The Alchemists



0"You really think I'm kind? And you also think I'm quite attractive? So, basically, the only thing lacking from me is wealth?"     


"What if I could become wealthy in one year, would you want to be my girlfriend?"     

"Hm ... maybe. We'll see another year." L shrugged nonchalantly.     

"If so, will you wait for me for a year so that I can maximize my potential and become super-rich? If I don't manage to become as wealthy as you want, then you can leave me, and I won't complain at all," London said with a smile. He felt very happy with the direction of their conversation.     

If L was willing, London would have one year to think. He could reveal his identity or not, depending on their interactions for the next year. He needed to see first whether L was the right woman for him or not. If he felt that L was the right woman for him, then he would tell her the truth after one year.     

If not, then London would disappear from L's life without ever revealing his identity as one of the wealthiest people on earth today.     

Who knows, maybe during the next one year he could even actually change the girl's mind. All he needed was time.     

"You want to be super-rich in one year?" L asked, frowning. "You're very confident, huh?"     

"All you have to do is say whether you will agree or not."     

"All right. Besides money, I also like confidence. I hope you really can become super-rich and powerful ... so you will have a better life. I can wait if it's only one year," L finally replied.     

London smiled wider. "I will prove to you that in the next year I will become a super-rich man and we will be able to buy whatever we want here, not just cheap drinks."     


"Cheers!" London clinked his glass to L's. They then sipped their drinks together.     

"By the way, why are you so persistent in pursuing me?" L asked him. She looked at London attentively.     

"Uhm ... because ..." London swallowed and tried to find the right words. "Because I feel responsible for you. But I don't know how to show that responsibility on my part. You don't even want to give me a chance because I'm poor. So, the only way is to fulfill the first condition you set, which is to become super-rich. Then later, we can decide what we should do. "     

"Hmm ... thank you. I was not wrong. You really are a kind man ..." L took a deep breath. She then finished her drink and stood up. "I don't blame you for what happened that night, we are both victims. But if I can be a motivation for you to have an ambition and improve your life, then I'm fine with that. I hate lazy people who don't want to make the effort. I hope you will succeed and get what you want. "     

"Where are you going?" asked London.     

"Go home. I've listened to what you wanted to say. I already told you that I'll wait for a year. I will be swamped for the next year anyway. I need to prepare my new album and start my career at Brilliant Mind Media. I won't have time to date any men."     

London hurriedly rose to follow her. "I'll take you home."     

"It's okay, I can go by myself. Besides, I have a dinner appointment with my producer at Medusa Restaurant. Goodbye." L tiptoed and kissed London's cheeks then walked out of the restaurant.     

The man just stood rooted to the spot. L's kiss on his cheek still felt warm five minutes after the girl left.     

Hmm ... what were they talking about just now? He didn't really remember.     

What was clear was that L said London was a kind and attractive man. L also said she was willing to wait for him to prove that he could become wealthy in one year before she looked for another prospective wealthy husband.     

This meant that London would have one year to test his feelings for L and make a decision.     

This is not a bad deal, he thought.     


Jan saw his boss's mood improve during the week, and he suspected something had happened between his boss and the aspiring singer.     

"So?" he asked, pouring coffee for himself and London as they were discussing several reports in London's office at the Schneider Tower.     

"I like the reclamation project," commented London, lowering the document he was reading.     

"That was not what I meant, Sir. But how is your relationship with Miss L going?" Jan asked curiously. "Last time I checked, you canceled a BOD meeting last week to see her and then asked me to book a table for you in the Moon Restaurant of the St. Laurent with Hadley. That means you took her there. Have you confessed your feelings for her?"     

"What feelings...?" London narrowed his eyes at Jan's words. "What do you mean? We were just talking."     

"You still haven't told her your true identity?" Jan asked again.     

"Not yet. I have a year to do it." London shrugged with a thin smile. "I don't like to be rushed. Besides, we will keep her busy for the whole next year with various promotional programs and events to launch her career."     

"Hmm ... is that so?" Jan nodded.     

They went back to discussing the various reports that came in and Jan tried to suppress his curiosity about his boss's private life and did not ask any more questions about L.     


Over the next month, London enjoyed life with two completely different identities. When there were Brilliant Mind Media activities involving L that needed a photographer, he would be Killian Makela. He swiftly drove to the BMM building, changed clothes in a car with a simple shirt and took off his watch, then put on his glasses and walked into Luxe's ​​office to work as a photographer.     

On normal days, he would live and work as London Schneider, who maintained his strict privacy. His interaction with L had also improved. The girl had stopped treating him like air since their last conversation at the Moon Restaurant.     

Like today, after finishing an outdoor photoshoot, L handed over a bottle of water to him. The girl saw London's forehead sweating from the heat and knew he was thirsty.     

"Huh?" For a moment, the young man was stunned.     

"Water?" L stared at the man as if he was dumb. "WA-TER. Aren't you thirsty?"     

"Ah.. thank you!" London accepted the drink and took a sip. He was elated because L's attitude had changed a lot now compared to the first time they met.     

He liked her more and more.     

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