The Alchemists

Let Go Of Me!

Let Go Of Me!

0London almost couldn't believe his own hearing when Stephan just casually talked about finding super-rich men for L to marry, and L just nodded in agreement.     

OMG... Stephan wasn't lying. L was indeed the most materialistic girl in Germany!     

Gosh. These two were so open about their plan in front of London and Lyanna. Inwardly London felt more and more disappointed because L nodded and smiled in response to Stephan's words.     

"But before you become theirs, I want to have you for myself first," Stephan said while his hands crawled on L's thighs under her fitting black dress. The man's grin looked disgusting.     

"Stephan ... I told you I'm not that kind of woman," L brushed Stephan's hands away from creeping up her thighs. Her black eyes stared at Stephan seething with anger. "I told you we would share the results after I married the man I wanted."     

"I change my mind," Stephan said, staring at L with a devious smile. "Tonight, you're so beautiful, and I want to cancel our agreement. I don't need the money ..."     

"You need the money to finance your expensive lifestyle! Your father has cut you out of his will, and it won't be long until people know how poor you have become," hissed L. "I only use your connection to find a super-rich and powerful husband. The agreement between us is mutually beneficial. When I get the money, I will finance your company so that you can escape the shadow of your parents."     

London coughed violently when he heard what L said. Listening to the conversation between these two conniving people made him really upset. Why were they talking casually in front of him and Lyana about such things? Were they not ashamed?     

"What happened to you?" L asked, narrowing her eyes towards London. "You can't drink?"     

"Uhm... it's not it." London's face turned red. He was shocked because Stephan and L were conspiring to get some super-rich man into marrying L. This reminded him of his brother-in-law, Alaric who, a few months ago, was almost framed by a woman using an aphrodisiac.      

Thinking about it sent shivers down his spine.     

Why did terrible people like them exist?? He was really disappointed to see L, such a beautiful and charming girl, is actually a gold-digger.     

"Then why are you coughing?" L asked him curtly.     

"Uhm ... what are you planning to do? Will you and Stephan trap some rich men to marry you? Are you not worried that I will expose your plans?" he asked back in astonishment.     

L and Stephan looked at each other, then both of them laughed out loud.     

"Who will believe your words? Stephan is a rich guy with a good reputation, and as you can see, I don't need to trap anyone to marry me." L stood up and bowed slightly like a princess in front of London as if showing off how beautiful she was. "This month alone, I've turned down proposals from ten rich men."     

"Oh ... then what did you mean by getting a husband earlier?" asked London curiously. He was a little relieved because it turned out that L didn't mean to trap a man with aphrodisiac as he had just imagined.     

"Ugh ... are you that naive? I want to be a really famous celebrity so I can up my dating profile and enter the circle of the super-rich and powerful. Stephan will help me become famous, so I could achieve my goal. I don't need ordinary rich men to propose to me. My standards are much higher than that."     

"Then, what are your standards? How rich is rich enough for you?" asked London curiously.     

"Uhmm ... I don't know, maybe as wealthy as Jan Van Der Ven, or Terrence Chan, the President of Schneider Group? Or Crown Prince Niels from Sweden ..."     

London could only swallow hard when he heard the blunt answer from the girl. So, based on her standards, actually, if he disclosed his identity now, he could easily get her attention, because obviously, the girl was only targeting men as rich and powerful as he was.     

"Uhm ... is wealth more important to you than love?" he asked softly. "What if those super-rich men mistreated you?"     

"Well, nobody's perfect," L said with a shrug. "I have to take the good with the bad. If I had to choose between a nice man who loves me very much, but poor, and a super-rich man who treats me badly... then I would always choose money."     

"Why is money so important to you?" London asked again.     

"You must be living under a rock all your life... In these modern times, love has become obsolete. Love can't pay the bills. So, of course, money is important." L pursed her lips. She looked adorable when pouting, and London was very tempted to land a kiss on the girl's red lips.     

But he restrained himself by thinking how this girl was a gold-digger who would only want him for his money.      

"Just to get this straight. So, if I am rich, will you want to marry me?" London asked again. L shook her head with a faint smile.     

"Absolutely not. I will only marry you if you are super-rich. Just rich is not good enough," the girl replied, shrugging nonchalantly.     

London massaged his forehead. That is true. He forgot that L only wanted super-rich men.     

"Hm .. okay. You are beautiful, no question about it, but if I am a super-rich guy, I would not necessarily want to marry YOU. If all you can offer is just your beauty, what is the added value to me? There are so many beauties in this world. A woman's beauty will wear off after ten years. Let's say, if you were an investment, you could tell that your beauty is a bad investment. Its value will only diminish over time, unlike property, which will become more and more expensive. Spending money on a woman's beauty is like spending money on a car. You won't get your money's worth."     

L narrowed her eyes, staring at London with a dangerous glint in her black eyes. Everything that this man casually said had offended her.     

"You are right. There are so many beauties in the world, but there is only one me," L hissed. "But, you know what? You're just a smart-ass. If you really understand investment as you just said, you wouldn't be sitting here begging for a job as a photographer."     

London was not offended by her words at all. Ah, he actually preferred if she was talking harshly to him, but honestly, rather than acting all nice and trying to curry his favor, because she knew he was a super-rich man.      

The funny thing was, seeing how L pouted her red lips, he became even more fascinated and wanted to continue to annoy L so that she would get mad.     

"Who said I become a photographer because I am poor?" London asked again nonchalantly. "I love this job. I don't need much, so I don't have to make a lot of money."     

L folded her arms across her chest and finally looked away. She no longer wanted to be bothered by him.     

"Whatever then. Selfish men only think about themselves. If you have no ambition to move forward, being successful and rich, then you deserve to live alone forever. Don't drag a woman into poverty with you!"     

L folded her arms across her chest and finally looked away. She no longer wanted to be bothered by him.     

"Whatever then. Selfish men only think about themselves. If you have no ambition to move forward, being successful and rich, then you deserve to live alone forever. Don't drag a woman to go into poverty with you!"     

Lyana could not help but laugh at their quarrel. In that table, Lyana was the only one who knew London's secrets, and L's criticism against London just now had made her amused. She could not wait to see how long London would stand being insulted as a poor person.     

Huh, if L knew who London really was, she would be shocked, Lyana thought.     

Stephan tried to grope L's thigh again. "Never mind him ... Why the hell are you wasting your time caring about his opinion? You should only care about me. I promise you can get what you want in a few more months. But ... you know what you must do."     

"Stephan! I told you I'm not that kind of girl!" L brushed his hand off in anger, but this time he didn't want to accept her rejection. He gripped her hand and squeezed it tightly until she was in pain. "Let ... let go of me, you a**hole!!"     

Stephan pulled L onto his lap and grabbed her chin harshly. "You arrogant bitch! You can be who you are today because of me. I'm not Killian that you can look down on!"     

"Let me go!!" L still insisted on breaking free, but Stephan was much stronger than her, and now he tried to forcefully kiss L.     

With a scornful expression, she tried her best to get away from him, but her face was gradually getting closer to him. Tears began to trickle down her cheeks, and her lips pursed with hatred.      

Finally, as L realized that she was physically weaker than Stephan, she shut her eyes, unwilling to look at the man who was forcefully trying to kiss her.     


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