The Alchemists



0London soon met the marketing director and chatted briefly about his experiences. Because Jan personally sent him to Luxe, he was treated well by Emil, the marketing director.     

"You seem to know Director Van Der Ven well," Emil commented as he received London in his office. "He asked me to treat you nicely."     

London could only awkwardly smile at Emil's blunt words. "Well, we were friends when we were little. He helped me a lot."     

"Hmm... Is that so? Alright. Coincidentally, we have an urgent photo shoot for a new artist who was recommended by Director Van Der Ven today. Our photographer, Nick, needs help, and we can immediately hire you."     

"Thank you." London smiled at Emil's explanation.     

The marketing director then looked at the camera hanging around London's neck and shook his head, "We provide better cameras here. You can go with Eddie to the storage room and choose a good one. We'll have three sessions. Two indoors and one outdoor. Nick will take the indoor sessions and you can help him see the style he likes. For the outdoor session later, you have to do it yourself. Nick is unwell, so he won't be taking outdoor sessions for a while."     

"I understand," London nodded. Inwardly, he was grateful because he had studied photography seriously since childhood, so his ability wouldn't be inferior to professional photographers. If the shots were bad, of course, his cover could be exposed easily.     

After discussing some other details, London immediately excused himself and followed Eddie, who would become his supervisor in Luxe Magazine. The man took him to a special room. There, he was invited to choose a camera and the lenses he liked, which was far better and more expensive than the camera he was carrying.     

"I know many arrogant photographers will say that ability and talent are far more important than expensive equipment, but the fact is, good equipment will make talent shine even more." Eddie expanded his arms and proudly showed all the expensive cameras on the shelves. "I'm sure you've never touched a camera as expensive as these before."     

London just put on a flat face and shook his head, "I see them quite often..."     

"In commercials and magazines, right? But have you held one with your own hands? Well, today, your dreams are coming true. You can touch them and choose which one you'll use for this afternoon's photoshoot." Eddie proudly remarked.     

London only nodded in the end. He didn't want to argue with Eddie just to show that he wasn't acting corny and star-struck around those expensive cameras. The truth was, he would always have the latest and most expensive equipment in his house, even before the products were launched.     

He casually chose the same camera as the one he had in his collection at home, which he often used to take pictures of his adorable nephew and niece, Altair and Vega. "I'll take this one and those three lenses."     

"You have good taste," Eddie commented. He narrowed his eyes and looked at London carefully. "You seriously don't want to touch the other cameras? You're not interested in the others?"     

In his heart, Eddie felt a little disappointed. All this time, new photographers he brought to the camera room would act like someone who had just fallen in love at first sight and acted rather corny. Their camera and lens collection was undoubtedly tempting for most photographers, but this new person somehow seemed indifferent.     

"I don't dare touch the others. I fear I might break them," London casually uttered to shake off Eddie's suspicions.     

He knew his acting as a poor person still needed a lot of practice. While it may be true that he wore cheap and simple clothes, but his attitude was still that of a rich person's. Because what could make a person look poor was not only attire but also attitude.     

London, who grew up in an immeasurably wealthy family environment, had a very elegant and very confident attitude. This was because his family had everything, and everyone respected them.     

London didn't know what it was like to build a career from the bottom and have to establish good relations with people to be accepted in a new environment. All the people he met would automatically be very respectful to him. He also immediately entered his father's company as a leader, so he was used to ordering and commanding others, not vice versa.     

"Hmm... I understand. You can go straight to the studio and get acquainted with Nick, who will take two indoor sessions today. He'll give you lots of clues," Eddie said after a brief silence.     

"Yes!" London came out of the camera room and walked towards the studio Eddie had appointed.     

For some reason, it seemed fate really liked to tease him. On the way, he again met L who just came out of the meeting room and was going to the dressing room.     

The girl rolled her eyes and immediately looked away as soon as she saw London.     

"Iisssh..." London could only inwardly sigh. L simply ignored his existence. Even though all this time, wherever London went, he was always admired by beautiful girls trying to attract his attention.     

It wasn't that London looked bad. On the contrary, he undoubtedly had a handsome face. He was even more handsome than the male models going in and out of Luxe's ​​office today. It was just that his cheap and old-fashioned clothes coupled with his oversized glasses made him look like a nerd.     

Ah, maybe this is how it feels like to be ignored because you're not rich, London thought.     

He was beginning to feel suspicious. Perhaps the girls who had been trying to attract his attention were only acting that way because they knew he was rich.     

Could it be that if they thought he was poor, they would also ignore him, just like how L had ignored him?     

Maybe good looks and manners were already of no value to modern women... Perhaps, it was only wealth and power they care about.     

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" An eccentric-looking middle-aged man patted his back and half dragged him into the studio. "Are you my assistant for this afternoon? I'm Nick."     

London was immediately moved from his reverie and nodded. "Hello. My name is Killian. I was asked by Emil to help you today."     

"For the new artist?" Nick put his bag in a drawer, then began setting some lights and signaled for London to help him adjust the equipment.     

"Uhm... that's what he said," London agreed. He hurriedly put down his bag and camera and followed Nick's actions, installing various equipment that would soon be used for the shooting session.     

"It's rare to have a photo session scheduled so suddenly. I want to know how pretty this new artist who slept with our boss is," Nick commented in a slightly annoyed voice.     

"What... What makes you say that?" Suddenly, London's chest was filled with anger. Nick just accused L of sleeping with the boss to get a photo session advanced. "Don't slander someone you don't know."     

"Why, are you so close with her that you're defending her?" Nick asked in surprise. "I'm just telling the truth. Our boss used to be a womanizer. He still has that reputation. After his third divorce, he seemed to have learned his lesson to not play around with women. Now, all of a sudden, there's a new artist who immediately received various promotions as soon as she got contracted... Of course, this will raise suspicions that she is sleeping with the boss."     

London immediately stopped his work. He didn't think Nick would have such a low opinion of L. Before being bought by Schneider Group, Brilliant Mind Media was indeed owned by a middle-aged man who was a notorious pervert in the entertainment industry.     

The purchase of this media company was also carried out suddenly and wasn't yet announced to the public. Not even the employees knew that their company had changed owners. So, they naturally assumed that all the facilities that L was enjoying now were due to her relationship with the old pervert who was BMM's previous owner.     

London had deliberately asked Jan to keep the company's change of owner a secret so as not to arouse suspicion. He didn't expect that it would hurt L.'s reputation instead. He had no idea that things would turn out this way.     

"Do you think L has a relationship with our boss?" London questioned Nick, trying to confirm what he had just heard. "Will other people think the same?"     

Nick shrugged. "Of course. All of this is too good to be true. I heard that the girl is stunning and is still very young, not even 20 years old. Our boss is famous for being a fan of young girls like her."     

"I've heard her sing, and her voice is magnificent. If you hear it yourself, you'll feel as though you're hypnotized," London was still trying to defend L.     

"Tsk tsk tsk... How naive," Nick uttered. "I know you wish that such a young girl was innocent and had a positive image, but let me tell you something. Talent and hard work alone are not enough. Everyone in the entertainment industry has to do something dirty to be famous. That's the way it is."     

Bastard, London inwardly cursed. He hoped L didn't hear the nasty gossip about her, otherwise, she would feel devastated.     

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