The Alchemists

What A Strange Woman

What A Strange Woman

0London soaked in cold water for almost an hour to cool himself off. He still could not forget L. His mind returned to the image of how sad the girl looked when she was leaving.     

Gosh ... why can't he get rid of L's image from his mind?     

After he finished taking a bath and freshened up, he immediately contacted Lyana and tried to get her story of what really happened last night. He wanted to make sure that his bodyguards were innocent.     

"Hey ... good morning. How was your sleep last night?" Lyana asked lightly while biting an apple. "You don't have the habit of sleepwalking, do you?"     

"Why didn't you wake me up?" asked London trying to hold back his annoyance. "You know it's a strange place for me, you shouldn't have left me alone."     

"I've tried. For God's sake, you slept so soundly on the host's couch. I was embarrassed for bringing with me such a shameless guest..." Lyana stopped chewing her apple. She had only just realized the unusual tone of her friend. "Was there something wrong?"     

"I was framed ... Stephan gave me and L aphrodisiac and we did it ..." London clenched his fist. "Did you drink the same drink as I did last night?"     

"Gosh ... you're not joking?" Lyana sounded very surprised. "I drank from the same wine bottle as you did, and I never saw Stephan mix anything into your drink. Even when we took you to the guestroom, I made sure you really slept. There was nothing suspicious ..."     

"Hmm ..." London realized that his guess was right. He was given sleeping pills in the wine glass and only after he slept that he was given the aphrodisiac, to avoid Lyana's suspicion. He would know for sure after seeing the recording in the room.     

"So what happened then?" urged Lyana.     

"I will punish Stephan for his actions, and I will look for L to make sure she is fine."     

He then hung up, not wanting to share too much about what had happened to Lyana.     

Half an hour later, Jan arrived as per London's order. The man was drinking espresso when his assistant arrived.     

"Did you take care of Stephan Zimmerman?" London asked him, raising his face to see Jan's presence.     

"He was just arrested by the police on charges of sexual assaults. There were three victims filed the reports together. I have sent lawyers to help the victims. Stephan will go to prison for a long time," Jan replied. He sat on a chair across from London and poured himself a coffee. "The cleaning team has taken care of all the recordings from his house. Dave and Marc also made sure the staff there would not dare to open their mouths."     

"Hmm ..." London finished his coffee and then stood up. "I'll look for L, to her house. Can you send me the address?"     

Jan was stunned by London's words. He hadn't heard exactly what had happened, but seeing London's attitude like this, he could have guessed. Did London have sex with L and now wanted to take responsibility for the girl? But why? After all, he's also a victim, right? Personally, he thought London should not be excessive.     

"I'll send the address shortly. I'll ask our information sources first," Jan finally said. "Is that all?"     

London pondered briefly. He still remembered how L seemed to hate him and did not want to see him again.     

"Buy the biggest entertainment company in the country and launch L to be a superstar, as her wishes." London narrowed his eyes and looked at Jan with all seriousness. "I also want to know all the information about L, besides her home address."     

"Uhm ... okay." Jan recorded all of London's instructions on his tablet and nodded. He then called several people and five minutes later the address of L's apartment had been sent to London's cellphone. Jan then closed his tablet and reported to London. "The entertainment company I am eyeing will be acquired tonight. Tomorrow I will send someone to meet Miss L's manager."     

"Hmm ..." London hurried out of the penthouse and went down to the lobby on the ground floor. In front of the building, a fancy car was already waiting for him. He got in and told his driver to take him to an apartment complex in the southern part of the city.     

He deliberately asked to be dropped off in the next building and walked to L's apartment building. He did not want to be caught by L or anyone he knew, getting off a very fancy car. He still wanted to maintain his identity as a poor photographer because, at this time, he did not want to take the risk by coming as London Schneider.     

On his cellphone, there was L's phone number, sent at the same time by Jan along with the girl's address. London did not want to contact L by phone because the girl would suspect him, because she would remember that she never gave her number to him.     

Finally, when he arrived in the lobby of the building, he could only ring the bell to the girl's apartment unit, trying to contact her. However, until a dozen times, the bell was ignored. London began to feel anxious.     

He wrote something on a piece of paper and then put it in the mailbox of L's apartment unit. He hoped that when L went down to get her mails, she would be able to read London's note and be willing to contact him.     

He then left the place feeling heavy in his chest.     

"I want you to keep an eye on L in this building, and make sure she is fine. If you see her coming out, let me know immediately," London told Marc and Dave who followed him to the building where L lived.     

The two bodyguards just nodded.     


London read all the information sent to him with great interest. It turned out that L was still very young. She was only 19 years old and grew up in an orphanage. Her parents were unknown, possibly dead, and she was sent to the orphanage by a distant relative. Since she was still very young, she was famous for having a beautiful voice and two years ago won the national singing competition.     

She just recently moved to Berlin and began to enter into the upper-class social circle with the help of Stephan Zimmerman. London remembered from L's way of talking about Stephan, it seemed like the girl knew Stephan was a jerk. So, why was she still hanging out with that guy?     

Was L so desperate to get into the upper class even though she had to go through someone like Stephan? Or was she just using him as a stepping stone to finding a better ladder to climb?     

All of these questions were very disturbing for London. For one, he began to understand why L insisted on looking for a super-rich man marry. Maybe she got tired of living a hard life since moving out of the orphanage and now wanted to change her life.     

But why should the men be super-rich? This was too specific and felt over the top. Getting a husband who was just rich, should have been a massive improvement compared to her previous life as a poor orphan.     

London still remembered L's harsh and somewhat arrogant attitude. It did not seem right if a smart woman like her would want to rely on other people's wealth. Someone proud like her usually enjoyed working hard and not depending on other people.     

Many of L's mannerisms reminded London of his mother, Finland. But, contrary to L, his mother actually never wanted to rely on other people's wealth and always refused financial assistance by anyone, even by her best friend Jean and then by Caspar, who later became her husband.     

After being married for a long time and having three children together, finally, Finland began to feel comfortable considering her husband's wealth as hers too.     

Really, L was a strange woman. London couldn't seem to wrap his head around her.     

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