The Alchemists

You Forgot To Blink

You Forgot To Blink

0L must haven't heard these rumors. She must still be feeling happy because her manager suddenly told her that she got an exclusive contract from the biggest entertainment company in the country because the owner was very impressed after seeing her performance at Stephan's party.     

L naturally thought all this was really because of her talent. When she heard people gossiping about her sleeping with the owner of Brilliant Mind Media, London could imagine how the girl would feel hurt.     

Dammit, I have to get Jan to announce the purchase of BMM so people don't get the wrong idea anymore, London thought.     

He typed a short SMS to Jan to announce the purchase of BMM by the Schneider Group. So, the rumors about L sleeping with the previous BMM owner wouldn't become a snowball effect that would damage her career.     

[Alright] Jan shortly replied. He was able to guess what was happening and immediately arranged for them to have a press conference to announce the acquisition of BMM by Schenider Group tomorrow. He would personally be present and give the statement.     

Ten minutes later, a few studio assistants came to help Nick and London set the lights and discussed a little about the shooting concept that Nick wanted. The hairdresser and stylist arrived shortly after. At precisely 2 PM, L and her manager entered the studio, and the first photo session was ready to take place.     

"Hi..." London greeted L, who had just entered the room. The girl wore blue attire with glam makeup that made her look radiant. For a moment, London pursed his lips in disappointment. He actually preferred to see L without makeup, like when they passed each other in the hallway. Her face was only covered by a very thin layer of makeup. She looked natural, but still very beautiful.     

"Why are you looking at me like that?" L questioned. She didn't like London's unhappy expression when he looked at her makeup-covered face.     

London was stunned. He didn't expect that L would talk to him. After passing each other several times with the girl ignoring his existence, he thought that L would also ignore him this time.     

But the girl actually asked him a question when he least expected it. London didn't know why his heart felt so happy just because that annoying girl spoke to him.     

"Are you talking to me?" London asked to confirm.     

"Who else would I be talking to? Didn't you greet me first?" L rolled her eyes as if she regretted asking this guy a question just now.     

"That's true, but you can't blame me for not reacting in time. You've been ignoring me all this time," London said in an attempt to defend himself. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore."     

L glared at London's answer. Instantly, the man regretted refuting L.     

"I'm trying to forget what happened between us, okay?" the girl hissed. "You think this is easy for me? It seems as though you're everywhere I go. So, finally, while in the dressing room, I pondered for a long time, and I've decided..."     

"Decided what?" London asked in surprise.     

"I've heard about how you're working here now."     

"You said men should work and have ambitions," London reminded her.     

"Right. I'm glad to see you beginning to have an ambition. But this means I'll meet you often, even though I don't like it. So instead of torturing myself and constantly avoiding you, I should try to face reality and acknowledge your existence." L narrowed her eyes and intently stared at London, "But if you bring up what happened then... I'll kill you."     

London was stunned. This girl always talked big, he thought.     

But on the other hand, he was relieved that L was mature enough and decided to accept the fact that she and London were victims of Stephan's actions, and she didn't blame London for what happened. In fact, she no longer avoided the man.     

London was amazed because within only four days, L was able to sort her heart and move on by immersing herself in work. Inwardly, he could hardly believe that a girl as smart and as wise as this girl was only nineteen years old. This meant she was eight years younger than himself.     

"I won't bring up the incident," London nervously said. He raised a hand solemnly, giving his promise to L.     

He also didn't want to remember the embarrassing incident. Even now, when he saw L standing gracefully in front of him, his mind subconsciously drifted to the events of four nights ago.     

Suddenly, the image of her beautiful body laid innocently in front of him came to mind. Subconsciously London gulped when he remembered how her delicate skin touched his body... and how her sexy and big breasts which clung to London's chest felt so bouncy and...     


London had to slap his own cheek so that the beautiful images would disappear from his mind. He was a well-educated gentleman, and his mother taught him to be respectful towards women. But, for some reason, when he saw L standing near, his brain suddenly became perverted and kept thinking of various obscene things he wanted to do to her.     

"What's up with you?" L asked in surprise. The people in the studio had also all stared at London. He was looking pathetic with his right palm slapped on his right cheek.     

"Uhm... nothing... I just slapped a mosquito," he said halfheartedly and pretended to scratch his cheek that wasn't itchy. London hurried over to Nick, who was looking at his computer and taking some photo tests.     

L, who saw London's strange behavior involuntarily covered her chest with both hands. Her cheeks turned red. She guessed that London was picturing her naked body just now, because the man's eyes rested on her chest right before he slapped his own cheek...     

Ugh... men! She inwardly cussed.     


The shooting of the first and second sessions went very smoothly. L was truly a professional artist, even though her career was still relatively new. She never made a mistake and moved naturally from one pose to the next ones like it was a walk in the park.     

Nick had a hard time choosing four from the best photos because almost all of L's photos he took looked amazing. Usually, with other models, he would need to take hundreds or even thousands of photos to painstakingly choose two or three good ones. But with L, he had difficulty choosing because they were all fantastic.     

"She's very natural in front of the camera. What a photographer's ideal model," Nick whispered to London. "I regret not taking the outdoor session for her. The results will definitely be even better."     

London hoped that today's session would change Nick's thought of how L slept with the company owner to get her contract and promotion.     

That's technically what happened though... L did sleep with London, and London was now the owner of Brilliant Mind Media. And he also helped L's career because they slept together, but...     

Sigh... Why is it so complicated? London thought, feeling irritated.     

It could be said that the gossip circulating was true. It was just that they were gossiping the wrong person. The boss of BMM was now London, not the old geezer.     

Whatever it was, he didn't want L to be a victim for the second time because of malicious gossips. So if Nick changed his mind about L, London hoped other people would do the same. They would see how L's own talents and abilities made her fit to be a superstar.     

"So you agree she's indeed talented?" London asked with a smile. "You should hear her sing. You'll like her even more."     

"Really? Many say she has a mesmerizing voice, but I don't believe it," Nick said with a shrug.     

"That's right, her voice is mesmerizing. Just like a siren, the sea fairy," London voiced. "Try looking up videos of her singing on the internet."     

"You like her, don't you? You always defend her," Nick commented, looking at London with a mischievous smile.     

"What, me? No way. I've only met her twice," London denied, shaking his head vigorously. "Besides, she's annoying. I can't possibly like such an arrogant and annoying girl."     

His gaze involuntarily wandered to L, who was sitting in the dressing chair. Her curled-up hair was now being styled by the hairdresser to fall down to her shoulders.     

London remembered how her hair felt so smooth like silk and had a distinctive scent. He seemed to be able to smell her scent from twenty meters away.     

Nick waved his hand in front of London, "You forgot to blink."     

"Eh..." London hurriedly blinked and pretended not to hear Nick's words before looking back at the monitor to choose a photo.     

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