The Alchemists

The Beautiful Linden Family

The Beautiful Linden Family

0After Lee and Blythe got off the stage, Alaric signaled the MC to step down and he took the microphone from his hand.     

"Good evening. As you all know, I'm Elios Linden. I first founded Virconnect ten years ago and after a long period of research, this product was finally launched four years ago.     

"There are already hundreds of millions of experiences shared every day at Virconnect, experiences from the most extreme places in the world, the most shocking events, and even space travel. But one of the most important things, more important than wealth, beauty, and extraordinary experiences experienced by humans... is the relationship between families, which is the main reason many people use Virconnect."     

Alaric's words sounded hypnotizing to his listeners. Aleksis was moved because she knew how important family was to Alaric, who had been living alone and lonely.     

"I'm happy because Virconnect has succeeded in becoming a liaison between lovers, husbands and wives, parents and children, and siblings and friends. I hope that in the future, the relationships between humanity will be closer and we can become a species that develops towards the better. There will be no more war and misunderstanding because mutual understanding and inner closeness can now not only be fostered by relying on physical encounters."     

People who saw him were fascinated to see how such an intelligent-looking handsome man hypnotize hundreds of millions of people who were watching him speak from their Virconnect room and in the ballroom with casually-spoken words.     

"Because this is a special moment, and we were just celebrating for a married couple who managed to keep their love for three years despite living far apart with the help of Virconnect, I want to take this time to introduce my own family."     

Instantly, the ballroom was filled with muffled exclamations. The online Virconnect room was immediately filled with hundreds of thousands of comments from people who expressed their surprise that Elios Linden would introduce his family. He had always been known to be very mysterious and introverted, but he's going to open up and introduce his family tonight? This is really a big surprise!     

The people present felt extremely lucky to be able to see this historic event firsthand.     

"Because this isn't something I want to share with the hundreds of millions of people around the world who are joining through Virconnect, I request temporary access disconnection. I will only introduce my family to the guests who are present in person..."     

Alaric gave a signal with his right hand and a staff member turned off the Virconnect broadcast so that participants who watched from their homes could only see the replay of the Rainfall Band's performance before them.     

Meanwhile, in the Ballroom of St. Laurent Hotel, Alaric got off the stage and walked to his table, approaching Aleksis who looked rather surprised. She didn't think that Alaric would introduce her massively like this. There were almost a thousand guests present at the ballroom and they were all important people from the media and the upper classes.     

Everyone stared at Alaric who helped Aleksis get up from her chair and tenderly held her hand, leading the girl up onto the stage with him. Now all the guests present could see clearly how beautiful the girl who came with Alaric was, and they could only be amazed.     

"Everyone, allow me to introduce you to my wife, Mrs. Aleksis Schneider Linden. She's the only daughter of the Schneider family, and we've been married since ten years ago. As you all know, the Schneider family is very low profile and they're very protective of their privacy, and so am I. That's why you don't hear much about us in the media." When Alaric began to introduce his beautiful wife to the guests, everyone present, without exception, looked astonished.     

Elien, who heard Alaric's words, almost immediately fell from her chair in shock. She didn't expect that the woman she had snapped at the elevator door... wasn't an ordinary model who became Elios Linden's new lover... but his own wife!     

And they turned out to have been married for a very long time...     

God... Why did nobody know of this? She was secretly embarrassed by her behavior for the past four years, thinking that Alaric was attracted to her and even openly trying to seduce Alaric several times.     

Even if Alaric's wife was not as beautiful as Aleksis, she was actually a daughter of the highly regarded Schneider family!     

Elien was nothing compared to her.     

And it turned out... not only was the woman immensely wealthy and was from a distinguished family, but her beauty also far exceeded all the most beautiful women these people have ever seen, even among singers, artists, movie stars, and top models.     

Soon, the people who had been gossiping about how Alaric had a special relationship with Elien corrected their words. It was impossible for someone as important and powerful as Elios Linden to be attracted to an ordinary woman like Elien if his wife was the beautiful Aleksis Schneider.     

The guests were also amazed to see how Alaric's attitude changed 180 degrees when his wife had joined him on stage, compared to when he had stood there alone. His present attitude was warm, his person felt more approachable, and he even smiled!     

"Aleksis and I currently live separately with our children, because they're now in Italy at my father's house, while Aleksis and I will travel the world to complete my work for next year, but thanks to Virconnect 4D, we can always see our children there." Alaric smiled. The people there could see his happiness radiating as he talked about his wife and children.     

Really, their cold and ruthless boss now looked like a completely different person right now.     

Alaric gave a sign with his right hand, and the designated staff immediately turned on the Virconnect connection. Suddenly, the guests were brought into a beautiful living room, like in a magnificent palace with expensive and antique furniture.     

"Hello..." A boy with long hair came out from behind the sofa carrying a book and greeted them. Again, there were muffled exclamations because people could see how the boy almost had the exact same appearance as Alaric. Even his platinum blonde hair that stretched to his chin and his beautiful face was very similar to the RMI boss.     

"Ahh... You contacted them tonight? How come I wasn't told?" Aleksis asked with a smile. She was elated seeing her children's faces.     

"I wanted to surprise you," Alaric softly whispered into his wife's ear.     

Vega then emerged from behind the cupboard and more muffled squeals could be heard. This child was very similar to the first child, but they could see from her nightgown that she was a girl.     

The guests had noticed that Alaric had two children whose faces were very similar to him. They immediately believed that he had been married ten years ago and now had two twins. What a beautiful family!     

"Hello, Mommy. Hello, Father... Grandfather said we could sleep late because you wanted to talk to us," said Altair, waving his book. "I want to sleep after Father reads the continuation of the story for me, and I want to see lavender again."     

"Alright," Alaric answered with a smile. He pulled out a small book from his pocket and opened it. The storybook was titled 'Prince Siegfried the Dragon Slayer'. "Sit nicely on the couch, I'll continue reading."     

Alaric invited Aleksis to sit on the couch provided for them on the stage, and the guests could see Altair and Vega sitting while hugging each other on the beautiful couch at Medici Castle, attentively listening as their father read the story to them.     

Aleksis unconsciously leaned her head against Alaric's chest while watching her children listening to the story, also seeming to enjoy Alaric's voice in her ears. She felt really happy.     

Many guests present pursed their lips because they were touched and amazed to be able to witness such a rare moment. Elios Linden, who was famous for being cold and very reclusive, shared his moment of togetherness with his wife and two children, becoming a very beautiful picture before the guests. And for the first time, they could see how the cold man now looked warm and happy.     

After reading a chapter from the storybook in his hand for five minutes, he then waved to his children and told them to sleep.     

"Goodnight, Father. Goodnight, Mommy." Altair and Vega waved back and disconnected from the Virconnect connection.     

Alaric and Aleksis looked at each other and smiled. They were always very happy to see their children. Even Vega also began to show a warmer attitude to her father lately.     

Shamelessly, Alaric kissed his wife's lips and embraced her into his arms.     

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