The Alchemists

Happy Days In Singapore

Happy Days In Singapore

0As soon as they arrived at the mansion, Aleksis immediately ran into the back yard and saw the bonsai garden that she liked.     

"Ah ... I love this place," she whispered blissfully. "I want to stay here during the winter."     

Alaric nodded. He did not mind it. Living anywhere made no difference for him. However, if Aleksis really loved living here, he would certainly be pleased to grant it. For him, his home was any place wherever Aleksis would be.     

"We can stay here until March if you want. We would return to Europe and enjoy the beauty of spring. Our children can also come here if they want to."     

"I am so happy!" Aleksis kissed her husband with a very contented feeling. After feeling satisfied by walking around the magnificent bonsai garden, she walked into the library. Alaric was able to guess what the woman wanted to do.     

Sure enough, Aleksis enthusiastically took out a set of Go games and pointed some white stones to Alaric. "Wanna play a set with me? I've practiced a lot in the past ten years."     

"Sure. But it's very late now, why don't we just take some rest? We can play as much as possible tomorrow." Alaric immediately corrected his words when he saw tears welling up in his wife's eyes. "Uhm ... okay. We can play a set then."     

Inwardly, Alaric was determined to give in so that their game would quickly end.     

Aleksis put a Go board on the table and a moment later, they were already working on each other's stones. Aleksis took the black stones and Alaric had the white ones. After almost an hour of playing, Alaric began to relent. He was very good at playing the games so he could play badly without arousing any suspicion. Several times, he pretended to nag at the wrong step and made Aleksis smiled triumphantly.     

"Jeez ... your skills had improved a lot. I admit defeat ...." said Alaric to her. He scratched his head and put on a frustrated face. Aleksis jumped happily, as Alaric conceded defeat. Her competitive spirit was indeed very high and this was the first time she won a go game against Alaric, so she fluffed in happiness.     

"Yeahhhh!!!! Finally, I defeat you ... After practicing for 18 years ...." Aleksis smiled victoriously. She was still as competitive as ever. "Oh, my hard work has finally paid off … I am so happy."     

And she burst into tears again.     

Alaric could only sigh. He knew that Aleksis was now very sensitive due to her annoying pregnancy hormone, but there was nothing he could do. In his heart, he complimented Nicolae, who had dealt with Aleksis for three months when she ran away from home and lived with him while pregnant.     

"Your hard work is definitely bearing its fruit, and you deserve a prize for working so hard. I will keep my promise and grant your wish if you defeated me," Alaric said, tidying their Go set. "What do you want?"     

"Uhm ... I don't know what I want now. Can I save this request for the future?" Aleksis asked between her sobs.     

"Sure ... sure." Alaric ruffled her hair after putting the Go game box back in the cupboard and pulled Aleksis' hand from her seat. "It's 1 o'clock in the morning. Should we go to bed?"     

Finally, Aleksis nodded. They went to bed. As usual, Alaric hugged his wife from behind. When Alaric almost fell asleep, Aleksis turned and faced him.     

"Honey ...." she whispered.     

Alaric opened his eyes and looked at Aleksis with a bewildered gaze, "Yeah?"     

"I'm so annoying, right? I hate myself for being so sensitive and easily crying my eyes out ...." Aleksis whispered again.     

"You're not annoying. After all, Nicolae said it is only until the second trimester. It wouldn't take long," Alaric said firmly. "Go to sleep now, okay."     

"Please don't leave me if you find me too annoying ...." Aleksis sulked, still insisting that she didn't want to sleep.     

Alaric looked at his watch and sighed. It was already 2 o'clock in the morning.     

"Certainly not. You're not annoying at all, Honey." He then persuaded Aleksis by whispering, "You know that if I made you cry, there are many people who would line up and get ready to kill me. The first person in line is me. So please don't think of such silly things anymore."     

"Hmm ... alright." Aleksis finally nodded and snuggled back while pulling Alaric's hand to her chest, so he could hug her from behind.     

Alaric made sure that the woman was really asleep and there were no more questions before he dared to close his eyes.     

Until the second trimester ... hmm, that means four more months living like this, he thought of it before falling asleep.     




"Do you really not want to know the gender of your next child, Sir?" Aleksis-Digital repeatedly tempted Alaric who was busy reading something on his tablet.     

"For the tenth time today, I said no. If you still bother me, I will deactivate you until my child is born," Alaric said firmly.     

The digital assistant sounded displeased. "Wouldn't it be great if you could find out what gender it is? So Master and Madam can prepare the baby stuff according to the desired gender. I would love to purchase for baby girl's needs."     

"It's 2050, boy or girl is the same. There's no point in shopping for baby gears now. With my wealth, there's nothing that I can't provide for my child after he or she is born." Alaric did not even look up.     

"Who are you talking to?" Aleksis asked. She had just entered the study with her left hand carried the flowers she had just picked from the backyard of their mansion and clutched a vase in her right hand.     

"My annoying assistant. I don't know why I still haven't turned it off," Alaric grumbled.     

"No, I like Aleksis Digital. She's not annoying," Aleksis said with a smile.     

"Thank you, Madam." Aleksis Digital responded to Aleksis. "By the way, you're very beautiful today."     

Aleksis turned to Alaric with a big smile. "See, she is cool."     

"I call you beautiful every day, aren't my words enough?" said Alaric, finally raising his face. For a moment, he seemed to fix his eyes on his wife, and then a big smile tugged on his lips. "She's right ... today you're even prettier than ever."     

Aleksis seemed to blush at his compliment and her reddish face just amazed her husband.     

Alaric put down his tablet on the desk then approached Aleksis and hugged her waist. "This must be a reward for my bad luck for a hundred years, now I'm blessed with the best woman in the world."     

He kissed her, starting from her nape to her neck and then to the side of her neck. He immediately turned her body to face him, lowered his head, and then passionately kissed her lips.     

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