The Alchemists

Jan's Logic

Jan's Logic

0Jan became even bolder when London did not refute his words. He then continued his advice.     

"Most men date many women and enter a relationship with a few of them throughout their adult lives. Then, once they find the right one, of all the many women they meet, they will decide to marry. You were too hasty and proposed to Miss L to marry you just because Miss L became pregnant with Young Miss Lily. You must know how difficult it is to be in a relationship with Miss L, with neither of you has experienced being in a relationship before?"     

"But my father and mother also didn't date for long. My father immediately married my mother, and my mother had never had another man in her life..." London protested Jan's logic.     

Jan shook his head. He had heard about Caspar Schneider's womanizing past in his younger years from his grandfather, Stanis. Caspar was a playboy who changed women like he changed his shirts.     

"Err ... Mr. Caspar has had his share in dating different women, and he is much more mature than Madam. So, you can't make them as an example," Jan replied.     

London became dizzy. Inwardly, he began to acknowledge the truth in Jan's words. Maybe he really needed to meet other women so he could understand what it's like interacting romantically with women other than L.     

"You know it's very difficult for me to meet women, Jan. Where can I find a woman to date? I only met L because I disguised myself as a poor man and came to Stephan's party. And you know how big of a failure it was. I don't want to go undercover again and meet regular people ... " London grumbled again.     

Ugh ... he was still upset about what happened last year. He had even not even met Lyanna again to date because he had enough of going into regular people's events.     

"Uhm .. that is true, and I also would not advise you to do it again... But why not try online dating? I heard Sir Nicolae met several nice women in Singapore, and now it seems he finally managed to move on from Madam Aleksis. Evidenced by his visit to Targu Mures last weekend. Sir Terry even said he and Sir Nicolae are having fun in New York."     

"Eh?? How do you know all those gossips?" London was stunned. He just met Nicolae last week, but even he did not know this news.     

"Uhm .. I talked a lot with Sir Terry..." Jan answered bluntly. "He still asks me every now and then to move to New York and work for him."     

"Don't you dare follow my brother's request," threatened London hastily. "Terry isn't as nice as me who still think about your vacation."     

"Hmm .. well, I know, Sir. Don't worry." Jan's voice sounded happy because London was very worried that Jan would leave him. "I only conveyed what I heard from Sir Terry. So, what do you think?"     

"Online dating? Ugh ..." London sounded frustrated.     

"It is an easy way to meet many women. I can make a nice profile for you. Of course, we shouldn't reveal your true identity. I can ensure your privacy in every date we arrange for you."     

Jan mentioned various details that he hoped could interest London. He personally was frustrated to see his boss so crazy in love with a woman who seemed unable to love him back properly.     

According to him, London and L must both meet other people, so they could better appreciate what they have, especially for L. He hoped that when L saw London meet other people more seriously, she would think more about her feelings for him. People tend to only appreciate what they have after it's gone.     

"You can talk to Sir Nicolae and listen to what he has to say about online dating if you don't believe me." Jan kept trying to convince London.     

Finally, London gave in. He had indeed run out of patience and today L really made him angry. He really wanted to give the girl a lesson so she could appreciate him more.     

Since L had always chosen other people than him, then London would also start looking for other women who could respect him and would not make him their second choice.     


The next day, London took Lily to the office with him. He was upset with L because the girl still refused to talk to him because of what happened the previous night. London had repeatedly said that what he did was unintentional and he did not mean to say those hurtful words, but L still would not forgive him.     

"Why are you so selfish?" London grumbled as he slammed his cellphone. After the twentieth ring L still didn't want to pick up his call. "I always have to be the bigger man and forgive you whenever you break my heart. But, just this once... I ACCIDENTALLY hurt your feelings, and you don't want to forgive me. This is unfair ..."     

Lily, who saw her father grumbling, pursed her lips in protest as London complained about her mother .     

"I know your mother is still young, but she can't be selfish all the time. Being young is not an excuse..." London turned to Lily and patted his daughter's cheek gently. "You must not become a selfish woman, okay, baby?"     

Lily swiftly took her father's index finger who had been patting her cheek and put it in her mouth, then casually tried to chew it.     

"Ugh ... don't just put things in your mouth, Honey..." London took out his finger slowly from Lily's mouth and before the little baby could protest, he had replaced it with a toy for her to chew.     

Lily was satisfied with the replacement and did not protest. She babbled as she nibbled on her toy while watching her father change clothes and get ready for the office.     

"Lily, this morning you must go with Daddy to the office, okay? If your mother is still mad at me, so be it." London checked himself in the mirror for a moment and took an autumn coat and wore it over his suit, then covered Lily with a beautiful light blue coat. "Well... now you can go to the office and see your father at work."     

Marc was surprised to see London out of the house carrying a baby basket but he said nothing. He helped put Lily's basket in the car seat and strapped all her seatbelts. Dave who sat next to him also did not say anything.     

London closed his eyes along the way, trying to calm his mind so that he could get rid of his resentment to L. Lily who saw her father meditating, imitated her father's actions, and also closed her eyes.     

The little baby was fast asleep when the car went into the underground parking space in the Schneider Tower. London just laughed when he watched his baby fall asleep with her lips half-open and her small fists clutched on her toy.     

"Gosh... how could you be so adorable?" London murmured while praising himself. "I must have been adorable like this when I was a baby."     

He carried Lily's basket with his right hand, while his left hand was in his pocket and walked coolly to the elevator. Marc and Dave followed him, each carrying his briefcase and a baby bag.     

Several employees who saw their boss walking toward his private elevator was stunned. They were surprised because they had never seen their big boss carrying a baby basket before.     

Did the basket contain a real baby?     

Whose baby was it?     

Was it his?     


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