The Alchemists

Is He... Alaric?

Is He... Alaric?

0"I don't care what happened in these past ten years ... I will never let you go," Alaric whispered between his kisses.     

Although Aleksis was with another man and already had a child with him, Alaric did not care. Aleksis was his and his alone.     

They missed each other so much, therefore all the sadness of ten years that they had borne in their hearts just couldn't help but overflow. There was no way for them to hold back.     

It took a long while before Alaric stopped his kisses and loosened his arms to look at Aleksis with great compassion.     

The two stared at each other with astonishment and wet eyes. None of them were able to utter anything. There was too much to say but not a single word could represent how happy they were feeling.     

When Aleksis moved toward Alaric, she subconsciously whimpered in pain. Aleksis just realized that her feet were aching. When she rushed after Alaric, she had taken off her shoes that weren't made for running, so now her feet had several wounds from various branches and gravel which she had stepped on along the way.     

"Oh .. your feet are injured .." Alaric who heard Aleksis gush in pain hurriedly knelt down on one knee and examined her feet. "Why did you take off your shoes?"     

He then remembered that the girl was wearing elegant footwear that would have bothered her while running after him. She got hurt because of me, Alaric thought wistfully.     

Before she could protest, he swiftly raised Aleksis up and carefully placed her on a fallen tree. After that, he examined her feet attentively.     

"The wounds are small but aplenty... It's not advisable for you to walk." He gently cleaned Aleksis' feet with his shirt's sleeve and then kissed her knees. "I'll carry you."     

The woman smiled, secretly thinking to herself that Alaric had not changed at all. The man had always treated her like a princess and was still doing it now.     

She nodded with tears in her eyes, unable to say anything.      

They then stared at each other, with Alaric kneeling at Aleksis' feet and hugging her knees. For a few moments, none of them said anything.     

"Aleksis ..." Alaric finally let out his voice. "Come home with me."     

Only then did Aleksis remember, Medici Castle almost became her home because she had almost married Nicolae. The date of the wedding was supposed to be tomorrow.      

No, this was not her home. Her home was with Alaric. She must go home with her husband who had now come to pick her up after ten years of separation!     

Aleksis nodded. "We must meet my father and Uncle Rory and tell them everything. I don't want to do things in secret like before and make them worry."     

Alaric remembered that her Uncle Rory was Lauriel, and that the man was his own father.     

"Your father doesn't like me. We met four years ago. Lauriel might be the same as him. We will meet them, but if they don't let you go, I will force them to hand you over to me," said the man firmly. "I'd rather die than part from you again."     

"Ssh ... don't say that." Aleksis hurriedly covered his mouth with her small hand. "How do you know that my father and Uncle Rory won't like you?"     

A moment later, Aleksis recalled that her father previously expressed dislike of Ned and Portia's adopted son and thus realized that Alaric was right. The thought immediately made her chest tighten.     

And, oh ... Uncle Rory really wanted to see her married to Nicolae. Of course, he also won't like Alaric who had only come to cancel the wedding.     

 Aleksis could only bite her lower lip. What should she do??     

"Your Uncle Rory is my father, Aleksis ... I don't think he likes me either." Alaric's statement surprised Aleksis.     

"Wait ... your father? How did you know he is your father?" she asked with her eyes round. "How…?"     

It took her some time to recall Alaric's story about his mother who died in Romania after giving birth to him. Luna also died in Romania ... Was Alaric also the son of Uncle Lauriel from Luna??     

Oh, God..!! Who would have thought that she had actually fallen in love and married Lauriel's other biological son!     

"I only learned that he was my father when I met Portia. She told me everything. Lauriel did not want children, that's why my mother left him and went to Germany before she finally died while saving herself - and me - in Romania."     

Alaric's story made Aleksis' heart very sad. She could already imagine how sad Luna was when she fell pregnant with him and gave birth in the middle of a city attack during the war.     

"Lauriel knew I was his son when he 'killed me' ten years ago. I told everything about me to his crew who disguised herself as you to trap me... He was never sorry and did not look for me. I have already let go of my grudge towards him, but, if he won't allow me to take you home, I will not hesitate to kill him."     

Aleksis pursed her lips in shock. She did not know this story at all.     

She didn't know who to believe ...      

She knew Alaric would never lie to her.     

Yet at the same time, Lauriel could not have deliberately killed his own son. There was no way he would hate Alaric if he knew the man was Luna's son.     

Aleksis still remembered how moved Lauriel was when he found out Nicolae was his son with Luna.     

"We must meet them and talk ..." Finally, Aleksis decided.     

"All right. I'll follow your wishes." He nodded in agreement. He then rose to his feet and lifted Aleksis up from the fallen tree. "However, let me clean your feet first in the lake. So that the wound can be treated immediately."     

Without waiting for her reply, he carried her to the edge of the lake and sat her on his lap. Then with his free hand, he cleaned Aleksis' feet. The girl could only stare at him with both bewilderment and gratitude.     

"Uncle Rory has good wound medicine, I'll be fine," she said to him.     

"I know," he replied.     

"Thank you."     

"You're hurt because of me. It's only natural that I take care of you," Alaric said.     

His words touched Aleksis and prompted her to lovingly kiss Alaric again. She could never have enough of this man's lips.     

Both of them got caught in euphoria again as Alaric returned her kiss passionately. He had not been with any woman in the past ten years. Nobody was able to awaken his cold heart, no matter how beautiful and kind they were. Only Aleksis could make him feel in love.     

Lost in the passionate kiss, the couple was not aware of Lauriel's arrival. The man was very surprised upon seeing Aleksis in the lap of a stranger, kissing him lovingly.     

"Aleksis! What are you doing here?" Lauriel loudly called out to force apart the two people who were in love. He walked towards them quickly and pulled Aleksis' shoulder away from Alaric. "Who is he?"     

Aleksis was very surprised by Lauriel's presence. Her godfather's face was filled with wrath. She got up and reflexively shifted her body to stand in front of Alaric. It was as if she was trying to shield away the man she loved from Lauriel.     

"Sshh ... Honey, you don't need to protect me. I can deal with it myself," Alaric whispered. When he spoke to her, as always his voice sounded very gentle. Although he had now changed, becoming a cold person with a terrible reputation, his attitude towards Aleksis did not.     

"Aleksis ... who is he?" Lauriel asked in a hoarse voice. He had been looking for Aleksis because he heard from a servant that his goddaughter ran towards the lake, crying. He was really worried. But then, he was very surprised to find Aleksis alone with an unknown man by the lake and even kissing him, even though tomorrow she would marry Nicolae.     

He knew she was a good girl who had never opened her heart to another man. This was why seeing her suddenly being intimate with a man who was not Nicolae made Lauriel very angry.     

But when the couple turned to him and he saw how protective Aleksis was of the young man, his heart began to tremble.     

Don't tell me that this is…     

Is he... Alaric?     

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