The Alchemists

Finally Happy

Finally Happy

0Alaric noticed that during those few days, Aleksis had indeed become very sensitive. She was easy to cry, but also easy to feel touched. When Alaric brought her a bunch of flowers from the balcony of their penthouse, the girl pursed her lips in tears and her eyes glistened.     

"The flowers are beautiful... you're really thoughtful. I'm so lucky..." She then kissed Alaric and hugged the flowers to her chest. Irresistible tears dripped down her cheeks.     

There was another time when Alaric tried to cook something for her. Aleksis was moved to tears again because she knew Alaric couldn't cook. "This is soooooo good... You learned to cook for me..."     

Eventually, Alaric became accustomed to them and no longer worried about seeing Aleksis cry over little things. He just laughed and hugged his wife instead of trying to tell her to stop crying. For some reason, whenever the girl cried, she just looked even more beautiful and glowing. Even Alaric himself couldn't explain it.     

He didn't like it when his wife was sad, but since he knew there was nothing he could do, he could only accept it. Plus, Aleksis actually looked even more adorable, so he didn't really mind. After all, PMS usually only lasts a few days, he thought.     

After three days in Bucharest, they flew to Yorkshire to meet Lauriel and Nicolae, who came to bring the twins to visit the Linden family palace, and especially the grave of Luna Linden, their mother.     

After learning that Luna was buried near the Linden family palace in Yorkshire, Lauriel needed several weeks to prepare his heart to visit the grave of the woman he loved.     

During the past month, he isolated himself and cried ceaselessly. He was indeed happy to find his children, but their presence tore open the old wounds from when Luna left him forever.     

Nicolae and Alaric were born on the day Luna died. Luna died to give her children life.     

Now, Lauriel was finally ready, and so he decided to gather his children together so they could talk about their mother.     


Alaric and Aleksis arrived an hour after his father and brother. Lauriel and Nicolae welcomed Alaric and Aleksis with warm hugs and a glass of wine. Altair and Vega seemed elated to meet their mother, but Aleksis could see that they remained healthy and happy while staying with Nicolae. This touched her, causing her to cry again.     

"Thank you... You're so kind to my children, you took really good care of them..." She said to Nicolae, sobbing, causing Nicolae also feel confused. He turned to Alaric and mouthed a question, silently asking his brother what was happening.     

P-M-S, Alaric said also without a sound.     

Nicolae was flabbergasted. He looked at Aleksis for a long time and then looked at Alaric.     

"Stop drinking wine..." he said as he took the glass of wine from Aleksis' hand. The girl frowned and pursed her lips.     

"Why? I'm thirsty," she protested.     

Nicolae hurriedly took the glass and poured juice for Aleksis and handed it to her. "Just drink this, it's healthier."     

Aleksis wanted to protest again, but instead, her tears streamed down.     

"Uhm... I know you're a doctor, but it won't hurt for a woman to drink wine when she has PMS," Alaric said, trying to defend his wife.     

He hurriedly got up and hugged Aleksis. That was what he usually did when he saw his wife crying because he knew that no matter how hard he persuaded, her crying wouldn't subside unless Aleksis stopped herself.     

Nicolae frowned and shook his head. "I've seen Aleksis having PMS for four years, so I know how she acts when she has it... and it's not like what you expect. How long has she been like this?"     

Alaric shrugged, "Over a week..."     

"PMS only lasts for a maximum of two days. And so far, Aleksis has never been sensitive and prone to crying when she has PMS... Usually, she gets angry and buys shoes."     

Alaric was actually annoyed to hear that his brother knew Aleksis' habits and life more than he did, because they were indeed together for longer, while he had only reunited with his wife for a month. But he refrained from appearing annoyed in front of Aleksis.     

Alaric frowned as a sign of not understanding. "But from what I read, these all seem like PMS symptoms."     

"Similar doesn't mean the same," Nicolae said again. "Believe me, I've been with Aleksis for years..."     

"What is this then?" Alaric asked in confusion. "Could it be...?"     

A moment later, his eyes widened.     

He released Aleksis from his arms and brought his face close to Aleksis's, so that their noses almost touched.     

"You ... Are you pregnant?"     

Aleksis frowned. "Says who?"     

"Have you checked it yet?" Alaric asked, almost shouting. He was just that enthusiastic.     

Aleksis shook her head. "Not yet. I forgot because you didn't ask again."     

"I didn't ask again because I thought you were having a PMS and would soon get a period... Besides, I didn't want to upset you by asking the same thing over and over again..." Alaric looked tense. He turned to Nicolae. "Do you think she's pregnant?"     

Nicolae nodded slowly and forced his lips to smile, "This is similar to when Aleksis was pregnant with Altair and Vega. She was very sensitive and easily moved. She would cry every day until the second trimester."     

Alaric was very moved when he looked at Aleksis's face and realized that Nicolae was right. No wonder Aleksis looked even more beautiful lately. People say pregnant women will look more beautiful than usual.     

Of course... they've been together for more than a month, yet Aleksis hadn't gotten her period yet, now she was even showing signs of pregnancy...     

Alaric's happiness couldn't be described with words. He was about to lift his wife into the air because of it, but he was also worried about the condition of Aleksis's body that he only kissed her and stroked her stomach with joy.     

"I'm so happy..." he whispered many times.     

Aleksis was immensely moved to see how Alaric's eyes were brimming with tears. She cried again. Alaric didn't try to persuade her. He just let the girl cry on his chest. She'll stop when she's tired, he thought.     

"Mommy, why do you keep crying?" Vega asked in surprise.     

"Mommy is crying happy tears, you don't need to worry," Nicolae said. He congratulated and hugged his brother, then hugged Aleksis. "Congratulations, you'll become parents again..."     

Lauriel only watched the scene in silence. He remembered that Luna left him because she thought Lauriel didn't want her pregnancy, and that was the beginning of all their suffering. Aggrieved, he slipped out and walked towards the small forest behind the Lindens palace and looked for Luna's grave.     

He found it easily because the grave was beautiful and it stood out among the trees filled with autumn-colored leaves. Lauriel emotionally walked closer, approaching it before kneeling at the edge of the grave.     

"Luna, my wife... it's been a long time, huh..." he whispered as if Luna was there and could hear him. "Please, forgive me."     

He sat there pondering for half an hour and was so absorbed in his own thoughts that he wasn't aware of the arrival of Nicolae, Alaric, Aleksis, and their two children.     

"Father... Mother must be glad we reunited," Nicolae said, patting his father's shoulder.     

Lauriel nodded. He slowly pulled Aleksis's hand and the girl knelt beside him. Lauriel then hugged Aleksis and ruffled her hair.     

"Thank you, Aleksis, my dear child. Thanks to you, I didn't choose Death. Thanks to you, I found my children, Nicolae and Alaric. You also gave us Altair and Vega... and a new grandchild soon." Lauriel smiled, feeling moved. "The Lindens and Medicis are indebted to you."     

"I'm also a member of the Linden and Medici families now, Uncle... I'm really happy to be a part of your family," Aleksis replied. "I love you so much."     

Alaric knelt and hugged his wife.     

"Thank you," he whispered. He knew all of Lauriel's words were true.     

Without Aleksis, they would have lost their father 30 years ago. Nicolae and Alaric would never reunite with their father. Alaric's love for Aleksis was already massive and burning, but today, his love was growing even bigger.     

They sat together at Luna Linden's grave and talked about the past and the future. The atmosphere between them felt really emotional and reverent.     

After more than a hundred years, Lauriel and his two children finally gathered again in front of Luna's grave.     

After more than a hundred years, the three lonely men finally found their happiness.     


----------- Volume 2 Ends here ---------     

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