The Alchemists

Bitterness Filled His Chest

Bitterness Filled His Chest

0"We better go back and meet everyone," Lauriel said to them. "I'm sure so many people will be happy to hear the news ..."     

Alaric turned to Lauriel and for a moment he was silent. He did not want to go back and meet anyone. For him, his wife was enough. But then, he remembered that Aleksis already had a child with her future husband. Of course, the conditions were now rather complicated so he couldn't simply bring his spouse home. With a heavy heart, he nodded.     

"The wedding must be canceled," he said firmly. "Aleksis is my wife. I will take her home no matter what."     

Lauriel nodded in agreement. Although he was very sad when he remembered Nicolae who loved Aleksis so much, it was still a fact that his goddaughter was married to Alaric. Her husband was still alive. And the two of them even had children together ... Of course, it would be impossible to force a marriage between Aleksis and Nicolae.     

They had to tell the whole family about this.     

"Is ... my brother's name Nicolae?" All of a sudden, Alaric asked Lauriel. It just crossed his mind that his wife repeatedly mentioned that name before. His thoughts fell on the young man who used to be with Terry and Aleksis in Singapore.     

Was that Nicolae really his brother?     

It meant that they had almost met several times.     

"That's right. Your brother's name is Nicolae," replied Lauriel. He looked so moved when the words left his lips. Nicolae had a younger brother, because Lauriel had two sons. It was so far from his previous life. He used to explore the earth in solitude, feeling alone.     

Ever since he met Aleksis in San Francisco, his whole life changed for the better. This goddaughter of his made him find a purpose in life and no longer want Death. She also found his two missing sons. The first one was when Aleksis was studying in Singapore, and the other was because she was obsessed with him and had searched for him for eight years.     

Without Aleksis, Lauriel would still be alone. And now, not only had his two sons returned, but she also gave him two extraordinary grandchildren.     

Lauriel loved this girl more than his own life ...     

"But you should let me carry Aleksis inside so that people would not be surprised. At the same time, I would treat her wounds," Lauriel persuaded Alaric in a soft voice. "We shouldn't create an unnecessary commotion."     

"Uncle Rory is right," Aleksis said. Her family and relatives who came had no idea that Alaric Rhionen was still alive. They would be surprised if they see her in the arms of a foreign man when she was supposed to marry Nicolae tomorrow. "Honey ... let's go in and explain everything slowly, okay?"     

Since Aleksis said so, Alaric could only nod. He handed her to Lauriel who then carried her like a princess. They walked lightly back into the castle, followed by Alaric.     

"Aleksis ..." Lauriel whispered shortly before they reached the entrance. "Thank you."     

The girl looked at her godfather with teary eyes and bobbed her head, "Uncle Rory ... my husband is still alive. Alaric is your son ... I am very happy."     

When they entered the hall, the entire extended family were chatting with each other while waiting for them to share their news and enjoy a meal with them.     

Nicolae was the first one to see his father coming while carrying Aleksis. Together with Vega, he hurried over to them.     

"Hey, what happened to Aleksis?" He was about to take Aleksis from Lauriel, but the latter shook his head and brought the woman to a large, comfortable sofa. He then placed her there.     

After ordering a servant to bring medicine, he began to rinse Aleksis' feet with water and wiped them with cloth. A while later, he officially began the treatment. Only then did they see that the girl's feet were covered in small wounds as they had ran over sharp gravels and bush branches while chasing after Alaric.     

Finland, Caspar, and everyone present could only stay still because Lauriel gave them a sign that he should not be disturbed while treating his goddaughter.     

Meanwhile, Nicolae was having a bad feeling as he still had not forgotten that his father arrived followed by a handsome young man with a unique appearance. He could not be mistaken. He saw that young man talking with Aleksis in the library earlier.     

"What's wrong with Mommy, Daddy Nic?" Vega asked in concern.     

"Mommy is hurt, let Grandpa treat her first, don't disturb them," Nicolae answered with a hint of reluctance in his tone.     

When he looked closely, he realized that the man giving him discomfort was the famous Elios Linden. He remembered seeing him at the Ritz Gala with Terry.     

Why is he here? Does he have anything to do with my mother's family? Nicolae secretly wondered to himself.     

His astonishment grew when he saw Lauriel letting Elios Linden come near him. No words of reprimand were even said when the young man sat next to Aleksis even though Lauriel clearly gestured to everyone that he should not be disturbed.     

What exactly happened? What was the relationship between them ...?     

At the same time that Nicolae was lost in his thoughts, Alaric was watching Vega who was in Nicolae's embrace, holding a small dog. Ah ... the dog in her arms looked like Little Prince Siegfried a lot. Was that the same dog?     

Hmm ... the boy said his dog died of old age, that his father would give him a new dog.     

Maybe this was the new one.     

Alaric's chest tightened. He unconsciously turned to Nicolae and looked at him enviously. His brother had a child with Aleksis ... Their child was very smart and adorable.     

"Gosh ... what happened to Mommy??" suddenly there was a crisp voice coming from the door. Altair, who had just arrived with London, entered.     

"Mommy is okay, my feet just got hurt a little by some gravel," explained Aleksis in a soft voice, trying to appease her children. "I'm being treated now. So, don't worry."     

Alaric turned to where the voice came from. He then immediately froze in place. He had to squint several times before realizing that this new child was wearing different clothes from the one in Nicolae's embrace with a dog. He wore a white shirt made of silk and casual light blue trousers that made him look like a little prince.     

On the other hand, the child carrying the dog was wearing loose tops in light blue, paired with white shorts and elegant blue sandals.     

There were two of them?     

His brow wrinkled and his eyes were immediately filled with questions.     

Altair noticed that Alaric was sitting next to his mother so he immediately greeted him in a crisp voice. "Hi ... Uncle Lavender, are you also a guest at my mother's birthday party?"     

"Today ... is your birthday?" the man softly asked his wife. He did not know that it was today.     

In various documents found by Pavel about Aleksis, the date of birth written there was fake.     

Aleksis nodded slowly.     

"Oh ..." Alaric was speechless.     

He didn't even know Aleksis' real birthday. The thought made him feel so complicated again.     

Even though Aleksis was his wife, the facts could not be denied ... they had only been together for a week, so he did not know much about her, including her real birthday.     

However, Nicolae ... ten years ago he was already with Aleksis and had spent a lot of time with her. This even included celebrating birthdays together. The man had also been accepted by Aleksis' family. He was friendly with Aleksis' brothers and was on good terms with her parents ... and already had two adorable children with her...     

Bitterness filled Alaric's chest as he realized that he had lost ten precious years ...     

No matter how great his wealth and power were ... he would not be able to turn back time and restore the lost opportunities.     

Although Aleksis still loved him, the facts could not be denied. For the past ten years, she had been in a relationship with Nicolae because she thought he was gone.     

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