The Alchemists

We Have A Really Bad Communication Issue

We Have A Really Bad Communication Issue

0The young man was still annoyed at L, so he decided not to return the girl's phone call.     

"Uhm .. Sir, I also received some missed calls to my cellphone from Miss L." Suddenly Jan picked up his own cellphone and showed it to London.     

Ah, right... of course. L would definitely contact Jan first before she contacted London. The man had told her to call Jan if she needed anything.     

"So?" asked London. "Why didn't you call her back?"     

"Miss L asked to speak to you, Sir."     

"Iish.. I am not calling her back. She ignored my calls all morning."     

London rolled his eyes and was about to ignore Jan's request when Lily suddenly burst into tears.     

"Ehh ... what's up? Why are you crying, Honey?" asked London in confusion. He didn't even know that Lily had woken up from her sleep.     

Lily didn't care, she cried more loudly, and her wailing shook the sky.     

The little baby very rarely cried, so every time she really shed tears and screamed would send her father into a panic.     

"Sssshh ... what happen to you? Is it because..." London exchanged glances with Jan, and both frowned in surprise.     

There's no way Lily was crying because London said he wouldn't call her mother, isn't it?     

Finally, London approached Lily and pulled out his cellphone, trying to experiment whether Lily would stop crying if he called L ... or not.     



In just two rings, L picked up his call.     

"WHERE DID YOU BRING MY CHILD???" There was a scream from the other end of the phone, no less loud than Lily's wailing.     

London was forced to keep the phone away from his ear and massage his forehead. He suddenly felt a headache.     

Strangely, Lily's crying suddenly stopped. Now the little baby was playing with her thumb as if nothing happened. Then, she even tried to reach the tip of her shoe to put in her mouth.     

London and Jan exchanged glances, and the expressions on their faces now seemed filled with confusion.     

There's no way that Lily deliberately cried just now so that her father would call her mother, right?     

It must have been a coincidence, eventually, both of them came to the same conclusion.     

"Sshh ... you can't eat your shoes, Honey," London held Lily's leg with his left hand so the baby wouldn't eat the tip of her shoes, while his right hand put the phone back on his ear. "No need to scream ... You must know where I am, right?"     

L's voice sounded panicked.     

"I went to your house to get Lily, but none of the servants were willing to tell me where you were taking her ... I tried to call Jan, but he didn't answer my calls, you also ignored my calls. Did you deliberately avoid me because you were still angry at me? ?? How childish! "     

London just listened to L's barrage of complains on the phone while giving a signal to Jan to clean up his folders while he lifted Lily's basket from the couch and walked out of the conference room.     

"Hey, I need to correct something. The angry one is you. I'm totally fine. This morning, I called you many times, but you didn't pick up my calls, so I took Lily with me to the office." London walked across the corridor to his room while carrying Lily's basket in his left hand, and the phone in his right hand stuck to his ear. "We're going home soon."     

The employees who saw their boss passing by while carrying Lily, tilted their heads one by one and watched the beautiful sight until London and Lily disappeared behind his door.     

"Gosh ... our boss is such a doting father. What a dream husband ..."     

"I wonder who his wife is."     

"Ahh .. now I'm heartbroken ..."     

The employees gushed here and there to gossip about their handsome boss. Jan, who passed by, carrying some folders in his hand, followed London's steps, warned the staff with his eyes to stop gossiping and focus on work. Immediately the atmosphere returned to silence.     


London stopped by L's house to drop Lily before returning to his family home. As soon as the gate opened, he saw L, with a very worried face, immediately stormed him.     

"Oh, my God ... Lily ... I miss you so much ..." she exclaimed, almost crying.     

London was amazed. He thought L was overreacting.     

She acted as if she hadn't seen her child in weeks!     

"If you're so worried, why didn't you pick up my call this morning?" said London furiously. L did not answer his question. She immediately opened all the seatbelt that strapped Lily's car seat and lifted her baby from the car.     

London felt his chest slowly filled with anger. He did not accept the fact that L still ignored him, even though he had already apologized. Why was it so difficult for L to forgive him? Last night he didn't mean to hurt her feelings with his words ...     

"You're really too much, L! You're really selfish!" exclaimed London in a frustrated tone. L did not even want to look at him, she kept walking toward the house with Lily in her arms.     

Anne, one of the two staff he hired in the house, appeared in the doorway and hurried toward London. Her face looked a bit anxious.     

"Uhm ... Sir, it was not her fault that Madam couldn't pick up your calls. She fell ill, and she was unconscious all morning. We found her and immediately called the doctor here."     

London was stunned by Anne's explanation. He looked at the girl's face inquisitively. Anne and Violet were the staff he hired, and he paid their salaries, so naturally, they were on his side. They can't possibly make up stories to defend L ...     

"Why ... why didn't she told me that she was sick?" asked London in surprise. He knew L did have congenital heart disease. He remembered the last time they had a heated argument, L had a heart attack and had to be hospitalized. It was so bad that she was forced to give birth to a micro-premature baby...     

Did L get sick again because of London's words last night?     

The man was suddenly filled with massive guilt. He could imagine how panicked L was when the girl tried to contact him and Jan but didn't get an answer. They could not be reached because they were attending an important meeting, but L certainly did not know what was happening.     

Maybe L grew panicked because she thought London was taking Lily away from her and cut off contact, that's why she couldn't reach any of them.     

His head throbbed in pain when he remembered the 100 missed calls he had received earlier. He didn't know how many hundred missed calls had gone to Jan's cellphone.     

His legs automatically strode into the house. He did not find L in the living room or anywhere, so London finally decided to look for the girl in her room.     

Sure enough, L was sitting on her bed, hugging Lily. Her face was white as a sheet.     

"Sorry ... Jan and I couldn't be contacted ... we were attending an important meeting," he said in a gentle voice as he approached L slowly.     

"You scared me so badly..." L whispered in a trembling voice. "I was terrified that you will take Lily away from me ..."     

"I would never do that," London replied. He arrived in front of L and looked at the girl closely. "Why didn't anyone tell me you were sick?"     

"I don't want to bother you," L replied flatly. "I've been troubling you all this time."     

"You are the mother of my child ... of course you are allowed to trouble me. I didn't know you were sick, so I thought you deliberately did not want to pick up my calls all morning, so I brought Lily with me to the office."     

L looked back at London. Her black eyes were tired and miserable.     

"We have a really bad communication issue..." L finally said. "I'm so tired of all this."     

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