The Alchemists

The Tearful Day

The Tearful Day

0When London left the treatment room, he was immediately welcomed by his worried family. They already knew that the childbirth was successful, and both the mother and baby were safe, but they didn't yet know how London was.     

"Mom..." As soon as the young man saw his mother, he couldn't hold himself back anymore and immediately hugged Finland. His shoulders shook as he cried in his mother's arms. "I'm sorry if I was ever presumptuous and naughty... Mom, you really sacrificed a lot while you were giving birth to me..."     

Finland could only pat his back with affection. Maybe children would realize just how much love their mothers have for them only when they experienced labor or when they saw their wives giving birth.     

As Alaric said, for thousands of years, humans gave birth to children, and technological advances have been so sophisticated, yet it still couldn't completely eliminate the risk of death and pain when women give birth to their children.     

That was why, in modern times, along with the rise of the emancipation and women's movement to fight for equal rights to men, more and more women chose not to have children.     

Women who hadn't had to experience the process of conceiving and giving birth could focus one hundred percent on their careers and businesses so that they become successful in both fields.     

Since 2040, several awards for important business people or influential figures in the world had been pinned on women leaders, who then encouraged many other women to follow in their footsteps.     

Japan and Singapore were two of the few countries in the world that were starting to feel the effects of the decline in babies born to regenerate their citizens. The populations of the two countries were getting older, while there were only very few new generations born.     

Today's Japanese population was predominantly elderly, so they had increased incentives for couples to have children and even gave various gifts and benefits to women who were willing to give birth.     

Seeing L's misery during Lily's birth today, even London now had no dream of wanting another child in the future. For him, Lily was enough. He just wanted Lily to be safe and grow healthy. He didn't want to have more children.     

"Sssh... Mommy is here. Everything will be fine," Finland whispered, tiptoeing and kissing her son's cheek. She then hugged London very tightly. "I love you very much."     

The young man then sat on the sofa and leaned his head against his mother's shoulder and began to tell her what had happened. Everyone present was listening carefully.     

"Hmm... you can't tell L who you are if she doesn't want to accept you and marry you. She isn't part of us and mustn't know the secrets of the Alchemists," Caspar made a decision. As the clan leader, he must think of everyone's interests. "Later, if you become the clan leader, you'll understand."     

Aldebar hadn't given London the immortality potion he made for L. He was still waiting for Caspar and London's decision.     

His nephew nodded. "I understand. Uncle, thank you for making the immortality potion for L. I can't oppose Dad's decision."     

His face looked really sad. He must be ready to take care of Lily alone with his parents if L insisted on leaving.     

Lauriel coughed. "I've made a potion for your child, so she would grow well, and she can be healthy. This potion can be mixed with the milk she drinks. The entire contents of the bottle must be finished in two days."     

He handed over the bottle containing the clear concoction which he had brought earlier this morning along with the green liquid bottle given to L before delivery. London hurriedly accepted the bottle and embraced Lauriel with gratitude.     

"Thank you, Uncle Lauriel. Earlier, the medicine from Uncle succeeded in strengthening L's heart during labor, so she survived. I'll make sure the doctor gives this medicine to Lily..."     

He now believed that Lauriel was indeed the best medicine expert in the world. Even the great doctors in Germany from yesterday were helpless. They couldn't think of a way to help L without endangering her life, yet a bottle of potion from Lauriel could make such a big difference.     

London was truly indebted to Lauriel!     

"Then... when can we see Lily?" Rune impatiently asked. He had brought his baby translator machine, and he wanted to directly test it on a baby.     

"Later, wait for L to sleep," London said apologetically. "I don't want her to see you guys. She might become suspicious."     

"Hmm... well then, we'll wait patiently." They nodded.     

"Do you want to go home? Everything's fine now. The doctor said L can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow or the day after tomorrow while Lily must be treated at the NICU for three months." London explained again. "I plan to build a NICU facility at my home or in the penthouse and bring doctors and personal nurses to care for Lily for the next three months. I can't possibly keep her in the hospital."     

Jan immediately raised his hand. "I've contacted several vendors providing medical devices. They'll deliver all the equipment we need tonight. Tomorrow, the contractor will renovate the guest room all day, and the NICU room will be already available in the penthouse the day after tomorrow."     

"Thank you, Jan..." London nodded deeply. Jan could always read his mind.     

Terry frowned at their interaction.     

"You should work for me, Jan. I can offer you a higher salary," he grumbled. His assistant, Lee, wasn't as swift as Jan. Terry had repeatedly persuaded Jan to move to help him in New York. Still, Jan always refused because he wanted to live close to his mother, who was getting old and was currently living alone in Berlin.     

"Sorry, Sir. You know I can't leave my mother," Jan smiled as he shook his head slowly toward Terry.     

"You're a mommy's boy," Terry chided. But he didn't force Jan or persuade him any longer.     

"Alright... then we better go home now. We can come back here and visit Lily when L is asleep tonight." Caspar decided.     

He couldn't go into the room and see his granddaughter because his face was too similar to London's, and that would cause L to be suspicious. Finland also couldn't enter because L certainly remembered her as the woman who made her jealous.     

Meanwhile, Terry was quite famous as a member of the Schneider family since his face graced various media lately for the popular executive nomination in 2050.     

London thanked them for their presence and support and allowed them to return to the Schneider family's residence in Grunewald. He felt guilty seeing how they hadn't rested well and cleaned up after hurriedly flying from Singapore to see him. He hoped when L was sleeping tonight, he would be able to show off his baby to every member of his family.     

After they returned home, London also sent Jan home. His assistant was very busy with work and had been helping him nonstop since yesterday afternoon. He felt truly grateful.     

London then entered the room where L and Lily were. He wanted to give the medicine from Lauriel to the doctor, so Lily could drink it with breast milk.     

When he arrived at the room, London realized that the doctors and nurses were gone. This meant that they were done pumping for breast milk. He breathed a sigh of relief.     

When he was about to approach L in bed, the young man was surprised.     

"L...? Where did you go?" London immediately panicked.     

He didn't see the girl in her bed.     

What happened? Didn't L promise to give me two days?     

His chest felt suffocated.     

He staggered toward L's bed when the corner of his eye suddenly recognized L's figure huddled near Lily's incubator.     

Ahh... L didn't go. London sighed in relief. He sauntered toward the girl, and the closer he was, the more he could hear the muffled cries.     

It turned out that L was sobbing while holding the incubator's legs. Her hair and upper clothes were damp with her tears.     

London was stunned as his steps froze.     

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