The Alchemists



0L and London then ate quietly. They were busy with their own thoughts. Come to think of it, they should have been married in two weeks' time, but at the last moment, London finally canceled their wedding plans because he realized that the marriage between them was too forced.     

L was not ready because she was too young and she also did not want people to know that she was married to London Schneider and they had a child together, for various reasons.     

One of them was her career. She really didn't want people to think she got her career because of the support from the Schneider Group owner. She also felt that as an artist, she was a role model who should not have a child out of wedlock.     

All these reasons were totally unacceptable to London. He did not like being a kept man, especially considering he was a jealous man who did not want to see his wife approached by other men because they thought L was still single.     

That's why ... to prevent future arguments and heartbreak, he chose to leave.     

He did not know whether L would change her mind and return to him. Maybe someday she would get rid of her ego and disclose her secrets to the public to be with him, or maybe it would be the other way around... London would meet another woman and fall in love with her and moved on from L.     

"Thank you for dinner," London said as he rose and cleaned up his plate. L just nodded and helped to clear the dining table. The man added, "If there's anything you need from me, don't hesitate to call Jan."     

He deliberately said so to distance himself from L. After much pondering at Targu Mures, London concluded that he still loved her too much and that if they met too often, he would return to being stupidly in love.     

This dinner was proof. During dinner, when the two of them ate in silence, his mind continued to be filled with memories of the past when they were still on good terms, and secretly he was hoping that that could go back to the past.     

"Oh .. I shouldn't call you?" L asked in surprise.     

London shook his head. "I'm too busy to be bothered by little things. Besides, even if you contact me because you need something, I'll also get Jan to take care of it. I'm not that capable. Usually, it is Jan who takes care of everything."     

"Oh, I see ..." L nodded with a disappointed expression.     

"Excuse me. I have to go home now. Tomorrow before going to the office, I will stop by to see Lily."     

London excused himself to see Lily, who was sleeping in her cot, kissed the little baby's cheeks, then returned to his own home.     


"Do you still want to teach the Swann and Wendell families a lesson?" Jan asked as he entered London's office that afternoon. He was carrying a stack of files that needed his signature.     

Since the wedding was called off, Jan thought London didn't want to deal with the De Maestri family murder case anymore.     

"Yes, I do," London said nonchalantly. "After all, they killed Lily's maternal grandparents and her uncle. I can't let them get away with what they did."     

"Ah ... right. In that case, I will continue with the medical conference event preparation. Next month, you can meet John Wendell. I heard they were very pleased to be invited by the Schneider Group to the event. John will come with his daughter, Caroline."     

"Danny Swann won't come, right?" London remembered that Danny had seen him in the apartment when L had a heart attack. She was later forced to give birth to Lily early. London didn't want to risk Danny recognizing him.     

"No. We'll keep him busy, so he can't come," Jan replied.     

"All right. Don't forget the gala dinner we planned to open the conference."     

"Of course, Sir."     

London looked at Caroline Wendell's face on her tablet. The girl was a medical student who was currently specializing in pediatric medicine. Her face was beautiful and her expression looked attractive and intelligent. She did not look like an evil woman, London thought. The man tapped his fingers on the table and tried to think.     

Did Caroline know what her father did, or not?     

"I think I will be able to judge for myself after I meet her," murmured London, closing the tablet and taking coffee from the side and sipping it slowly.     

Jan had left and now London was alone in his room. He busied himself with work and tried to forget his personal matters with L.     

Unfortunately, it was not that easy. After finishing his coffee, he was tempted to find news about L in the media. He was astounded when he read a lot of news about L's talent and beauty and before he realized it, London had read article after article without stopping for two hours.     

Most of the contents were only about her album and songs, as well as various other things related to her work. L was quite closed about her personal life. Many journalists tried to pry about her family and love life, but L always said that she was too young to think about love.     

London just nodded while reading the article. But his calm expression calm changed when he read a number of related articles and found a video interview between a journalist and Kitaro, Rainfall Band's lead singer, which implied that he liked L and wanted to pursue her.     

"Son of a bitch ..." the man groaned with contempt.     

He then closed the tablet and cussed inwardly. He was still very jealous. London called Jan with anger and sought out his opinion of the news.     

"Have you seen the latest interview with the Rainfall's vocalist?" he asked Jan. "Do you think the media can be allowed to write such cheap gossip?"     

"What gossip?" Jan asked, not understanding.     

London sent a link to the interview video. Jan sighed from the other end of the phone. He knew his boss was jealous again, even though he repeatedly said he wanted to stay away from L.     

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