The Alchemists

We Will Talk In One Month

We Will Talk In One Month

0Because London didn't give an answer either, L insisted on making a decision for both of them.     

"You can go now, otherwise you will be late for your date," said L as she rose from the floor and carried Lily from her basket.     

"L ... wait a minute ..." London hurriedly got up and chased after L who had walked into her room. Before he made it in, L had thrown his clothes out of the room and closed the door. The man was frantic and tried to knock on her door. "L ... please open the door."     

He knocked twice and waited.     

"Don't you have hands that you can't open the door yourself? Do you think I'm your maid that I have to open the door for his majesty??" L's voice grumbled from the room.     

"Er ... is it unlocked?" London wondered. He turned the door handle and found that the door was indeed not locked. He smiled sheepishly as he entered the room. "Sorry, I thought you locked the door."     

He found L had put Lily in a baby cot and the girl was taking some clothes from the closet. She was getting ready to take a shower.     

"Where are you going?" asked London in surprise. He was really confused by L's attitude. At first, he thought L was still angry and locked herself in the room after throwing out his clothes.     

"I have something to do." L raised her face and looked at London with a sharp look. "What more do you want here? Hurry home and get ready. Jan has prepared a date with a beautiful woman for you. You can't keep a woman waiting. That's rude."     

London felt like he would be damned if he did and damned if he didn't. L's words were very piercing, but he realized it was his own fault.     

"Do you really want me to date those other women?" Finally, he asked, trying to confirm once again that L's decision was indeed final.     

"Yes. Anyway, for the next month, you are welcome to meet as many women who are better than me. Next month we will talk again." L took two beautiful long dresses. One light blue and the other was beige, then placed them over her in front of the mirror.     

"The beige dress is suitable for today's weather," commented London. "But next month, we can go back to discussing our wedding after I have met all these women and convince you that I only want to marry you... right?"     

"Yes." L put the beige dress back in the closet and took the blue one to wear, openly opposing London's suggestion. "Apart from Lily's affairs, we don't have anything to do with each other."     

London knew that L was really angry this time. He remembered how the girl always listened to his advice in choosing outfit.. but today she openly went against his suggestion.     

"Uhm ... where are you going?" asked London, still not giving up.     

"I have something to do," L replied curtly. She then picked Lily from the basket and carried her to the bathroom. "Come on, Honey ... We must get ready now."     

London was about to follow, but the bathroom door was closed in front of him and locked.     

"Where are you planning to go?" he asked again.     

"That's none of your business," L said from the bathroom.     

"It is my business because you will bring Lily with you," London replied. "I'm her father. You can't take my child without me knowing ..."     

"You are not the only parent who can bring your child to work."     

L's words stunned London. He didn't expect L would really do this. Will she bring Lily to work??     

Didn't L always try to keep him and Lily secret? Why did it change now? Did L really mean what she said?     

He was about to ask again, but the sound of running water made his voice inaudible. He spoke in vain. Finally, London left L's room and picked up his clothes and entered his own bedroom. He hurriedly took a shower and changed clothes to be ready before the mother and child left L's room.     

At 11:30, he was already waiting for L and Lily to come out. He looked so handsome and neat. L and Lily left her room at noon.     

Lily looked very cute with a small bear-patterned onesie and a thick light blue autumn coat. L was wearing an elegant blue dress with brown leather boots and a matching leather jacket. Her hair is styled into a simple bun above her head. Her swollen eyes were covered by sunglasses and, overall, she looked very cool.     

For a moment, London was dazed to see L looking so elegant and cool. After giving birth to Lily three months ago, L's body shape had returned to normal, just like before she was pregnant, but her breast size, due to breastfeeding, increased by one cup so that she even looked so much sexier than before she gave birth.     

The young man almost drooled at the beautiful sight. Instantly, his mind played the events of the previous night, when the sexy body laid underneath him and he could feel how L's skin was as smooth as silk as he touched her. Then ... her full and perky breasts felt soooo soft... He gulped when he remembered her tiny, beautiful, and fresh pussy that looked like a cute pink rose ready to be picked ...     

Ahhh... (gulped again)     

"Hey! Don't you dare have perverted thoughts about me!" L jerked, hitting him on the shoulder with her handbag. She could read the man's mind from that silly smile plastered all over his face.     

"Uh ... you're wrong. I'm just enchanted by your beauty. You look amazing today ..." London said hurriedly. "Uhm .. you still haven't told me where you are going ..."     

"I want to meet my lawyer and discuss something. I'll be gone all day," L. answered. "You have to go too, right?"     

She pointed at London's neat clothes.     

"Uhm .. yeah, I have to go to the office," the man replied reluctantly.     

"You have to go to the office and ... meet Miss Sarah on a date," L added sarcastically.     

"I will not date that woman," London insisted.     

"If you don't want to see them, I don't want to marry you and we don't have anything else to talk about." L shrugged and walked out of the house carrying Lily. She then opened the gate of their house and entered a taxi with an android driver who politely opened the door for her. L then got in and placed Lily on the car seat and strapped on her seatbelts.     

"L ... is there any other way for me to prove to you that you are the only woman I want?" asked London from outside the cab window.     

"Nothing. That's the only way." L replied without turning her head. She tapped the cab driver's shoulder and told him to drive. "We're leaving now."     

The taxi then moved out of the courtyard and the mansion gate automatically closed behind it, leaving London, who stood confused in the yard.     

If there was a machine to translate women's hearts, he was willing to give up half of his wealth to get one. For him, understanding L's way of thinking was worth half his wealth.     

Ugh ... It seemed now he had no choice but to prove to L that even though he met so many women, he only loved and wanted L.     

London touched his pocket to get his phone and call Jan. After groping all the pockets in his pants and not finding his cellphone, he realized that he had dropped and trampled on it to stop Jan's ramblings this morning.     

Dammit .. that means he had to call Jan to buy him a new cellphone.     

Ah, but he couldn't call Jan to buy him a new cellphone because his cellphone was broken.     

He must go to his house first and send an email to his assistant. Grumbling, London got in his car and returned to the Schneider family mansion.     

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