The Alchemists

Heart To Heart

Heart To Heart

0L's tired expression and hoarse voice touched London's heart. He suspected she must have cried a lot when she thought London intentionally didn't pick up her phone calls.     

Somehow his defense always collapsed whenever he saw L cry. Why was he so weak toward this girl? This morning he was so determined to teach L a lesson and follow Jan's advice to date other women ... now, he just wanted to hug L and calm her on his chest.     

I was terrible ... London thought desperately.     

He finally sat next to L and held her hand. "I'm also tired of all our miscommunications. I didn't think your opinion of me was so low that you thought I would be so petty by taking Lily away and separating her from you without your permission."     

L looked at him with tears in her eyes. "What can I do if you want to go in that direction? We are not equals. You can do anything to me and I won't be able to get back at you. If you want to take Lily away from me, I'd rather just die."     

"L ... don't say that!" exclaimed London in surprise. He did not expect L could act so desperately. "I promise you, I will never separate you from Lily, whatever happens between us. Please, trust me ..."     

L looked at London with pursed lips, holding back her tears.     

"How can I trust you? You have changed. You could even say such hurtful things to me last night ..."     

Ugh ... London understood that what L meant. She saw him changed because now he no longer pursued the girl. He even canceled their wedding plans two weeks ago. He did it because, finally, he had realized how they were not in an equal relationship. He thought of how much he was always the one to pursue L while the girl didn't love him the way he loved her.     

"L ... please forgive my words I said yesterday. I was upset and wasn't in my right mind. I did not mean to hurt you. Yesterday I was frustrated because you actually want to marry Danny Swann ... for what? To fulfill the stupid promise between your grandfathers? Or to shut him up so as not to reveal your secrets?"     

"Both..." L admitted it in a hoarse voice.     

"Now, let me tell you ... Danny Swann insists on wanting to marry you not to fulfill his grandfather's will, but because he wants to take your share of the inheritance." Finally, London decided to tell L what really happened, so that L could understand that Danny Swann was a jerk. He still didn't disclose the role of the Wendell family in her family murder, because he didn't want L to feel shocked.     

"Wh ... what do you mean? I don't have any inheritance..." L shook her head in confusion. "You must be mistaken."     

"Look, L... I'm London Schneider. I am never wrong," London said impatiently. "I found the copy of George Swann's will and it says that his grandson must marry you to repay his debt to your grandfather for saving his life. If Marianne De Maestri does not want to marry the grandson of the Swann family, she will receive half the inheritance left by George Swann."     

L looked at London with round eyes and her lips half-open. She was in complete shock.     

She ... inherited half of the Swann family's wealth?     

How could it be?     

"You're not lying?" she asked, astonished.     

London shook his head. "Why would I lie to you? Danny Swann doesn't want to lose half of his inheritance, so he keeps forcing you to marry him. He went so far as to propose for a fake marriage, as long as it's legal just so he could keep all his inheritance."     

"Can I ask Danny about this?" asked L.     

London shook his head. "You can't, he'll argue and deceive you. I can show you all the information about the will as long as you promise not to discuss it with Danny Swann and make him suspicious."     

"Uhm ... if you can show me the will, I will be grateful ..." L bit her lip and looked down. She did not expect this at all.      

Gosh ... she had read a little about the Swann family's wealth. They were one of the ten wealthiest families in England.     

If L indeed inherited half of this wealth ... then, she would become a wealthy woman. She can live alone and did not need to depend on her career or any man.     

This thought made her heart slowly filled with joy.     

Her face, which was creased and filled with sadness, now turned a little brighter, and her tears had stopped flowing. L hugged Lily tightly on her chest.     

"I will not marry Danny Swann ..." L said in a low voice.     

"Good, then," London replied. He tried to suppress his voice so as not to sound too excited. Even if he and L separated, L couldn't marry that rotten Danny Swann. "But please don't do anything for the whole next month. Don't talk about the will or the inheritance to Danny, I don't want him to be suspicious."     

"Why?" asked L.     

"I'm doing something to catch the person responsible for your family's death ..."     

London only realized that he had let out information he wasn't supposed to share with L when the words already left his lips.     

"Who is responsible for the death of my family? Do you know them?? WHO?"     

L immediately became emotional, and her chest was filled with anger. London hurriedly took Lily from her mother's arms so that their baby wouldn't be affected by L's emotions.     

"Shhh ... you worried Lily," he rebuked L. "I'll tell you all in due time. Now let me take care of this myself. If you know anything, you will only become emotional, just like this."     

"Sorry ..." L looked down while wringing her damp fingers. She was very emotional every time she thought about her family being massacred. She had lived with a grudge for eleven years, and only a few months ago did she force herself to let go of her revenge so she could focus her life on taking care of Lily.     

Now, hearing that London knew who killed her family, the girl's flame for revenge returned.     

"I want you to trust me." London put Lily in her basket and then sat down next to L. "I don't understand why it's so hard for you to trust me? Why is it so hard for you to leave it all to me and thank me whenever I did something for you? Why is your ego so big? For poor people, your pride is too great."     

L did not argue. All London said were true. It was very difficult for her to trust the man and give everything to him. Every time London did something for her sake, L became defensive.     

She found it very difficult to accept the fact that her career, all the contracts she obtained, and even her popularity so far was not purely the result of her hard work but a gift from the owner of the Schneider Group.     

She knew she should have been grateful, but her pride was nudged and she felt insignificant because apparently, all her efforts seemed meaningless in making things happen for herself. Everything she had was a gift, not the result of her own work, and she did not like this situation.     

But, somehow, it was very difficult for her to convey all her feelings to London. L was not good with words and often, when she wanted to express her true feelings, her bitterness came out and messed things up.     

She really didn't know how to make him understand.     

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