The Alchemists

Are You Spying On Me?

Are You Spying On Me?

0For a moment, London seemed to lose his mind when he heard L's statement that she already had a fiance. That is impossible! They were only separated for 10 days ... When did L suddenly find a fiance? Did she mean Daniel Swan? How could it be? They only met a few days ago.     

"You're lying ..." London finally said. "You only said that so I will stop chasing you. If you really don't like me that much, why did you have to lie like this?"     

He looked very disappointed. London didn't expect L would have the heart to lie to him like this. The girl looked at London with tears in her eyes.     

"I'm not lying. You know how much I hate liars the most ..." she said firmly.     

Both stared at each other deeply. London tried to find a trace of lies in the girl's eyes, but he did not find it. Did this mean, L was really telling him the truth?     

But how could he believe that L suddenly had a fiance? This was too sudden.     

"I will only believe you if you say it after you take this truth serum ..." London finally said. "It's time we both open up to each other. If you are honest with me, I will be honest with you."     

He took out a small bottle from his pocket and showed it to L.     

"What is this?" L frowned.     

"My brother is a scientist, and he made this veritaserum, or the truth serum. It is safe for pregnant women. I just happened to bring it with me ..." London looked for an excuse. "It seems like we've both been hiding a lot of truth from each other."     

L looked at the veritaserum bottle and London alternately. "You don't believe me?"     

London shook his head. "Like I said, you hid a lot of truth from me all this time. I don't even know anything about you."     

L bit her lip. "If ... if I took this medicine, will you believe me? Will you stop chasing me?"     

London nodded. "I will believe whatever you say."     

L took a deep breath and grabbed the bottle from London's hand and hurriedly gulped down half of its contents. She wiped her lips and then looked back at London. This time her face looked very serious. "Ask me anything."     

London was stunned to see L without hesitation drinking the truth serum. In his head, he could only think of the question of whether L really was engaged or not.     

"Do you like me?" London asked, feeling hopeful.     

L looked at him for a long time, then nodded slowly. "I do."     

With only those two words, L managed to make London's heart flutter. The man smiled happily to hear that.     

"Do you really have a fiance?" he asked again, hoping that L would answer honestly, that it was only an excuse on her part.     

L nodded. "I do. I'm engaged to be married to someone else."     


It was summer in Germany, the sky was very clear and the weather was perfect, but London's heart, which was initially filled with warmth, suddenly became cloudy. He could not believe L's words, but he knew veritaserum did not lie. His head felt hurt.     

"Is it... is it Daniel Swan ???" he asked in a bitter voice. He did not think in such a short amount of time, L found a wealthy man who was interested in her. She immediately accepted the man's proposal and became engaged to him. London was really disappointed.     

Apparently, money was very important for the girl. L still hadn't changed.     

L's face that was filled with sincerity suddenly looked shocked. Subconsciously she backed away from London. Her eyes went round when she heard his words.     

"How... how did you know about Danny?" she hissed. Her confusion quickly turned into anger. "Are you spying on me ...?!?"     

Only then did London realize his mistake.     

L was completely oblivious to the fact that London was always watching her every movement with the help of his security team, Jan Van Der Ven, and even cameras in their apartment. But now London just blew his own cover.     

"No ... that's not what I meant ..." His hand reached out, trying to touch L, but the girl brushed off his hand angrily. She hurriedly got up and walked with difficulty, because her big tummy already felt too heavy for her. She was desperately trying to leave     

London immediately got up and ran after her. "Elle !! Wait, I can explain everything...!"     

On the one hand, London felt guilty for spying on L, but on the other hand, he was also angry, disappointed, and jealous. How could L get engaged to someone she just met? Whereas he had been chasing the girl for months. And L was currently pregnant with his child ...     

L did not look back at all. She was outraged. L never expected that London, whom she thought was a good man, had been watching her every move. This was a huge violation of trust! She knew exactly how careful she was when she went out in disguise several days ago to meet Danny.     

If London found out, it could only mean that the man was deliberately spying on her, or he sent someone to follow her. Now, L actually became suspicious, lest London actually did not even go to Singapore as he confessed.     

After all, how could that man appear 12 hours after they spoke through Virconnect? Singapore and Germany were at least 10 hours' flight away. Even if he could directly buy tickets on the spot, which would be extremely expensive, he still needed an additional minimum of 4 hours for check-in, going through airport security checks, and boarding, not to mention the time required to travel to and from the airports.     

L did not know London had a private jet that made it possible for him to travel anywhere in the world quickly without having to experience the hassles of check-in and airport security checks like regular people.     

"Elle ... wait for me ..." London tried to hold L's hand, but the girl suddenly turned around and pressed her index finger right on his chest.     

"I am indeed engaged to Daniel Swan. Please don't chase me anymore. I told you, I don't like being lied to the most. I thought you were a good man whom I could trust, but now I realized you have been spying on me behind my back ..." She looked away and continued her steps. Her voice sounded as cold as ice when she raised her right hand and, without turning her head, warned London not to follow her. "Don't. Follow. Me. Again."     

When he heard such cold words, London could only be rooted in his place. He could still hear L pick up her cellphone and call someone.     

"Danny .. it's me, please pick me up at the apartment." The call was brief, but it was enough to make London's heart bleed. He was very disappointed because L openly asked Danny to pick her up.     

L rushed out of the park and hailed a taxi and left.     

After he got his senses back, London hurried to the parking lot and drove his car to the apartment. He tried to reach the apartment before L arrived so he could prevent the girl from leaving. Unfortunately, there was an accident on the way to the apartment, blocking the traffic, so he only arrived there half an hour after L.     

"Elle ... I'm sorry ..." London quickly opened their apartment door and tried to explain to L what was his reason for spying on the girl. It was all because he wanted to protect her and ensure her safety! That is all.     

He was stunned when he arrived in the living room and saw L stood there while holding something in her hand. His heart sank when he saw what it was...     

It was the camera that he installed in the living room to monitor L's situation at home while he was working. He wanted to always make sure that L ate well, rested properly, and enjoyed a good life. Sometimes, he would watch L relaxing or singing in their living room if he was missing her in the office.     

"You ... liar," L hissed, and her face was filled with rage. "Did you also put cameras in my room? In the bathroom? Are you a pervert???"     

"No... it's not it ... I didn't do it ... Well ... the reason why I installed this camera is ..." London stammered. He did not expect things to be so chaotic in just one day. Just last night, L was being so nice to him and even accepted his kiss. "I didn't install a camera in your private space... I just ..."     

That's when he knew he had lost.     

Right now, he was caught red-handed with a camera as evidence in L's hand. It would be very difficult for him to make the girl believe him.     

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