and looked at L with a pair of wistful eyes. "I plead guilty, for letting Jan arrange a date for me. I was heartbroken for these two weeks because I thought you didn't love me ..     

Everyone said we are always fighting because we're immature and never dated anyone before. We are each other's firsts. Jan told me to meet other women so that I can get the experience ... We had no idea you actually love me back ...     

Please understand my position. Please don't punish me for what I haven't done ... I haven't dated anyone. I'll tell Jan to cancel everything."     

L buried her face in her hands in frustration. Her body was shaking because she was holding back her tears. When she finally managed to pull herself together, L hid her face that had been wet with tears and hurriedly wiped her eyes with her sleeve. She took a deep breath many times, looking depressed.     

"Are you all right ...? Should I call the doctor?" London asked worriedly. He rose from his chair to approach L, but the girl raised her hand and gave a sign for him not to come closer.     

"I told you, don't come near me ..." the girl hissed in a hoarse voice.     

"I admit, I was wrong .. you can just beat me up again. Please, don't cry ..." persuaded London again.     

"Why does it matter if I want to cry? Who are you to tell me what to do??" blurted L curtly. "I need to think ..."     

"L ... I will do whatever you ask me to prove that I love you and that you are the only woman in my life. I will cancel all the dates. I will tell Jan to come here and explain to you what happened ..."     

L took a deep breath and leaned against the kitchen counter, then finally nodded. "I have made a decision."     

Suddenly London had a really bad feeling.     

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