The Alchemists

The Most Materialistic Girl In Germany

The Most Materialistic Girl In Germany

0"L?" London was dumbfounded. He looked at Stephan intently, thinking he did mishear the girls' name.     

"Her name is Elle, but she prefers to write her name only with the letter 'L'. She is a bit eccentric," Stephan looked at him. "Do you like her?"     

London lightly coughed at Stephan's blunt question. "*Cough* ... what do you mean - I like her? I was just asking her name."     

"Hmm ... forget her," Stephan said, looking at him with a slightly mocking look. "She is out of your league. Plus, she only wanted to go out with very wealthy and powerful men. Even if a guy is merely rich - as in not super-rich, she won't give him so much as a glance."     

"Oh ..." London was stunned to hear Stephan's explanation. He sighed and involuntarily glanced at L, feeling disappointed.     

"I'm not even exaggerating. L specifically asked me to make her famous so she could find a very wealthy and powerful husband, and she would settle with an old man if she has too..." Stephan smirked and glanced at L on stage, following London's gaze. "You are looking at the most materialistic girl in Germany."     

Ah, what a shame. L turned out to be one of the gold diggers who were after men's wealth. Even though London was a super-rich guy himself, he did not want to be in a relationship with a girl who would only pursue him for his wealth.     

Ah… that's too bad.     

Stephan looked at London, who was still subconsciously staring at L on the stage, and he gave out a faint smirk.     

"Do you want me to introduce you to her?" he asked.     

London involuntarily nodded. L had just finished her song and was now bowing to the audience who were clapping incessantly and calling out her name in praises.     

"Wait… what?" Lyana hurriedly hit his shoulders. "Didn't he just say that L is the most materialistic girl in Germany right now? Your ears are working fine, are they not?"     

Only then did London wake up and hurriedly wave to Stephan to cancel his approval just now, but Stephan simply shrugged. He had signaled that L come to their table.     

And all of a sudden L was standing in front of London. The girl was throwing him a sharp gaze with her pair of beautiful black eyes. London had never seen eyes as black as hers, and, just like that, he was bewitched by L that he couldn't even blink. L turned out to be so much prettier when seen up close.     

"Who is this?" L asked, touching London's chin gently, still staring at him.     

"This is Killian, from America. He just arrived in Germany and wants to find a job. Do you want to be photographed?" Stephan asked with a mocking smile towards London. "I haven't seen his work as a photographer, but Lyana highly recommends him."     

"Are you a photographer?" L asked with a smile. She took off London's glasses and studied his face carefully. She gently felt the young man's cheeks, then rubbed his hair. "Why not just model? It's definitely an easier way to make money."     

London cursed himself for being unable to do anything under the influence of L's gaze. He had met many people in his life, but no one could charm him to where he was unable to move - like this beautiful girl in front of him did.     

L had a small frame but obviously a big personality. Her every movement was elegant and charming. She had light brown hair and a stunningly beautiful face with some freckles that made her look so young. London was 25 cm taller than her, but somehow he felt small in front of this girl.     

Oh no! Suddenly he became anxious. He couldn't let his disguise uncovered. What if they recognized him from somewhere without his glasses?     

London immediately ruffled his hair and took the glasses back from L's hand.     

"I ... I can't see without my glasses," he murmured.     

"You're very handsome without your glasses. You should model, you know." L narrowed her eyes at London as if trying to asses his potential. "I can be your agent and sell you to a lot of media. And, as the one who discovered you, I will only charge a 50% management fee."     

That's daylight robbery! London could only complain about it inwardly. Everyone knew an artist's management fee was never more than 20%, thought London, realizing that L was indeed money-hungry.     

"I'm not interested in being a model," London said earnestly. "But, I want to photograph you."     

"Is that so? Let's see how good your skills are ..." L smiled broadly and immediately posed in front of London. This beautiful girl really knew how to work in front of the camera and, in just one minute, had changed poses 20 times. Every single pose looked amazing.     

London, who hurriedly pulled out his camera when he heard her cue, didn't expect to get so many beautiful photos of the most interesting girl he had ever met.     

Ah, well... it's a shame that L was just another gold-digger, he thought, feeling disappointed again.     

He then showed the results of his shots to L and Stephan, who both nodded in satisfaction.     

"Well, you are indeed talented. You can come to my office tomorrow to discuss some projects for the artists I plan to promote," Stephan said to him. "If you make me happy, I can give you enough work to live well in Germany."     

Because he was posing as a photographer who needed a job, London had no choice but to agree with Stephan's offer.     

The four of them then sat and drank wine while chatting at Stephan's table. The beautiful girls who were hovering around him had been told to leave.     

"What do you think? Are you happy with the party I'm throwing for you?" Stephan asked L as she sipped her wine while checking their surroundings. "You can meet the richest people in Germany at my party. At the moment you are not yet famous enough to catch a very wealthy man, but with my help, next year you will be able to get whomever you want. You can even find a young one,  no need to marry an old and ugly tycoon."     

London almost spouted his wine when he heard what Stephan just said. He turned to L, who was contemplating something over her drink. She only nodded at Stephan's words.     

Geez... Stephan wasn't lying. She did want to catch a super-rich man!     

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