The Alchemists

He Had Hurt Her

He Had Hurt Her

0Although L insisted that London must not follow her, the man did not have the heart to let her go home by herself. He hurriedly chased L outside. When he came out of the room, he realized that he was in an unfamiliar place.     

Hmm ... once he looked around, he realized that he was still in the Zimmerman's mansion, where the party was held last night.      


He didn't know how he could let his guard down last night and was unwittingly caught in Stephan's trap.     

Ugh ... he should think about it later. Now he must run after L.     

London ran down from the second-floor corridor to the first floor, and by randomly guessing his direction, he headed for the large hall downstairs.     


He could hear a loud slapping sound when London opened the door and entered the hall. L just ran out of the room after throwing a slap with all her might to Stephan's cheek as he smirked mockingly at her.     

"Elle!!! Wait!!" London hurriedly chased after L. He didn't take any notice of Stephan. He decided that he would deal with him later. London just couldn't let L go alone in that vulnerable state she was at. He was afraid that something would happen to the girl.     

London opened the door that L had just slammed and ran after her. The girl ran across the garden in front of the luxurious mansion and was soon already outside the gate. A taxi with an android driver was already waiting for her.     

London managed to touch her hand when she reached the taxi, but he lost her as L brushed his hand off and quickly opened the cab door and then went in.     

"Let's go!" hissed the girl. She wasn't even looking at London at all.     

The man could not help but watch the taxi leaving while he rubbed his forehead. Well, at least L had gotten into a cab, so it would be safer for her rather than if she went out alone on the road.     

"Good morning, Sir." Suddenly two neatly dressed men approached London. Dave and Marc were two members of his protection team who were still guarding him last night at Stephan's party. Why were they here now? London thought, feeling irritated.     

"Hey, you ...! Where were you last night!? Something happened and..." London couldn't continue his words. He felt ashamed if he had to tell them what had happened between him and L last night. Finally, he just glared at them and crossed his arms. "Where have you been?"     

"We have been here since last night waiting for you, Boss. After the fight, things settled down and you were drinking and got drunk with Mr. Zimmerman. You even slept on the couch, and Miss Lyana couldn't take you home. We didn't dare to offer to bring you because we were afraid of ruining your cover. Mr. Zimmerman then offered to let you rest at his house as his guest. So, we decided to keep guard here and make sure you are safe."     

London was stunned at hearing that. His bodyguards could not possibly tell him a lie. He did not remember drinking so much that he got drunk ... He was usually able to control himself.     

"There's no way I could get drunk ... Last night someone spiked my drink," said London.     

Dave and Marc looked at each other, and their faces turned undoubtedly upset. "We have no idea, Sir ... you and Miss Lyana drank wine from the same bottle. We also observed you from afar, no one put anything into your drink, we never let our guard down..."     

Ah, Lyana. If it's true that Lyana drank from the same bottle and she was okay... then...     

Stephan put the drug in his glass BEFORE pouring in the drink!     


London remembered that he felt drowsy after drinking. It turned out that Stephan had planned everything when he pretended to make peace with him. Considering how smooth he was at it, Stephan must have been used to doing this kind of malicious plots.     

Last night Stephan poured drinks for the two of them and handed London a glass that he had already spiked with a sleeping pill to make London drowsy so Stephan could have an excuse to welcome the man as his guest and let him sleep in the guest room.     

Once the party was over and all the guests already left, Stephan gave the aphrodisiac while London was sleeping.     

That was why Lyana and his bodyguards were not suspicious at the least. When they checked his condition, they were convinced that London was indeed sleeping like he was drunk.     

Once London was trapped, they must have done the same thing to L and let the two of them wake up together under the influence of the aphrodisiac.     

London clenched his fist and hurried back into the mansion to look for Stephan. The two bodyguards immediately followed him from behind.     

Stephan was a jerk and lowly trash, London thought angrily. That bastard must have been used to this heinous scheme, so he could easily trick London who was always on guard and even surrounded by trained bodyguards.     

"STEPHAN!!!" London snapped as he slammed the door into the hall open. Stephan was sitting on the couch, stroking his cheek that L had slapped hard earlier. He instantly raised his face when he heard London shouted his name. The man furrowed his eyebrows when London stormed into the room.     

"Heh ... why are you yelling at me at my house?" Stephan snapped back at London. "You should thank me and kiss my feet as I give you the chance to sleep with the girl you like ... hahahaha."     

"You're a lowly piece of sh*t" London quickly moved closer to Stephan and grabbed his collar. "You don't know who I am..."     

Stephan frowned. He had just noticed that London's accent began to change. Last night, London spoke German with an American accent, but now he had completely lost his American accent. Stephan started to wonder and question if the man in front of him was indeed an American. Something now telling him that the guy was just putting an act.     

"You ... who are you?" Stephan finally asked. He already saw two tall, tough-looking men with a murderous look enter the front door.     

"Why did you do it?" London asked in anger. His hand was still gripping Stephan's collar while the man struggled to free himself.     

"I want to teach that bitch a lesson, okay? She acted as if she is all that and thinks too highly of herself ... I just wanted to set her straight and make her understand that she is just a nobody." Stephan gritted his teeth as he answered London's question. "Her virginity was taken by a poor photographer... Ha. It must have been very devastating for her..."     

"You ...!!" London's eyes shone dangerously when he heard Stephan's words.     

In 2050, being such a modern time, to most people, virginity was just something trivial. Still, apparently, it was very important for L, so Stephan cruelly snatched it away from her with the most horrific way she could imagine.     

London then vaguely remembered when he first entered L and saw how the girl wince in pain.     

He had hurt her.     

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