The Alchemists

Will You Marry Me?

Will You Marry Me?

0"L ... please, you have to talk to me if something is bothering you. I can't read minds. I don't know what's in your heart if you don't tell me." London finally stopped wiping L's tears because the tears didn't stop dripping. He pulled L into his arms. "I'm sorry I didn't understand your point of view. I just wanted to make you happy ... but I didn't ask you if everything I did for you was what you want or not."     

"I'm also sorry if you feel that I don't appreciate what you have done for me. I do appreciate them ... but sometimes I hope you will give me a little freedom to build my own career." L responded to his words by wrapping her arms around and hugged London's waist. "I have never relied on anyone else before, and it is hard for me to suddenly accept the presence of a Santa Claus who grants all my wishes and showered me with various conveniences ... I'm not like you who is used to getting everything you want in life..."     

London nodded. That is precisely what made him fall in love with L. The girl was not a demanding girl and never gave him any problems. She was not like other girls who wanted him because they knew that he was rich and powerful. L never asked anything from him. Heck, she even had a hard time accepting all of London's gifts for her...     

"I understand now," London whispered softly into L's ear. "I'll try my best from now on..."     

His warm breath in L's ear made the girl's heart pound faster. They haven't hugged this intimately in a long time. He could feel her getting emotional.     

He always loved L's nice scent, and subconsciously kissed the top of L's head, as if he wanted to inhale the girl and made her part of him.     

"L ..." This man's voice now sounded hoarse. "I love you, you know that, right? I need to know ... Do you love me too?"     

It took a little longer for her to reply, but finally, she said softly, "Yes ..."     

"L, will you marry me?" London asked again. He asked the question in a whisper to L's ear while his arms were still hugging her tightly.     

"I don't want to accept your proposal just for you to cancel the wedding again ..." L said, frowning. Apparently, she was still hurt because London canceled their wedding plans one-sidedly two weeks ago.     

"I will not cancel it. If you do love me, and we work together to improve our communication ... I think we are finally ready," London kissed L's forehead and whispered again, this time his voice sounded husky. "I was very sad when we separated ..."     

L lifted her face and looked at London with her wet eyes as if trying to read whether the man was really honest or not.     

"I never lie ... but you, on the other hand, have lied to me so many times ..." L pursed her lips. "How do I know you are telling the truth now and that I can trust you?"     

London shook his head. "I'm telling the truth. I only love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and Lily. Two weeks ago, I canceled our wedding plans because I thought you didn't love me. I thought you only accepted my proposal because I cornered you into marrying me... I thought you always chose your career over Lily and me ... I'm sorry. "     

L pursed her lips, and her tears flowed again. Her hand struck London's chest in annoyance. "You made me so sad when you canceled our wedding plans ... You were too much ... !!"     

"I'm sorry ... Honey, I'm so sorry." London did not hold L's hand back. He accepted it gracefully. If that can make L feel better, by venting her frustration, then London will feel relieved.     

"You could easily cancel our wedding plans after I finally accepted your proposal ... How could you do that to me! How do you think I feel? I thought you were not serious. After repeatedly proposing to me, as it turns out you could cancel it so easily ... I really broke my heart. I was terrified that you'll take Lily away from me ..." L's tears flowed down harder, and she continued to beat the man's chest. "You don't know how scared I was... How could you do that to me..."     

"Honey ... that's not what I meant. I only canceled the wedding plans because I thought you didn't really love me. That was a misunderstanding ... because our communication was so bad ..." London finally pulled L's head to his chest and kissed the girl's hair. He was despondent to see L crying. Really, that girl's tears were his biggest weakness. "I promise I will never do that again."     

L again sobbed in the young man's chest until finally, her tears run out. When she finally stopped crying, half an hour later, London's entire front shirt was soaked with her tears. London kept stroking her hair to calm L.     

Now, after they both poured their hearts out and opened up about what they feel from their respective points of view, London could understand why L did the things he originally thought was annoying.     

"L ... Honey, please believe in me. Let me take care of Danny Swann for you. You don't have to face it for yourself. Let me defend you and protect you," London said after L's tears completely dried. He released L from his arms and looked at her black eyes lovingly. "If you still want to marry me ... let me protect you. I won't be your Santa Claus ... but let me protect you from people like Danny Swann ..."     

L raised her face and looked at London with a sad expression. Finally, he nodded slowly.     

A smile immediately appeared on London Schneider's face when he saw L nodded and accepted his request.     

"Does this mean ... you want to marry me?" he asked once more to be sure. He didn't remember how many times he had proposed to L, but he really hoped this time would be his last and final proposal.     

L nodded again.     

"Do you want to marry me because you also love me...?" London was still not satisfied. He asked again her again. L nodded again.     

"Do you want to live forever with me?" He asked another question.     

L nodded.     

"Gosh... you make me so happy, Honey!" London couldn't hold back anymore and immediately landed a hot kiss on the girl's pink lips.     

He hadn't kissed L for a long time, and now he claimed her tiny lips passionately like there was no tomorrow. When L returned his kiss, the man embraced her more tightly. His chest was filled with strong emotions.     

He could feel that L missed him too. The man became even more excited. He kissed L intensely. His tongue thrust inside her mouth through her slightly open lips and devoured her tongue. L couldn't help let out a soft moan from her lips when their kiss became too hot to handle. His hands descended down her back and caressed her body lovingly as they kissed more passionately.     

"Mmm ..." London whispered between his kisses. "I am very happy..."     

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